I'm assuming you want this to be a Battlecry effect. Also there's no need to capitalize Steal.
Thanks for the feedback. The reason the flavor seems strange is that my original idea for the card was for a spell - not a minion, but I couldn't get the effect I wanted in under 5 lines of text. The idea is that the Rogue will escape pursuit by losing herself in a crowd of innocent bystanders.
I like the design of Lady Vashj but I think that the Royal Guards could be 3 or 4 cost without being overpowered. You're likely only going to draw one of them per turn, if you do manage to draw more you should be rewarded.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
@ Linkblade: Go with Edwin, I can't say much more. Great flavour, fun deckbuilding (imo).
@ Wailor: I'd go with Lady Vashj, but it seems kind of weak. If the token had a text like: "Has the card text of the previous minion.", and they for some reason were still to be considdered murlocs.
@ Whattheheck: I don't really like your Leeroy card, sorry. Not sure if it counts either?
@Wailor and @whatTheHeck, thanks for the feedback. It really helped and i decided to return the favor:
Interesting concept, but right now it feels kinda UP, maybe if Royal Guards drew cards after being played, it would be better.
New ideas are much better than the previous one, but i think Kor'Gall might be too OP in some situations and he doesn't fit Hunter IMO. Nefarius is better, but i think he is understatted too much, also i doubt it fits competition criteria. Btw I'd make him to be a class minion, even factoring that all evil classes already got their viilains, and he shouldn't be Dragon if depicted in human form, similar to Wrathion.
Looking at all the feedback i decided to change my card:
@GoliaththeDwarf: I love the effect but iffy on the flavor. Isn't a Mage Hunter is supposed to be Anti-Magic rather give you one? Not to mention that it's a Mage card. I would rename it into something like Arcane Stealer.
@GerVex0512: Too similar to the Rogue Quest.
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Click here to visit my Timestream Tracking Finalist Year of the Dragon in collaboration with Demonxz95
This counts. I really like the start of this design (If 14 cards in your deck have duplicates) but Twinspelling everything seems bonkers at any cost.
We don’t really know how good Twinspell actually IS, so I don’t know if that’s as broken as you think
Cards with Twinspell will be a little more expensive than the effect, but they will have extra value (give extra card). If you want to balance Glubtok you need to increase mana cost all spells by 1 (for example) because 14 duplicates are not punish but it is holy grail for mage. :-) So Glubtok text can sound like: "give your spells Twinspell and your spells cost 1 more". Still OP but not so broken.
I would like to see a similar card in the game for Kabal classes with the condition "no duplicates". It would be nice for Reno-Kazakus decks.
This is Hobgoblin .At least in Wild( because this is a new hearthstone year, we yet to know what cards are to be printed) ,it is a way to make Armorsmith, Eternium Rover , Town Crier , Tar Creeper more useful later on.
My reviews:
-Glubtok: Seem a bit op , since we usually want to run duplicates.
-Shade of Aran and Ascended Mage Hunter: I am not sure if Minions-ONLY mage works? I mean Archmage Arugaldon't require your decks to have no spells.
-Bink the Burglar: Love the idea, but seems underpowered.
-The Assimilator seems a bit OP, with all the bombs that Hunter have, perhaps add some restriction to it
-The Grave Warden, I think this game has too many deathrattle synergy cards and its not a good direction to go. Deathrattle tokens are kinda broken in hearthstone.
-Innocent Bystander is certainly cool but the requiremnt is too high.
-The Great Hermit is an interesting card, but mostly only work with stoneclaw totem only, as enemy would avoid hitting other totems if they can help it, 7/10.
Mods: Maybe I'm the one misunderstanding this week's comp, but it seems like there are a lot of submissions that are missing the mark this week. I'm seeing a lot of subs that are buildaround cards, but not strictly cards that won't function without a specific deck comp.
This counts. I really like the start of this design (If 14 cards in your deck have duplicates) but Twinspelling everything seems bonkers at any cost.
We don’t really know how good Twinspell actually IS, so I don’t know if that’s as broken as you think
Cards with Twinspell will be a little more expensive than the effect, but they will have extra value (give extra card). If you want to balance Glubtok you need to increase mana cost all spells by 1 (for example) because 14 duplicates are not punish but it is holy grail for mage. :-) So Glubtok text can sound like: "give your spells Twinspell and your spells cost 1 more". Still OP but not so broken.
I would like to see a similar card in the game for Kabal classes with the condition "no duplicates". It would be nice for Reno-Kazakus decks.
Already made a different version supporting Secret Mage instead:
Still think the newest secret-based Glubtok is a bit OP, because a lot of mage secrets are related to their win conditions , like Mirror Entity [/card] and [card]ice block
Ok, so what art do you think is better? Personally, I like 1st more, but i'd like to know your opinion.
Have decent stats for its cost in case when you draw Feugen and Stalagg earlier. Still, can be played in that situation, with some 'shuffle a copy into your deck' played on Stalagg or Feugen.
Ok, so what art do you think is better? Personally, I like 1st more, but i'd like to know your opinion.
Have decent stats for its cost in case when you draw Feugen and Stalagg earlier. Still, can be played in that situation, with some 'shuffle a copy into your deck' played on Stalagg or Feugen.
I prefer the first one , dont really like the sleevless labcoat look of the second one.
I like Flame Sigil at most. Shade of Aran is kinda too similar to Swampqueen Hagatha, and Glubtok problem is that duplicates in deck aren't realy a problem, beside not being able to use with Reno. Also, I don't like Glubtok art.
Nice concept, but I'm not sure if three isn't to much.
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Nice quest, @acegamerperson! I have an old quest to share, as well. :)
Mainly went for the flavor from WoW's midsummer fire festival lol.
I'm assuming you want this to be a Battlecry effect. Also there's no need to capitalize Steal.
Thanks for the feedback. The reason the flavor seems strange is that my original idea for the card was for a spell - not a minion, but I couldn't get the effect I wanted in under 5 lines of text. The idea is that the Rogue will escape pursuit by losing herself in a crowd of innocent bystanders.
I like the design of Lady Vashj but I think that the Royal Guards could be 3 or 4 cost without being overpowered. You're likely only going to draw one of them per turn, if you do manage to draw more you should be rewarded.
Check out my Mech Undatakah Pally deck: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1261460-undatakah-mech-pally![](https://i.imgur.com/1oev0ef.png)
The Submission thread is open.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Is this better?
Yes. That looks like a real Hearthstone card.
Edit: 'opponents' should be 'opponent's' with an apostrophe.
Check out my Mech Undatakah Pally deck: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1261460-undatakah-mech-pally![](https://i.imgur.com/1oev0ef.png)
@ Linkblade: Go with Edwin, I can't say much more. Great flavour, fun deckbuilding (imo).
@ Wailor: I'd go with Lady Vashj, but it seems kind of weak. If the token had a text like: "Has the card text of the previous minion.", and they for some reason were still to be considdered murlocs.
@ Whattheheck: I don't really like your Leeroy card, sorry. Not sure if it counts either?
So many "no duplicates" cards in submission topic
Had another idea:
I quite like it, but not sure if I think it's too similar to you know what ;) but a great card nonetheless.
@Wailor and @whatTheHeck, thanks for the feedback. It really helped and i decided to return the favor:
Interesting concept, but right now it feels kinda UP, maybe if Royal Guards drew cards after being played, it would be better.
New ideas are much better than the previous one, but i think Kor'Gall might be too OP in some situations and he doesn't fit Hunter IMO. Nefarius is better, but i think he is understatted too much, also i doubt it fits competition criteria. Btw I'd make him to be a class minion, even factoring that all evil classes already got their viilains, and he shouldn't be Dragon if depicted in human form, similar to Wrathion.
Looking at all the feedback i decided to change my card:
It has Rise of Shadows watermark because it's one of Dalaran's artifacts. The idea is to summon minions with spells via Fiendish Circle, Feeding Time, Call of the Void, imps from Sense Demons, Bane of Doom, Nether Portal and upcoming Rafaam's Scheme.
@GoliaththeDwarf: I love the effect but iffy on the flavor. Isn't a Mage Hunter is supposed to be Anti-Magic rather give you one? Not to mention that it's a Mage card. I would rename it into something like Arcane Stealer.
@GerVex0512: Too similar to the Rogue Quest.
Click here to visit my Timestream Tracking Finalist Year of the Dragon in collaboration with Demonxz95
Class Creation Finalist: The Astromancer
Best cards vote by community:
Cards with Twinspell will be a little more expensive than the effect, but they will have extra value (give extra card). If you want to balance Glubtok you need to increase mana cost all spells by 1 (for example) because 14 duplicates are not punish but it is holy grail for mage. :-) So Glubtok text can sound like: "give your spells Twinspell and your spells cost 1 more". Still OP but not so broken.
I would like to see a similar card in the game for Kabal classes with the condition "no duplicates". It would be nice for Reno-Kazakus decks.
This is Hobgoblin .At least in Wild( because this is a new hearthstone year, we yet to know what cards are to be printed) ,it is a way to make Armorsmith, Eternium Rover , Town Crier , Tar Creeper more useful later on.
My reviews:
-Glubtok: Seem a bit op , since we usually want to run duplicates.
-Shade of Aran and Ascended Mage Hunter: I am not sure if Minions-ONLY mage works? I mean Archmage Arugaldon't require your decks to have no spells.
-Bink the Burglar: Love the idea, but seems underpowered.
-The Assimilator seems a bit OP, with all the bombs that Hunter have, perhaps add some restriction to it
-The Grave Warden, I think this game has too many deathrattle synergy cards and its not a good direction to go. Deathrattle tokens are kinda broken in hearthstone.
-Innocent Bystander is certainly cool but the requiremnt is too high.
-The Great Hermit is an interesting card, but mostly only work with stoneclaw totem only, as enemy would avoid hitting other totems if they can help it, 7/10.
Mods: Maybe I'm the one misunderstanding this week's comp, but it seems like there are a lot of submissions that are missing the mark this week. I'm seeing a lot of subs that are buildaround cards, but not strictly cards that won't function without a specific deck comp.
Already made a different version supporting Secret Mage instead:
Still think the newest secret-based Glubtok is a bit OP, because a lot of mage secrets are related to their win conditions , like Mirror Entity [/card] and [card]ice block
Well, I’m gonna submit one now. Which one?
Ok, so what art do you think is better? Personally, I like 1st more, but i'd like to know your opinion.
Have decent stats for its cost in case when you draw Feugen and Stalagg earlier. Still, can be played in that situation, with some 'shuffle a copy into your deck' played on Stalagg or Feugen.
I prefer the first one , dont really like the sleevless labcoat look of the second one.
I like Flame Sigil at most. Shade of Aran is kinda too similar to Swampqueen Hagatha, and Glubtok problem is that duplicates in deck aren't realy a problem, beside not being able to use with Reno. Also, I don't like Glubtok art.
Nice concept, but I'm not sure if three isn't to much.