Learn a
is basically something like Adapt, but with different options(those listed above) for Field Commander to apply. The choice window let you choose 1 out of 3 options.
Onward Now! flavourwise means all your characters
quickly against your opponent when a friendly minion died, it is best used with a Taunt minion to pull it off. Keep the Formation is the the well-rounded choice, making him like a
Snapjaw Shellfighter
that protect your recruited
Charged Devilsaur
s or other threats. Hired Mob is also good with
Guild Recruiter
or other recruit strategies like
Gather Your Party
, most of them are going Wild but Blizzard might release new ones in the future, if not then, there is still
The Boomship
. Baton Pass! is a more tactical choice, can be used to recycle your minions , also works very well if you have other Rush/Taunt minions in your hand. Lariat is an answer to all those pesky deathrattle token minions like
Mechanical Whelp
Gaining control of opponent's cards and minions is actually big "discover window" and many options how to proceed.
You can play it just for scout what opponent has. You can play many small minions, so the turn after you can force enemy minions to attack those instead of your face. You can kill opponent with their own spells/ kill their minions with their own spells. you can ruin his combo pieces. And you have very small amount of time, so you should choose what you actaully want to do.
A flexible card for Mage:
There are 4 Grand Ice Spells for you to choose:
Block of Ice
My Hearthcards ID: kolozenzei
Flavour: Want to join a club? It only costs your mind.
Designed to be comboed with lazuls scheme and seance to allow priest to use a random old god. C'thun, yog, n'zoth and y'shaarj
If you have a deck idea might as well go full ham on it.
Who knew shooting High amouths of bark against your skin could be bad for you?
bepisHere's my idea for this week. I wanted to make something that will give you different effect depending on tribal deck you're playing.
Edit: Note: If you choose a Nightmare Amalgamate , it will just give you a random minion from any tribe. Also, good luck to all!
Learn a Strategy is basically something like Adapt, but with different options(those listed above) for Field Commander to apply. The choice window let you choose 1 out of 3 options.
Onward Now! flavourwise means all your characters rush quickly against your opponent when a friendly minion died, it is best used with a Taunt minion to pull it off. Keep the Formation is the the well-rounded choice, making him like a Snapjaw Shellfighter that protect your recruited Charged Devilsaur s or other threats. Hired Mob is also good with Guild Recruiter or other recruit strategies like Woecleaver , Gather Your Party , most of them are going Wild but Blizzard might release new ones in the future, if not then, there is still The Boomship . Baton Pass! is a more tactical choice, can be used to recycle your minions , also works very well if you have other Rush/Taunt minions in your hand. Lariat is an answer to all those pesky deathrattle token minions like Mechanical Whelp
So basically, you can discover a Gorehowl but give your opponent 7 armor and your opponent can discover a Fiery War Axe and only give you 3 armor.
A very simple scry effect that I imagine we will get at the game at some point.
Uses Discover interface. Drag cards around to change the order, then hit "Done".
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
He's dangerous, yes, but not unfair.
Hero power works like Build-A-Beast but the first pick is 3 random Pirates and the second is 3 random Lackeys .
Dream Cards:
Emerald Drake , Laughing Sister , Ysera Awakens , Dream , Nightmare
Dragon Aspects:
Ysera , Malygos , Alexstrasza , Nozdormu , Deathwing , Deathwing, Dragonlord (Wild Mode only), Kalecgos
Notes: Keeping the Build-A-Beast mechanic in the meta after rotation, offering warrior a version of Free From Amber for dragon-based decks.
Gaining control of opponent's cards and minions is actually big "discover window" and many options how to proceed.
You can play it just for scout what opponent has. You can play many small minions, so the turn after you can force enemy minions to attack those instead of your face. You can kill opponent with their own spells/ kill their minions with their own spells. you can ruin his combo pieces. And you have very small amount of time, so you should choose what you actaully want to do.
Edit: Forgot to add a Card Rarity.