New idea, but also including the old one. I know people don't like druids having hard removal, as it's not in the "class identity". I tend to disagree, they had Naturalize after all. Considdering it going to HoF, I thought of adding an expensive removal to their repertoire, but one that has some utility. The old idea was some murloc dood.
Bump :)
Tbh, Lathy, I didn't comment on your cards earlier, because I didn't like either of them.
1) The druid spell feels like the most cleverly designed one, because it offers hard-removal against big threats and it can give you more mana to work with in your turn (if you decide you use it on one of your minions). The latter effect was an alternative nerf suggestion for Innervate back when it was problematic. I don't mean the killing part, but the "spending some mana in order to get extra" one. And since you made this spell flexible, the cost is a well-deserved 6 (1 mana over regular Assassinate). Not to mention, in the past druids were the ramp gods and they could easily have played expensive spells.
But here's my problem - you made it too fair. While I don't have any problems with the first effect, the second one feels underwhelming. It's true that druids want to kill their own minions (Mecha'thun, Hakkar, the Soulflayer, Hadronox, Da Undatakah, Carnivorous Cube) but on the same turn. If your card existed, players wouldn't run it (or at least only 1 copy in Taunt Druid), because they wouldn't want to risk giving you the ability to silence or transform their win-condition.
2) The minion kinda feels weird in priest. The battlecry is fine, but the tribe isn't. It feels more like a minion in Egg Murlock or Murloc Token Shaman.
Sorry to say, but the devs would never create such cards. Those would feel too disruprive and would create frustrating moments for your opponents.
You said it yourself - you can ruin their combo (pieces), you would make them do sub-optimal plays, which will put them in a great disadvantage (either in terms on resource management, fatigue counter) or you will buy yourself some time, in order to escape lethal. Your opponent can't play around your card, so all of this makes it a big no-no.
Ok, since I couldn't came up with anything new and exciting, I am using some of my old cards:
1) Worse Flash Heal or a cheaper Lava Burst in the end-game. It supports Myracle styled decks.
2) Trickster:
If you have even number of cards in hand (2, 4, 6, 8) after you play this legendary, you will get two copies of the damage spell.
If you have odd number of cards in hand (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) after you play this legendary, you will get two copies of the minion summoning spell.
If you are wondering where you can use them - in aggressive decks (as a burst) or in Miracle/Malygos as a cheap Auctioneer cycle.
Idk, i would go with something different.
Undercity beverage is kinda useless, why would you run this if you have Mecha'thun, wich kills enemy immediately. Also, i doubt that heal for rogue should be that obvious.
Mystirious Trickster isn't strong, he fills your hand with kinda really bad spells, why would you run this if already have so many miracle tools? Also, it has many tokens, which is not great IMO.
Undercity beverage is kinda useless, why would you run this if you have Mecha'thun, wich kills enemy immediately. Also, i doubt that heal for rogue should be that obvious.
Mystirious Trickster isn't strong, he fills your hand with kinda really bad spells, why would you run this if already have so many miracle tools? Also, it has many tokens, which is not great IMO.
1) Have you ever seen a Mecha'thun rogue on the ladder? I sure haven't. The deck is really weak, because rogues can't dump their hand that easily, before they kill the 10-drop. They also lack sustain.
I remember the time, when miracle rogue was very strong back. Often times it reached fatigue on turn 9 or 10 and tried to kill me with burst spells and stealthed minions. Over the years miracle became weaker and weaker, but despite this fact I still see tempo rogues fulfilling almost the same strategy. They prey on the moment, when their opponent is vulnerable and try to kill them ASAP. And Myra's Unstable Element helps them fetch the needed burst, before the opponent gets the chance to make a comeback. If you honestly ask me, I believe that my card is super strong in this regard. This is also pretty OP with Valeera the Hollow.
Also, I don't see why wouldn't rogue get a small healing. I know this isn't part of the class identity, but every class changed over the years. And it's not like they perform something extraordinary like a Healing Touch on themselves. Rogues are the liquid class and this spell offers sub-optimal healing. The moment it expires (i.e. the moment you reach fatigue), it becomes poisonous and can harm anyone, who drinks it.
2) I suppose I can buff the trickster a bit, though I was worried that if the spells dealt 3 damage, that would become too powerful. I mean rogue would instantly get 2 Darkbombs, which offer 6 face damage for 4 mana. And then it can combine them with the Auctioneer and what not.
I think I will go with the trickster because the idea sounds very exciting and original. I just have to redesign him a bit better. Thx for the feedback. If you give me a moment, I will gladly return the favour and give you feedback on your cards.
Undercity beverage is kinda useless, why would you run this if you have Mecha'thun, wich kills enemy immediately. Also, i doubt that heal for rogue should be that obvious.
Mystirious Trickster isn't strong, he fills your hand with kinda really bad spells, why would you run this if already have so many miracle tools? Also, it has many tokens, which is not great IMO.
1) Have you ever seen a Mecha'thun rogue on the ladder? I sure haven't. The deck is really weak, because rogues can't dump their hand that easily, before they kill the 10-drop. They also lack sustain.
I remember the time, when miracle rogue was very strong back. Often times it reached fatigue on turn 9 or 10 and tried to kill me with burst spells and stealthed minions. Over the years miracle became weaker and weaker, but despite this fact I still see tempo rogues fulfilling almost the same strategy. They prey on the moment, when their opponent is vulnerable and try to kill them ASAP. And Myra's Unstable Element helps them fetch the needed burst, before the opponent gets the chance to make a comeback. If you honestly ask me, I believe that my card is super strong in this regard. This is also pretty OP with Valeera the Hollow.
Also, I don't see why wouldn't rogue get a small healing. I know this isn't part of the class identity, but every class changed over the years. And it's not like they perform something extraordinary like a Healing Touch on themselves. Rogues are the liquid class and this spell offers sub-optimal healing. The moment it expires (i.e. the moment you reach fatigue), it becomes poisonous and can harm anyone, who drinks it.
2) I suppose I can buff the trickster a bit, though I was worried that if the spells dealt 3 damage, that would become too powerful. I mean rogue would instantly get 2 Darkbombs, which offer 6 face damage for 4 mana. And then it can combine them with the Auctioneer and what not.
I think I will go with the trickster because the idea sounds very exciting and original. I just have to redesign him a bit better. Thx for the feedback. If you give me a moment, I will gladly return the favour and give you feedback on your cards.
Well, honestly i still think Undercity beverage is UP, is 5 dmg really important for rogue to finish the game? I think she already can do without it. Miracle rogue also needs place for this card in her deck, i don't know every single card in miracle, but i doubt it will have place for this one. About rogue healing, i didn't say rogue has to live without it, but it would be better if they got some inobvious healing like Leeching Poison. Anyway, that all just my opinion.
About Trickster, you got a really interesting trigger in it, just really fitting the theme, but maybe you should get other use for it. Anyway, Trickster is a very clever decisive action for rogue, then you choose to aggro or to fall back. Good luck with your concepts!
OK, putting out a call for any nice person with mad photoshop skills. I need Kazakus but...a robotic one, for:
Mecha'zakus, salvaged from the original and given a few "upgrades," works somewhat like the original, with a Boomian twist. When building your Mechanical Lackey, you get 4/5 of the Lackey options. Here they are as Mecha'zakus choices:
The fifth Lackey option is then added with random targeting:
Like Kazakus Potions, you can also build bigger Mechanical Lackeys, with scaling effects:
Additional help (trading feedback) - Balancing the scaling effects!
Discover a spell: 1/2/3 Damage: 2/4/8 Discover and summon an (X) cost minion): 2/4/8 +X Attack and Rush: 1/2/4 Evolve: 1/2/3
Also, for some reason Hearthcards isn't generating Rise of Shadows watermarks - that an issue on my end, or theirs?
Thanks in advance for any and all feedback!
Cool idea, but i think some effects need to be changed:
Faceless ichor lv3 should summon 6 cost drop, because now it's too much value
Goblin accelerator lv2 needs to buffed, maybe to +3 attack, while lv3 to +6
Corcery code lv3 probably just should affect all your minions.
What about Rise of Shadows icon, sometimes icons are not shown on your card until you make it (same problem with Hero Cards), that's the only advise i can give.
Btw i repost my idea for some more feedback:
Thanks for your feedback. I did the scaling effects in a hurry, so I'll go back and take another look at them.
To be honest with you, I find the Emerald Druid more interesting. Larissa is alright, but she makes Marin less unique when they're in the same set. With the other card, dragon druid isn't something we've seen before, and druids have a close connection with the Green Dragonflight. And the card itself is functionally pretty interesting. That's why I like it more.
I'm sorry to say, but I'm not particularly impressed by your cards.
1) Larissa - The problem I have with her is that she's out of character. The name and the art are a nice match with one another, but the effect is weird. Is she just a sneaky rogue, who managed to avoid the kobolds w/o being seen? Since this is the most logical explanation, can you give her a different title? I also agree with kegstandgoldmedalis, that your minion makes Marin the Fox feel less unique. The design seems really uninspiring (just like Arch-Villain Rafaam's). You just shuffle a copy of a card, which another legendary generates, into your deck and your card does it better.
2) Emerald Druid - this also falls into the same category. Not only that, but the effect is too powerful, because it can give you a specific token (Ysera Awakens) consistently. Druids weren't suppose to have good AoEs and this gives them exactly this (+ a nice 5 damage burst to the opponent's face). Dream is also very powerful, as it can answer a taunt (or a big threat) for 0 mana and put the enemy behind tempo greately. Unlike DestroyerR, I am not bothered by the possible UI issue. Imho the devs can always make the cards smaller, so that they can be seen on the screen.
If you don't make any new cards, I guess Larissa is your best option, but if I were you, I would definitely create something else.
Since you gave me feedback, it would be fair if I returned the favour. I know you already posted in the submission thread and I like your card a lot. But I have a question - how would it work with Nightmare Amalgam?
I'm sorry to say, but I'm not particularly impressed by your cards.
1) Larissa - The problem I have with her is that she's out of character. The name and the art are a nice match with one another, but the effect is weird. Is she just a sneaky rogue, who managed to avoid the kobolds w/o being seen? Since this is the most logical explanation, can you give her a different title? I also agree with kegstandgoldmedalis, that your minion makes Marin the Fox feel less unique. The design seems really uninspiring (just like Arch-Villain Rafaam's). You just shuffle a copy of a card, which another legendary generates, into your deck and your card does it better.
2) Emerald Druid - this also falls into the same category. Not only that, but the effect is too powerful, because it can give you a specific token (Ysera Awakens) consistently. Druids weren't suppose to have good AoEs and this gives them exactly this (+ a nice 5 damage burst to the opponent's face). Dream is also very powerful, as it can answer a taunt (or a big threat) for 0 mana and put the enemy behind tempo greately. Unlike DestroyerR, I am not bothered by the possible UI issue. Imho the devs can always make the cards smaller, so that they can be seen on the screen.
If you don't make any new cards, I guess Larissa is your best option, but if I were you, I would definitely create something else.
Thanks for the feedback! Before i start mindstorming, i would like to ask: if Larissa had a choice of unique for her treasures, will it make her better?
Not sure if allowed and/or balanced, Warrior card probably fits the theme the best.
I would say Forest Shaper would count, as the card allows you to actively make decisions regarding how the stats are assigned. The other two would not count, because they do not provide any choices to be made: you just play them at a certain time and get one specific result. They're reliant on the board state, not on what you decide to do with the card itself.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
New idea, but also including the old one. I know people don't like druids having hard removal, as it's not in the "class identity". I tend to disagree, they had Naturalize after all. Considdering it going to HoF, I thought of adding an expensive removal to their repertoire, but one that has some utility. The old idea was some murloc dood.
Bump :)
Tbh, Lathy, I didn't comment on your cards earlier, because I didn't like either of them.
1) The druid spell feels like the most cleverly designed one, because it offers hard-removal against big threats and it can give you more mana to work with in your turn (if you decide you use it on one of your minions). The latter effect was an alternative nerf suggestion for Innervate back when it was problematic. I don't mean the killing part, but the "spending some mana in order to get extra" one. And since you made this spell flexible, the cost is a well-deserved 6 (1 mana over regular Assassinate). Not to mention, in the past druids were the ramp gods and they could easily have played expensive spells.
But here's my problem - you made it too fair. While I don't have any problems with the first effect, the second one feels underwhelming. It's true that druids want to kill their own minions (Mecha'thun, Hakkar, the Soulflayer, Hadronox, Da Undatakah, Carnivorous Cube) but on the same turn. If your card existed, players wouldn't run it (or at least only 1 copy in Taunt Druid), because they wouldn't want to risk giving you the ability to silence or transform their win-condition.
2) The minion kinda feels weird in priest. The battlecry is fine, but the tribe isn't. It feels more like a minion in Egg Murlock or Murloc Token Shaman.
Cheers mate. I get your feedback, and I've decided to scrap those ideas.
As for your card, I gotta say I'm not really feeling it. I can't really tell you why, as the mechanic is fine and all. It's just not exciting nor flavourful for my liking. Should you choose to go with, I'll remind you that in the even/odd mehcanic, 0 counts as even, so I can't see why an empty hand (0) wouldn't count as such? I know those mechanics are not entirely tied to this very idea, but as said, 0 does count as even in hearthstone terms. What I mean is, that I'd remove the Refill card (though it's by far the best of the tokens).
I've got a new idea, and I think it's flavorful. Not sure about power level? For some reason, I have feeling it's either completely useless, or somewhat over the top, but I can't really make up my mind. Works similar to Kobold Hermit, just as a start of turn effect - I presume it could have another trigger, or it could be a Battlecry, I just liked the idea of a Totem Pole you kept adding more and more sections on.
@lathy - the totem pole idea is nice but this seems a bit weak as it's 0/3 stick for a turn the gains a >1 mana upgrade. end of your turn 0/2?
@kovachut - i really like the hand size mechanic though it took me a minute to get the card... is 'relevant to your hand size' more explanatory? either way it's great and interesting.
How's the new version? The refill trick is too OP, isn't it? If I get rid of it, will the card become too weak?
Lol, saw your card on Hearthcards while making mine)))
Well, new Trickster is better. Refill trick is hard to combo with empty hand and is given only 2 copies, i think that's ok. New Meet Fluffy and Distaction got better too, however, this card is still kinda hard to understand and extra tokens are not helping it.
New idea, but also including the old one. I know people don't like druids having hard removal, as it's not in the "class identity". I tend to disagree, they had Naturalize after all. Considdering it going to HoF, I thought of adding an expensive removal to their repertoire, but one that has some utility. The old idea was some murloc dood.
Bump :)
Tbh, Lathy, I didn't comment on your cards earlier, because I didn't like either of them.
1) The druid spell feels like the most cleverly designed one, because it offers hard-removal against big threats and it can give you more mana to work with in your turn (if you decide you use it on one of your minions). The latter effect was an alternative nerf suggestion for Innervate back when it was problematic. I don't mean the killing part, but the "spending some mana in order to get extra" one. And since you made this spell flexible, the cost is a well-deserved 6 (1 mana over regular Assassinate). Not to mention, in the past druids were the ramp gods and they could easily have played expensive spells.
But here's my problem - you made it too fair. While I don't have any problems with the first effect, the second one feels underwhelming. It's true that druids want to kill their own minions (Mecha'thun, Hakkar, the Soulflayer, Hadronox, Da Undatakah, Carnivorous Cube) but on the same turn. If your card existed, players wouldn't run it (or at least only 1 copy in Taunt Druid), because they wouldn't want to risk giving you the ability to silence or transform their win-condition.
2) The minion kinda feels weird in priest. The battlecry is fine, but the tribe isn't. It feels more like a minion in Egg Murlock or Murloc Token Shaman.
Cheers mate. I get your feedback, and I've decided to scrap those ideas.
As for your card, I gotta say I'm not really feeling it. I can't really tell you why, as the mechanic is fine and all. It's just not exciting nor flavourful for my liking. Should you choose to go with, I'll remind you that in the even/odd mehcanic, 0 counts as even, so I can't see why an empty hand (0) wouldn't count as such? I know those mechanics are not entirely tied to this very idea, but as said, 0 does count as even in hearthstone terms. What I mean is, that I'd remove the Refill card (though it's by far the best of the tokens).
I've got a new idea, and I think it's flavorful. Not sure about power level? For some reason, I have feeling it's either completely useless, or somewhat over the top, but I can't really make up my mind. Works similar to Kobold Hermit, just as a start of turn effect - I presume it could have another trigger, or it could be a Battlecry, I just liked the idea of a Totem Pole you kept adding more and more sections on.
I'd definititly change art, because it is already used by Shaman Hero power. Idea is cool, but the card is kinda weak: you need to protect it,while reward isn't much, i think if you make 1 less mana it'll be great card, which can get good effect multiple times! You can't make it end turn though, because you can't choose at your opponent's turn.
@lathy - the totem pole idea is nice but this seems a bit weak as it's 0/3 stick for a turn the gains a >1 mana upgrade. end of your turn 0/2?
@kovachut - i really like the hand size mechanic though it took me a minute to get the card... is 'relevant to your hand size' more explanatory? either way it's great and interesting.
here's mine
You have a typo on head crone: Lackys instead of LackEys. Actually, i think adding Lackeys is more of a drawback than strong effect, even if you choose to deal 1 damage. Earthen Vitality needs to restore at least 7 health to be on par with Healing Touch. otherwise it's balanced. I'd go with Earthen Vitality.
Now my old idea is changed:
She is a rogue which steals raid boss treasures. Her Powerful Artifacts are references to Raid boss loot from WoW.
Each of Artifacts is suited for different types of play.
Infernal core is pretty universal, generaly helping Tempo Rogues.
Bleeding Hollow Vial is good for Miracle to control the board, but requires refilling your deck.
Xal'atath is good for former Kingsbane Rogues.
Elementium Cluster is good for Thief Rogues, since they can upgrade whose Spellstones.
Usually i don't vote for cards with tokens - i prefer single-card-design.
Note that 0 is also even.
Beside my personal taste, i think you found great arts.
In terms of balance, your design seems to have exactly same powerlevel as Xaril, Poisoned Mind, so i think you should decrease stats to 3/2 or similar.
Tbh, Lathy, I didn't comment on your cards earlier, because I didn't like either of them.
1) The druid spell feels like the most cleverly designed one, because it offers hard-removal against big threats and it can give you more mana to work with in your turn (if you decide you use it on one of your minions). The latter effect was an alternative nerf suggestion for Innervate back when it was problematic. I don't mean the killing part, but the "spending some mana in order to get extra" one. And since you made this spell flexible, the cost is a well-deserved 6 (1 mana over regular Assassinate). Not to mention, in the past druids were the ramp gods and they could easily have played expensive spells.
But here's my problem - you made it too fair. While I don't have any problems with the first effect, the second one feels underwhelming. It's true that druids want to kill their own minions (Mecha'thun, Hakkar, the Soulflayer, Hadronox, Da Undatakah, Carnivorous Cube) but on the same turn. If your card existed, players wouldn't run it (or at least only 1 copy in Taunt Druid), because they wouldn't want to risk giving you the ability to silence or transform their win-condition.
2) The minion kinda feels weird in priest. The battlecry is fine, but the tribe isn't. It feels more like a minion in Egg Murlock or Murloc Token Shaman.
Sorry to say, but the devs would never create such cards. Those would feel too disruprive and would create frustrating moments for your opponents.
You said it yourself - you can ruin their combo (pieces), you would make them do sub-optimal plays, which will put them in a great disadvantage (either in terms on resource management, fatigue counter) or you will buy yourself some time, in order to escape lethal. Your opponent can't play around your card, so all of this makes it a big no-no.
Ok, since I couldn't came up with anything new and exciting, I am using some of my old cards:
1) Worse Flash Heal or a cheaper Lava Burst in the end-game. It supports Myracle styled decks.
2) Trickster:
If you have even number of cards in hand (2, 4, 6, 8) after you play this legendary, you will get two copies of the damage spell.
If you have odd number of cards in hand (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) after you play this legendary, you will get two copies of the minion summoning spell.
If you are wondering where you can use them - in aggressive decks (as a burst) or in Miracle/Malygos as a cheap Auctioneer cycle.
Trickster is pretty verstile. Not sure if it souldn't be 4/4.
Idk, i would go with something different.
Undercity beverage is kinda useless, why would you run this if you have Mecha'thun, wich kills enemy immediately. Also, i doubt that heal for rogue should be that obvious.
Mystirious Trickster isn't strong, he fills your hand with kinda really bad spells, why would you run this if already have so many miracle tools? Also, it has many tokens, which is not great IMO.
1) Have you ever seen a Mecha'thun rogue on the ladder? I sure haven't. The deck is really weak, because rogues can't dump their hand that easily, before they kill the 10-drop. They also lack sustain.
I remember the time, when miracle rogue was very strong back. Often times it reached fatigue on turn 9 or 10 and tried to kill me with burst spells and stealthed minions. Over the years miracle became weaker and weaker, but despite this fact I still see tempo rogues fulfilling almost the same strategy. They prey on the moment, when their opponent is vulnerable and try to kill them ASAP. And Myra's Unstable Element helps them fetch the needed burst, before the opponent gets the chance to make a comeback. If you honestly ask me, I believe that my card is super strong in this regard. This is also pretty OP with Valeera the Hollow.
Also, I don't see why wouldn't rogue get a small healing. I know this isn't part of the class identity, but every class changed over the years. And it's not like they perform something extraordinary like a Healing Touch on themselves. Rogues are the liquid class and this spell offers sub-optimal healing. The moment it expires (i.e. the moment you reach fatigue), it becomes poisonous and can harm anyone, who drinks it.
2) I suppose I can buff the trickster a bit, though I was worried that if the spells dealt 3 damage, that would become too powerful. I mean rogue would instantly get 2 Darkbombs, which offer 6 face damage for 4 mana. And then it can combine them with the Auctioneer and what not.
I think I will go with the trickster because the idea sounds very exciting and original. I just have to redesign him a bit better. Thx for the feedback. If you give me a moment, I will gladly return the favour and give you feedback on your cards.
Well, honestly i still think Undercity beverage is UP, is 5 dmg really important for rogue to finish the game? I think she already can do without it. Miracle rogue also needs place for this card in her deck, i don't know every single card in miracle, but i doubt it will have place for this one. About rogue healing, i didn't say rogue has to live without it, but it would be better if they got some inobvious healing like Leeching Poison. Anyway, that all just my opinion.
About Trickster, you got a really interesting trigger in it, just really fitting the theme, but maybe you should get other use for it. Anyway, Trickster is a very clever decisive action for rogue, then you choose to aggro or to fall back. Good luck with your concepts!
I'm sorry to say, but I'm not particularly impressed by your cards.
1) Larissa - The problem I have with her is that she's out of character. The name and the art are a nice match with one another, but the effect is weird. Is she just a sneaky rogue, who managed to avoid the kobolds w/o being seen? Since this is the most logical explanation, can you give her a different title? I also agree with kegstandgoldmedalis, that your minion makes Marin the Fox feel less unique. The design seems really uninspiring (just like Arch-Villain Rafaam's). You just shuffle a copy of a card, which another legendary generates, into your deck and your card does it better.
2) Emerald Druid - this also falls into the same category. Not only that, but the effect is too powerful, because it can give you a specific token (Ysera Awakens) consistently. Druids weren't suppose to have good AoEs and this gives them exactly this (+ a nice 5 damage burst to the opponent's face). Dream is also very powerful, as it can answer a taunt (or a big threat) for 0 mana and put the enemy behind tempo greately. Unlike DestroyerR, I am not bothered by the possible UI issue. Imho the devs can always make the cards smaller, so that they can be seen on the screen.
If you don't make any new cards, I guess Larissa is your best option, but if I were you, I would definitely create something else.
@ Unicorn
Since you gave me feedback, it would be fair if I returned the favour. I know you already posted in the submission thread and I like your card a lot. But I have a question - how would it work with Nightmare Amalgam?
Thanks for the feedback! Before i start mindstorming, i would like to ask: if Larissa had a choice of unique for her treasures, will it make her better?
Definitely, but you have to change her title IMHO.
"Larissa, the shade" doesn't sound like a person, who steals treasures. It sounds more like an assassin or a spy.
Not sure if allowed and/or balanced, Warrior card probably fits the theme the best.
OMG, i forgot about amalgam. I guess that it should just give a random minion from any tribe. Will update that as a note to submission.
Here a rework of my card (before I go to bed)
How's the new version? The refill trick is too OP, isn't it? If I get rid of it, will the card become too weak?
I would say Forest Shaper would count, as the card allows you to actively make decisions regarding how the stats are assigned. The other two would not count, because they do not provide any choices to be made: you just play them at a certain time and get one specific result. They're reliant on the board state, not on what you decide to do with the card itself.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Cheers mate. I get your feedback, and I've decided to scrap those ideas.
As for your card, I gotta say I'm not really feeling it. I can't really tell you why, as the mechanic is fine and all. It's just not exciting nor flavourful for my liking. Should you choose to go with, I'll remind you that in the even/odd mehcanic, 0 counts as even, so I can't see why an empty hand (0) wouldn't count as such? I know those mechanics are not entirely tied to this very idea, but as said, 0 does count as even in hearthstone terms. What I mean is, that I'd remove the Refill card (though it's by far the best of the tokens).
I've got a new idea, and I think it's flavorful. Not sure about power level? For some reason, I have feeling it's either completely useless, or somewhat over the top, but I can't really make up my mind. Works similar to Kobold Hermit, just as a start of turn effect - I presume it could have another trigger, or it could be a Battlecry, I just liked the idea of a Totem Pole you kept adding more and more sections on.
@lathy - the totem pole idea is nice but this seems a bit weak as it's 0/3 stick for a turn the gains a >1 mana upgrade. end of your turn 0/2?
@kovachut - i really like the hand size mechanic though it took me a minute to get the card... is 'relevant to your hand size' more explanatory? either way it's great and interesting.
here's mine
Lol, saw your card on Hearthcards while making mine)))
Well, new Trickster is better. Refill trick is hard to combo with empty hand and is given only 2 copies, i think that's ok. New Meet Fluffy and Distaction got better too, however, this card is still kinda hard to understand and extra tokens are not helping it.
I'd definititly change art, because it is already used by Shaman Hero power. Idea is cool, but the card is kinda weak: you need to protect it,while reward isn't much, i think if you make 1 less mana it'll be great card, which can get good effect multiple times! You can't make it end turn though, because you can't choose at your opponent's turn.
You have a typo on head crone: Lackys instead of LackEys. Actually, i think adding Lackeys is more of a drawback than strong effect, even if you choose to deal 1 damage. Earthen Vitality needs to restore at least 7 health to be on par with Healing Touch. otherwise it's balanced. I'd go with Earthen Vitality.
Now my old idea is changed:
She is a rogue which steals raid boss treasures. Her Powerful Artifacts are references to Raid boss loot from WoW.
Each of Artifacts is suited for different types of play.
Infernal core is pretty universal, generaly helping Tempo Rogues.
Bleeding Hollow Vial is good for Miracle to control the board, but requires refilling your deck.
Xal'atath is good for former Kingsbane Rogues.
Elementium Cluster is good for Thief Rogues, since they can upgrade whose Spellstones.
Usually i don't vote for cards with tokens - i prefer single-card-design.
Note that 0 is also even.
Beside my personal taste, i think you found great arts.
In terms of balance, your design seems to have exactly same powerlevel as Xaril, Poisoned Mind, so i think you should decrease stats to 3/2 or similar.