Just to clarify this means that if you discover a Gorehowl you give your opponent 7 armor but if they get a Blood Razor you only get 2 armor. There's also the possibility that this can get broken if you discover Bladed Gauntlet but I don't know.
I like that this gives both you and your opponent options but I don;t know if it's too strong or if the cost is too high.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! but you’ve left me confused: GerVez0512 likes Chester (which was said to be against the rules by linkblade and I didn’t explicitly receive the OK from Wailor about him, so that doesn’t matter), Kovachut likes Gambler, Wailor likes SiaB, and my personal favorite is Murloc Holmes... My feedback: @GerVez0512
I definitely like Larissa better, for a number of reasons: 1) Emerald Druid’s effect would be very complicated to execute in terms of UI (4 fills the screen, there are 5 Dream cards) 2) Larissa’s effect is much more interesting than Emerald Druid’s 3) Larissa’s art is amazing Something you could change though: you can just call it fantastic Treasure, it just looks weird that way (the shuffle would then be de-capitalized)
Did We Forget Someone? is the absolute best IMO. Balanced, flavor on point, original... the other two are nice (although one could argue that Masked Plotter can be a little OP) but DWFS is just the best. Well done!
EVIL Worthyfinder has the same problem as GerVez’s Emerald Druid, difficult UI execution (5 Lackeys, screen fits 4 at most). If I were you, I’d try something else
Fight or Flight has awesome flavor, balanced and is what this competition is looking for. I’d say you’re good to go!
As WUBRGWBRG said, the current wording doesn’t make sense. Even if it did, I think it would be too bad to be played as removal, since you’re forcing your Beasts to attack a minion with 3+ Attack, and it wouldn’t even be really worth it, because if it was a minion that needed removal, you’d have done so without the spell (yes, I know this bypasses Taunt but it’s still a pretty bad removal compared to what Hunter already has). And using this as a buff... meh. Okay at best. Summing it up, I’d try another idea if I were you
Thanks for all the feedback guys! but you’ve left me confused: GerVez0512 likes Chester (which was said to be against the rules by linkblade and I didn’t explicitly receive the OK from Wailor about him, so that doesn’t matter), Kovachut likes Gambler, Wailor likes SiaB, and my personal favorite is Murloc Holmes... My feedback: @GerVez0512
I definitely like Larissa better, for a number of reasons: 1) Emerald Druid’s effect would be very complicated to execute in terms of UI (4 fills the screen, there are 5 Dream cards) 2) Larissa’s effect is much more interesting than Emerald Druid’s 3) Larissa’s art is amazing Something you could change though: you can just call it fantastic Treasure, it just looks weird that way (the shuffle would then be de-capitalized)
Did We Forget Someone? is the absolute best IMO. Balanced, flavor on point, original... the other two are nice (although one could argue that Masked Plotter can be a little OP) but DWFS is just the best. Well done!
EVIL Worthyfinder has the same problem as GerVez’s Emerald Druid, difficult UI execution (5 Lackeys, screen fits 4 at most). If I were you, I’d try something else
Fight or Flight has awesome flavor, balanced and is what this competition is looking for. I’d say you’re good to go!
As WUBRGWBRG said, the current wording doesn’t make sense. Even if it did, I think it would be too bad to be played as removal, since you’re forcing your Beasts to attack a minion with 3+ Attack, and it wouldn’t even be really worth it, because if it was a minion that needed removal, you’d have done so without the spell (yes, I know this bypasses Taunt but it’s still a pretty bad removal compared to what Hunter already has). And using this as a buff... meh. Okay at best. Summing it up, I’d try another idea if I were you
Thanks for the feedback!
I see your trouble with choosing a submission, i hope i could figure this out:
Murloc Holmes is interesting, but hard to understand and he is not very strong either.
Chester is cool and has a cool art, but imagine all the hell which would happen with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Shadowreaper Anduin. Also it has good mill potential, which i personaly find annoying.
Snake in a Boot got the same problem as Murloc Holmes, hard to use in game and not so strong either.
Gambler on the other hand is interesting, requires a high skillcap, and is useful in many decks without being terribly OP. Also makes your opponent think twice.
Well, i hope this will help to choose the right card to submit. Good luck!
How about this? Might look like »pay 3 – do nothing«. But it may give you one or two turns, to find the card you need. Not the same as but similar to Paladin’s Time Out!
How about this? Might look like »pay 3 – do nothing«. But it may give you one or two turns, to find the card you need. Not the same as but similar to Paladin’s Time Out!
First one didn't fit the criteria so here goes my 2nd attempt. The shuffle will shift the farthest right minions to your opponent's side of the board while theirs comes to yours if you go counter-clockwise. If you go clockwise it the farthest left minion goes to your opponent's side of the board while theirs come to yours.
New idea, but also including the old one. I know people don't like druids having hard removal, as it's not in the "class identity". I tend to disagree, they had Naturalize after all. Considdering it going to HoF, I thought of adding an expensive removal to their repertoire, but one that has some utility. The old idea was some murloc dood.
The second one allow you to choose to play it as a 6/6 or 2 3/3. I'm not sure this card is legal in the competition.
I really, really like the idea of this card. What I don't like is the art. It doesn't fit in the warcraft universe, not even close. Also, the trigger could be made more flavourful. For now I can only come up with The Eredar Twins and a Mortar Team as "paired" unites from the warcraft universe.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Here's my idea. It plays similar to cards like Demonheart, but works better with the elemental synergy of playing them in succeeding turns. Feedback anyone?
So, I've made 2 versions of Future Sight, now Rare and with the RoS. As suggested by GerVez0512, it's now down to 3 cards rather than 4. I definitely feel like this affects the card more significantly than it may seem, but at the same time, scrying should be a strength for the original class that was designed with it as a strong theme.
I made a Mage version as they have a small bit of time manipulation, but I also made a version for Priest as I can't help but feel it fits the fortune teller aesthetic.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
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i'm hoping this will count.
it will work like kazakus where you get three options and then another 3 options.
Haven't done one of these in a while. Any thoughts?
Just to clarify this means that if you discover a Gorehowl you give your opponent 7 armor but if they get a Blood Razor you only get 2 armor. There's also the possibility that this can get broken if you discover Bladed Gauntlet but I don't know.
I like that this gives both you and your opponent options but I don;t know if it's too strong or if the cost is too high.
Now i got another idea:
She is meant to be played in combo with Myra's Unstable Element, Augmented Elekk and to be followed up with Academic Espionage. Fantastic treasure is Marin the Fox's treasures: Golden Kobold, Zarog's Crown, Tolin's Goblet and Wondrous Wand.
Here is my older idea:
So, which one do you like the most?
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
but you’ve left me confused: GerVez0512 likes Chester (which was said to be against the rules by linkblade and I didn’t explicitly receive the OK from Wailor about him, so that doesn’t matter), Kovachut likes Gambler, Wailor likes SiaB, and my personal favorite is Murloc Holmes...
My feedback:
I definitely like Larissa better, for a number of reasons:
1) Emerald Druid’s effect would be very complicated to execute in terms of UI (4 fills the screen, there are 5 Dream cards)
2) Larissa’s effect is much more interesting than Emerald Druid’s
3) Larissa’s art is amazing
Something you could change though: you can just call it fantastic Treasure, it just looks weird that way (the shuffle would then be de-capitalized)
Did We Forget Someone? is the absolute best IMO. Balanced, flavor on point, original... the other two are nice (although one could argue that Masked Plotter can be a little OP) but DWFS is just the best. Well done!
EVIL Worthyfinder has the same problem as GerVez’s Emerald Druid, difficult UI execution (5 Lackeys, screen fits 4 at most). If I were you, I’d try something else
Fight or Flight has awesome flavor, balanced and is what this competition is looking for. I’d say you’re good to go!
As WUBRGWBRG said, the current wording doesn’t make sense. Even if it did, I think it would be too bad to be played as removal, since you’re forcing your Beasts to attack a minion with 3+ Attack, and it wouldn’t even be really worth it, because if it was a minion that needed removal, you’d have done so without the spell (yes, I know this bypasses Taunt but it’s still a pretty bad removal compared to what Hunter already has). And using this as a buff... meh. Okay at best. Summing it up, I’d try another idea if I were you
Thanks for the feedback!
I see your trouble with choosing a submission, i hope i could figure this out:
Murloc Holmes is interesting, but hard to understand and he is not very strong either.
Chester is cool and has a cool art, but imagine all the hell which would happen with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Shadowreaper Anduin. Also it has good mill potential, which i personaly find annoying.
Snake in a Boot got the same problem as Murloc Holmes, hard to use in game and not so strong either.
Gambler on the other hand is interesting, requires a high skillcap, and is useful in many decks without being terribly OP. Also makes your opponent think twice.
Well, i hope this will help to choose the right card to submit. Good luck!
I like it, but it would fit soooo much better with Patient Assassin :P
How about this? Might look like »pay 3 – do nothing«. But it may give you one or two turns, to find the card you need. Not the same as but similar to Paladin’s Time Out!
Art: WoW fanart – crying tree of life – by Oksana Kharlampiyeva
Casual grumpy player
Murloc in priest? Whaaaaa? Too boring?
It has 5 lines of text, so it needs to be shortened. I do like the idea of this mechanic though.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
First one didn't fit the criteria so here goes my 2nd attempt. The shuffle will shift the farthest right minions to your opponent's side of the board while theirs comes to yours if you go counter-clockwise. If you go clockwise it the farthest left minion goes to your opponent's side of the board while theirs come to yours.
Thanks for the feedback, I've decided to try something else and more straight forward:

Would love any feedback. :)
New idea, but also including the old one. I know people don't like druids having hard removal, as it's not in the "class identity". I tend to disagree, they had Naturalize after all. Considdering it going to HoF, I thought of adding an expensive removal to their repertoire, but one that has some utility. The old idea was some murloc dood.
I really, really like the idea of this card. What I don't like is the art. It doesn't fit in the warcraft universe, not even close. Also, the trigger could be made more flavourful. For now I can only come up with The Eredar Twins and a Mortar Team as "paired" unites from the warcraft universe.
The Submission thread is now open.
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
Thanks. I’ll try to come up with a shorter version.
Casual grumpy player
just wanting to make sure, is my council of six card good for this week?
Here's my idea. It plays similar to cards like Demonheart, but works better with the elemental synergy of playing them in succeeding turns. Feedback anyone?
So, I've made 2 versions of Future Sight, now Rare and with the RoS. As suggested by GerVez0512, it's now down to 3 cards rather than 4. I definitely feel like this affects the card more significantly than it may seem, but at the same time, scrying should be a strength for the original class that was designed with it as a strong theme.
I made a Mage version as they have a small bit of time manipulation, but I also made a version for Priest as I can't help but feel it fits the fortune teller aesthetic.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.