a card like this will never be printed, it might be used in some solo mode as a mean to avoid fatigue, but even Team 5 would not print this as a card in an expansion
The card looks fun until it actually printed. It would be in every control, midrange deck and probably in aggro decks too; combo decks would go extinct. You play this thing when you have no outs left and hope that RNG favors your deck. It would make games play out so similarly because random cards. Basically this is Yogg Saron + Baku/Genn.
Meh, not even that good at stopping Combo. By turn 10 they've drawn their original 3 plus 10 then probably 4 or 5 more due to card draw leaving only 12? Cards in library, half they get to keep.
There is a Warlock card that destroys half their deck for less and doesn't see play (and isn't good at stopping combo either in my experience).
I could see Blizz printing this. Just not that good, but folks would go all apeshit about it until it sees actual play.
They would never print this. This card lets any deck instantly beat Combo decks, and let's aggro decks refuel against control decks and win in the late game
Card looks so fun and awesome :) . Found it on reddit after searching for some leaks on new expansion!
Yeah that would be my reason to quit the game right there xD
I call fake, it has the watermark of k&c
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
a card like this will never be printed, it might be used in some solo mode as a mean to avoid fatigue, but even Team 5 would not print this as a card in an expansion
sharp eye
Rejoice, for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.
Seems legit...
No shit, Sherlock.
The card looks fun until it actually printed. It would be in every control, midrange deck and probably in aggro decks too; combo decks would go extinct. You play this thing when you have no outs left and hope that RNG favors your deck. It would make games play out so similarly because random cards. Basically this is Yogg Saron + Baku/Genn.
That is one way to kill combo...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
How to post a card from custom hearthstone passing it off for a real leak.
I'm not sure where that art is from, but it's been used in custom Hearthstone cards since K&C launched. Nice try.
fake, I dont think they will add another toggwagle card
Peoples be pretty sure there's a Togwaggle coming in this expansion. Have you seen the trailer yet?
I believe that all we need is to breathe and feed and breed and when you feel the need feel free to feel free. Gimpusoid#2403
All the geniuses calling fake even though the OP was completely aware when he posted it that it was fake and just wanted to share...
I guess you didn't read the thread title then...
This fan art that has been around since KAC. Def a fake, not even a good one, the ability is horrendous. Not to mention the watermark, yeah.
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Meh, not even that good at stopping Combo. By turn 10 they've drawn their original 3 plus 10 then probably 4 or 5 more due to card draw leaving only 12? Cards in library, half they get to keep.
There is a Warlock card that destroys half their deck for less and doesn't see play (and isn't good at stopping combo either in my experience).
I could see Blizz printing this. Just not that good, but folks would go all apeshit about it until it sees actual play.
Galavant Animation
They would never print this. This card lets any deck instantly beat Combo decks, and let's aggro decks refuel against control decks and win in the late game
Looking at that art, I would hope the caption/flavor text is "Do you even swap bro?"