Discover has always been a popular mechanic since its debut in League of Explorers. From then on, many "Discover a card" cards were printed (e.g., Raven Idol, Hallucination, Blazing Invocation, I Know a Guy, Journey Below, etc.). Due to their RNG involvement and usual tempo loss, few of those cards actually saw competitive play.
This 9-card custom expansion adds some interesting 1-mana Discover cards with a small beneficial effect, which hopefully will keep their power level more suitable for ladder and inspire some synergies or even deck-building ideas.
The flavor of the expansion will be on class intersection. As you all know, many of our 9 Hearthstone classes share common themes, and sometimes you just wish you had access to a card from another class. This expansion let each class gets a taste of the home-brew from another class and discover some of the unprecedented exciting moments.
Let me know if you have questions or suggestions on any of the cards I create.
Note: Our advanced shipping techniques ensure the product to be as fresh as they are down in the earth, so any emission of unpleasant odor is considered normal.
Edit: Someone pointed out there may be confusion on what "While in play" means. It means while the elemental discovered by this card is on the battlefield, all of your battlecries trigger twice. Just like giving a Brann Bronzebeard's effect to that elemental.
Honestly, you could have just posted all the cards in a single post.
But anyways, nice idea. We need more like this! Just like Kabal Courier.
By the way, the card "Call of the Earth", what does "While in play" means? Is it same as "This elemental's battlecry trigger twice"? Or something else? Sorry that I'm confused.
Honestly, you could have just posted all the cards in a single post.
But anyways, nice idea. We need more like this! Just like Kabal Courier.
By the way, the card "Call of the Earth", what does "While in play" means? Is it same as "This elemental's battlecry trigger twice"? Or something else? Sorry that I'm confused.
Yes, but having one card for each post allow people to individually upvote cards and also more convenient to quote and reply. Thank you for pointing out the wording confusion! I can't think of a better wording but I explained what I meant in the post.
Completely driven by intellectual curiosity on whether humans will fare better against traps than wild animals, a group of scientifically minded forest inhabitants sold their trapping techniques to some outlaws who committed the crime and escaped. The jury didn't buy it.
Discover has always been a popular mechanic since its debut in League of Explorers. From then on, many "Discover a card" cards were printed (e.g., Raven Idol, Hallucination, Blazing Invocation, I Know a Guy, Journey Below, etc.). Due to their RNG involvement and usual tempo loss, few of those cards actually saw competitive play.
This 9-card custom expansion adds some interesting 1-mana Discover cards with a small beneficial effect, which hopefully will keep their power level more suitable for ladder and inspire some synergies or even deck-building ideas.
The flavor of the expansion will be on class intersection. As you all know, many of our 9 Hearthstone classes share common themes, and sometimes you just wish you had access to a card from another class. This expansion let each class gets a taste of the home-brew from another class and discover some of the unprecedented exciting moments.
Let me know if you have questions or suggestions on any of the cards I create.
Hunter card: Venture into the Wild
Flavor text:
I had Hadronox for dinner.
Druid card: Temporary Alliance
Flavor text:
It could have been a longer alliance, but Druids are not famous for cooking fine meals for those picky highborns.
Paladin card: Training Camp
Flavor text:
In fact, most Paladins forget what they learn right after the camp, so it just ends up being a resume booster.
Warrior card: Dalaran's Gift
Flavor text:
Warriors are practical and harsh people. They don't believe in magic shit. Not until some visited Dalaran.
Mage card: Call of the Earth
Flavor text:
Note: Our advanced shipping techniques ensure the product to be as fresh as they are down in the earth, so any emission of unpleasant odor is considered normal.
Edit: Someone pointed out there may be confusion on what "While in play" means. It means while the elemental discovered by this card is on the battlefield, all of your battlecries trigger twice. Just like giving a Brann Bronzebeard's effect to that elemental.
The rest will be posted tomorrow!
Honestly, you could have just posted all the cards in a single post.
But anyways, nice idea. We need more like this! Just like Kabal Courier.
By the way, the card "Call of the Earth", what does "While in play" means? Is it same as "This elemental's battlecry trigger twice"? Or something else? Sorry that I'm confused.
I like elementals and totems.
Yes, but having one card for each post allow people to individually upvote cards and also more convenient to quote and reply. Thank you for pointing out the wording confusion! I can't think of a better wording but I explained what I meant in the post.
Shaman card: Church Medicine
Flavor text:
Many patients believe that spirituality makes better drugs. But really they just contain some extra sugar.
Priest card: Demonic Pact
Flavor text:
Just curious, how did you let them shut up?
Warlock card: Small Shenanigan
Flavor text:
You know using that blood magic on those murlocs is kinda overkill, don't ya?
Rogue card: Trapping Party
Flavor text:
Completely driven by intellectual curiosity on whether humans will fare better against traps than wild animals, a group of scientifically minded forest inhabitants sold their trapping techniques to some outlaws who committed the crime and escaped. The jury didn't buy it.