The idea behind this card is simple, I based the concept on Blessing of Wisdom, made it "enemy minion only" since it's a curse and made it cost 1 more Mana because destroying a card from your opponent's deck is no joke.
But anyway, you cast this on an enemy minion, and either they attack with it and loose a card but maybe the minion dies in a trade and that's fair, or they either decide not to attack (especially if they can't kill the minion off in a meaningful trade) to save the top card of their deck.
The effect is very paralyzing and creates an interesting dynamic. Maybe it should cost more ? Let me know what you think !
It's the first time I enter a card design competition, so I'm quite excited even tho I know my card will have no chance to beat some of the cards I've seen so far in the thread.
The minion under the spell is highlited with yellow light on the opponent's hand (like active
in your hand). When you hover to it, it reveal the minion. This card is a more powerfull destructive card then
Dirty Rat
. This card is pay 6 mana doing nothing, but it force your opponent to pay the minion cost for you. Hiting a low cost minion is a miss, but if you can get a big
piece like
, you hit the jackpot.
I don’t know how viable this mechanic might be, but I’m fascinated by it. A curse that manipulates the cost of your oppoent’s cards needs to have a serious risk attached to it, otherwise it’s just OP. That’s why the opponent revieves a minion that is an alternative win condition. I’m not sure about the mana cost. Originally I thought about making the spell 1 mana, but that’s too cheap, isn’t it? With 3 mana it might be unplayable in a meta where aggro is a thing. But sometimes you just want to have fun, right? ;)
EDIT: Changed the wording on Celia. It now reads "Change the cost of cards to (1)" as opposed to "reduce". Because, you know, 1- and 0-mana cards exist.
"lose their tribes" means that Beasts, Murlocs, Mechs, etc. are no longer anything. This has some interesting uses as it will remove your opponent's ability to benefit from tribal synergy from those specific cards effected. One other interaction is that if your opponent plays any Elementals, then you play this on your next, the minions won't count as Elementals and so "if you played an Elemental last turn" effects won't activate.
Compare to
Power Word: Shield
for balance. The removal of tribes is very niche and is otherwise not worth much. This is also an adventure card as opposed to a Basic card. The cycle is there so it's not as useless should you be up against a deck with not much tribal synergies.
The artwork is intended to represent a Tol'vir losing his stony skin and becoming, well, fleshy, which is what the effect is based off of.
Always liked the card design competition, first time participating. I like cards which change hand capacity, but there are no options on hs, so I decided to create a curse which change hand size, which can only be used on players who play/draw more than their opponent. Since there are no hand size mechanic implemented on the game, I decided to do it in a more hearthstone way, shuffling cards on their deck. I based the card on the seven deadly sins, and that's also the reason behind the cost and number of shuffled cards, Cheers
This card is a mana debuff that will slow down an opponent. I remember the big thing that Kripp talked about with the card
Curse of Rafaam
was that you could simply leave it in your hand and ignore it as the tempo loss was more harmful than the damage. This card is designed to strictly destroy tempo and force your opponent to deal with it. If played on curve your opponent can remove it in two turns. If played during the endgame you will disrupt the next turn guaranteed.
The idea behind this card is simple, I based the concept on Blessing of Wisdom, made it "enemy minion only" since it's a curse and made it cost 1 more Mana because destroying a card from your opponent's deck is no joke.
But anyway, you cast this on an enemy minion, and either they attack with it and loose a card but maybe the minion dies in a trade and that's fair, or they either decide not to attack (especially if they can't kill the minion off in a meaningful trade) to save the top card of their deck.
The effect is very paralyzing and creates an interesting dynamic. Maybe it should cost more ? Let me know what you think !
It's the first time I enter a card design competition, so I'm quite excited even tho I know my card will have no chance to beat some of the cards I've seen so far in the thread.
Couldn't figure out where to get cool art so i put this instead
My Hearthcards ID: kolozenzei
Vote for my Card Design Submission! I love this one!
No eggs for you.
Flavor Text: Your backup's not answering anymore.
Here's my card
The minion under the spell is highlited with yellow light on the opponent's hand (like active battlecry in your hand). When you hover to it, it reveal the minion. This card is a more powerfull destructive card then Dirty Rat . This card is pay 6 mana doing nothing, but it force your opponent to pay the minion cost for you. Hiting a low cost minion is a miss, but if you can get a big combo piece like Malygos or Shudderwock , you hit the jackpot.
When a 2-attack minion attacks two bombs will deal 1 damage each on a random minion. If a 4-attack minion deals damage there will be 4 bombs.
Art by
Sleep child mine, there's nothing here,
Angels smiling, have no fear.
Casual grumpy player
I don’t know how viable this mechanic might be, but I’m fascinated by it. A curse that manipulates the cost of your oppoent’s cards needs to have a serious risk attached to it, otherwise it’s just OP. That’s why the opponent revieves a minion that is an alternative win condition. I’m not sure about the mana cost. Originally I thought about making the spell 1 mana, but that’s too cheap, isn’t it? With 3 mana it might be unplayable in a meta where aggro is a thing. But sometimes you just want to have fun, right? ;)
As a side note, I would play Celia’s Curse in a mill deck, trying to destroy Celia with Gnomeferatu and Rin, the First Disciple . In wild, Deathlord might also be friend of such a deck.
EDIT: Changed the wording on Celia. It now reads "Change the cost of cards to (1)" as opposed to "reduce". Because, you know, 1- and 0-mana cards exist.
"lose their tribes" means that Beasts, Murlocs, Mechs, etc. are no longer anything. This has some interesting uses as it will remove your opponent's ability to benefit from tribal synergy from those specific cards effected. One other interaction is that if your opponent plays any Elementals, then you play this on your next, the minions won't count as Elementals and so "if you played an Elemental last turn" effects won't activate.
Compare to Power Word: Shield for balance. The removal of tribes is very niche and is otherwise not worth much. This is also an adventure card as opposed to a Basic card. The cycle is there so it's not as useless should you be up against a deck with not much tribal synergies.
The artwork is intended to represent a Tol'vir losing his stony skin and becoming, well, fleshy, which is what the effect is based off of.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Always liked the card design competition, first time participating. I like cards which change hand capacity, but there are no options on hs, so I decided to create a curse which change hand size, which can only be used on players who play/draw more than their opponent. Since there are no hand size mechanic implemented on the game, I decided to do it in a more hearthstone way, shuffling cards on their deck. I based the card on the seven deadly sins, and that's also the reason behind the cost and number of shuffled cards, Cheers
Edit: changed card size
Edit 2: forgot to give credit to Jacqueline Hines, who created the artwork which I used on the second card.
This card is a mana debuff that will slow down an opponent. I remember the big thing that Kripp talked about with the card Curse of Rafaam was that you could simply leave it in your hand and ignore it as the tempo loss was more harmful than the damage. This card is designed to strictly destroy tempo and force your opponent to deal with it. If played on curve your opponent can remove it in two turns. If played during the endgame you will disrupt the next turn guaranteed.
"Speculation is foolish when the tools of certainty are available." —Cinna, Vedalken Consul
First time entering one of these :D