@Pumpkin03 - The wording on Majora's Mask should be "At the start of your third turn from now, destroy all enemy characters. Give your opponent the Ocarina of Time." Likewise, the wording for the Ocarina should be "Set Majora's Mask countdown to 0" before going into the rest. I get the thematic appeal of resetting the board, but they're already making a massive investment of half their turn to reset the clock, wiping their board seems harsh.
(Although, on the other hand, you're making a massive investment with a 10-mana do literally nothing turn...)
I feel like the full text on the Ocarina should be "Set Majora's Mask countdown to 0. Return this, and all your minions, to your hand." Setting back the clock shouldn't destroy your opponent's minions, just return them to a time when they were in their hand.
Looking for a postmortem review? It seems...fair. Unexciting, but with those one or two dream scenarios that really ruin an Aggro player's day (imagine Odd Paladin going into turn 5, or even turn 4 with the coin, with this plus Defile)
Hey! I've posted my card in the submission (it has 19 tokens including hero portraits). Did I exagerate?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Yeah, I think you may have strayed a bit from the intent of the competition. Sticking to your theme of Majora's Mask kinda started overtaking the whole "Design a Curse-type card" theme of the competition by the time you've got Hero swapping, and the third ocarina play turning the whole thing into a Monster Hunt/Dungeon Run/Tavern Brawl style encounter.
I know that you put a lot of efforts into creating the tokens and inserting effects as lores, but 19 tokens is just too much. Few people would spend time reading through your whole entry, and would also understand none of it. You should stick to the theme of designing curses.
Cards that have 6 or more lines are not inviting to be read already, and this is the absolute extreme of that flaw.
Well, I ve done it mostly for fun, I love designing new cards :D
Despite this, my card theorycally fits all the rules, it's a curse because replace my opponent hero power and force my opponent playing a vanish every 3 turns (hi aggro decks) and all cards then have 4 or less text lines. Further more, you can create some shenanigans in wild with Sabotetur and Loatheb because your opponent can't play 15 mana in a turn (unless it's a druid).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Showcasing a new "polymorph" theme card for Warlock:
Mage has Polymorph, Shaman has Hex & Devolve, Priest have Mind Control. Warlock doesn't have any spell mechanism which changes one or more of the opponents cards, hence i think he should get one.
The idea is to have a morph card but with a cost (going in the theme with other self damage Warlock cards). You transform a minion into an Imp but also giving him +3/+3 until your next turn. This means that you take the risk of taking +3 dmg to face but the logic is that giving the minion +3/+3 you try to keep him alive until next turn so the morph is effective. Use with care!
Thanks for pointing out that the card is underpowered. It now matches the power level of Bash
don't forget the competition only accepts spells
i also don't know if symetrical debuff effects (projects) fit the criteria, but being a debuff that effects your opponent, i think it should be ok.
- can you find art that the background isn't completly black?
- some grammar: you only have 1 third turn around the beginning of the game, so saying "your next third turn" is confusing . i think the mask's text should be "after your opponent takes three turns, destroy...". also, the ocarina can just say "reset the countdown of Majora's Mask". also change "destroy ALL your minons" to just "destroy your minions"
- i think you should change "destroy all enemy characters" to "destroy the enemy hero" to match the wording of Uther of the Ebon Blade and Mecha'thun. if you want that for the card's flavor, that's probrably ok. i don't know a lot about zelda
@dracob, @heiei
am i the only one who think the cards' name doesn't reflect the card's effect and should be changed? (injustice / dont let me down) may be there is some reference i don't understand.
more concise text recommedtion: enemy minions can't attack your hero next turn (take Rebuke for reference
‘At the end of your turns’? It should be ‘At the end of your turn’
Don't worry, I got you. In all honesty, I think your card is really cool. being able to not only affect the cost of cards in your opponent's hand but also potentially mill them is a really cool idea. My issue is that the echo mechanic on the card is practically useless. The most you're doing is raising the cost of one card by 1. I would change the Rat to a 1/1, and the change the text to "For every Sickening Rat in your hand, increase the cost of other cards by 1". At that point, you may want to change it to target spells or minions only, because we don't want another Loatheb (we don't take about Rebuke).
Don't worry, I got you. In all honesty, I think your card is really cool. being able to not only affect the cost of cards in your opponent's hand but also potentially mill them is a really cool idea. My issue is that the echo mechanic on the card is practically useless. The most you're doing is raising the cost of one card by 1. I would change the Rat to a 1/1, and the change the text to "For every Sickening Rat in your hand, increase the cost of other cards by 1". At that point, you may want to change it to target spells or minions only, because we don't want another Loatheb (we don't take about Rebuke).
Thanks for the feedback! About the Echo being useless, I don’t think it is. With Echo, you can: 1. Mill your opponent (as you yourself mentioned), 2. Make the Rats already in hand harder to play, 3. Take more future enemy spots on the board with useless minions (since they can’t attack), 4. Raise the cost of 2 normal cards (normal=cards your opponent put in their deck): the one on the far left of the “Rat Plague” in your opponent’s hand and on its far right, AKA the card your opponent just drew. I feel like changing the card to be what you suggested would warrant other changes (also, like you mentioned), making the card a completely different one, and I really liked this idea.
@Pumpkin03 - The wording on Majora's Mask should be "At the start of your third turn from now, destroy all enemy characters. Give your opponent the Ocarina of Time." Likewise, the wording for the Ocarina should be "Set Majora's Mask countdown to 0" before going into the rest. I get the thematic appeal of resetting the board, but they're already making a massive investment of half their turn to reset the clock, wiping their board seems harsh.
(Although, on the other hand, you're making a massive investment with a 10-mana do literally nothing turn...)
I feel like the full text on the Ocarina should be "Set Majora's Mask countdown to 0. Return this, and all your minions, to your hand." Setting back the clock shouldn't destroy your opponent's minions, just return them to a time when they were in their hand.
Looking for a postmortem review? It seems...fair. Unexciting, but with those one or two dream scenarios that really ruin an Aggro player's day (imagine Odd Paladin going into turn 5, or even turn 4 with the coin, with this plus Defile)
Hey! I've posted my card in the submission (it has 19 tokens including hero portraits). Did I exagerate?
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Yeah, I think you may have strayed a bit from the intent of the competition. Sticking to your theme of Majora's Mask kinda started overtaking the whole "Design a Curse-type card" theme of the competition by the time you've got Hero swapping, and the third ocarina play turning the whole thing into a Monster Hunt/Dungeon Run/Tavern Brawl style encounter.
i was so fukin sleepy i dont even remember myself submitting the card
well, idont have to think what card to submit now
Wow, you're really into the lore, don't you?
I know that you put a lot of efforts into creating the tokens and inserting effects as lores, but 19 tokens is just too much. Few people would spend time reading through your whole entry, and would also understand none of it. You should stick to the theme of designing curses.
Cards that have 6 or more lines are not inviting to be read already, and this is the absolute extreme of that flaw.
»Blessing of Un-Kings« from @Phoenixfeather could have been »Blessing of Shrinks«.
Casual grumpy player
Well, I ve done it mostly for fun, I love designing new cards :D
Despite this, my card theorycally fits all the rules, it's a curse because replace my opponent hero power and force my opponent playing a vanish every 3 turns (hi aggro decks) and all cards then have 4 or less text lines. Further more, you can create some shenanigans in wild with Sabotetur and Loatheb because your opponent can't play 15 mana in a turn (unless it's a druid).
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."
Showcasing a new "polymorph" theme card for Warlock:
Mage has Polymorph, Shaman has Hex & Devolve, Priest have Mind Control. Warlock doesn't have any spell mechanism which changes one or more of the opponents cards, hence i think he should get one.
The idea is to have a morph card but with a cost (going in the theme with other self damage Warlock cards). You transform a minion into an Imp but also giving him +3/+3 until your next turn. This means that you take the risk of taking +3 dmg to face but the logic is that giving the minion +3/+3 you try to keep him alive until next turn so the morph is effective. Use with care!
Why is the rum gone?
When's the competition ending? Shouldn't the final poll be up yet?
‘At the end of your turns’? It should be ‘At the end of your turn’
Don't worry, I got you. In all honesty, I think your card is really cool. being able to not only affect the cost of cards in your opponent's hand but also potentially mill them is a really cool idea. My issue is that the echo mechanic on the card is practically useless. The most you're doing is raising the cost of one card by 1. I would change the Rat to a 1/1, and the change the text to "For every Sickening Rat in your hand, increase the cost of other cards by 1". At that point, you may want to change it to target spells or minions only, because we don't want another Loatheb (we don't take about Rebuke).
Thanks for the feedback! About the Echo being useless, I don’t think it is. With Echo, you can: 1. Mill your opponent (as you yourself mentioned), 2. Make the Rats already in hand harder to play, 3. Take more future enemy spots on the board with useless minions (since they can’t attack), 4. Raise the cost of 2 normal cards (normal=cards your opponent put in their deck): the one on the far left of the “Rat Plague” in your opponent’s hand and on its far right, AKA the card your opponent just drew. I feel like changing the card to be what you suggested would warrant other changes (also, like you mentioned), making the card a completely different one, and I really liked this idea.
Final Poll is (finally) up!
You can find me here! Good luck everyone!