We're only 10 days away from the one-year anniversary of this thread. With that said, an update. The Arena-exclusive and Taverns of Time cards have been added, and their artwork has been added to the art gallery.
Temporal Flux is the Arena-exclusive card for Time Traveler added in Patch 10.4 alongside cards like Crackling Doom, Polymorph: ???, and Blazing Longsword. Although it might seem weak at first glance, this card could be pretty strong in combination with several copying tools, which is why this is not a Constructed card.
In preparation for Year of the Dragon, and the Hall of Fame rotations, I also made a HoF version of Rocket Dog (as it will rotate alongside Black Cat, Gloom Stag, Glitter Moth, and Murkspark Eel). This may very well be the first custom class card to be rotated to HoF.
I didn't replace it yet. I'll do that when the cards rotate.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Now I'll need to find new artwork for Omega Leader (or make a completely new card). On the plus side, it's cool to see the old artwork for Omega Defender be reused, and they even made it a Mech this time.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
So, here we go. Rise of Shadows is now uploaded. I've uploaded it now so you can theorycraft here as you would with the new cards. Better sense of immersion.
With 5 returning villains, and only 4 Dalaran defenders, Time Traveler joins the Dalaran defender to make an even 5 and 5, using their cosmic powers. With Year of the Mammoth rotated out, this expansion hopes to fill in some of the holes as a result of the rotation, and to support current archetypes. Tharon'ja decks notably have some support here.
Sample cards
The full list:
Additional Information:
These cards were made fairly early into reveal season. Chronomantic Arrow was made before either Ray of Frost or Rapid Fire were revealed.
The way Dimension Controller's text is layed out is changed, so it follows Astros the Starsurger.
Omega Leader's artwork has been changed as Omega Devastator is now using its artwork. Unfortunately, it's not as Omega-like as before.
As a result of all even/odd cards rotating to the Hall of Fame, Rocket Dog's watermark has been changed to the Hall of Fame watermark. This may be the very first card in the history of custom classes to be rotated to the Hall of Fame.
I'm going to miss Year of the Mammoth rotating out. No doubt it had some of my favorite cards of the whole class.
Art Gallery and flavor texts will be updated soon.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Update: Flavor text for all Rise of Shadows cards have been added, and their artwork has been added to the art gallery. Although note that getting good artwork for Rift Splitter is probably going to be harder than you think.
I think that one of your legendaries should have something to do with spells. All Dalaran defenders have one.
Admittedly, I never considered this. Thank you for pointing it out. I don't know if I should retroactively change one of my Legendaries, or what the effect would be if I did. I suppose Chronos could technically count... if you really stretch it.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Update: Theatre Symphonist and Spirit of the Serpent have been changed.
The 4 mana 3/2 was the original version made in development changed to the 5 mana 3/3. Now though, I fell like I can change it back.
The "whenever" and "return" create some weird rulings over whether Deathrattles activate or not. As it is intended to be paired with Tharon'ja, the Serpent, it's important that the Deathrattle does activate. As a slight buff, controlling 2 of them will also give you 2 copies instead of 1.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Congrats ! That's got to be the best class ever created, the mechanics look awesome and would very much play this if I could ! Now could you tell me where you found all the artworks for the cards ? I couldn't find most of them in Aiden's HS gallery. Please show more of your work :D
Congrats ! That's got to be the best class ever created, the mechanics look awesome and would very much play this if I could ! Now could you tell me where you found all the artworks for the cards ? I couldn't find most of them in Aiden's HS gallery. Please show more of your work :D
As for sources, a lot of them were just found through Google Images. Some good sources where I got some artwork though include Blizzart, Artstation, and Deviantart. Devinatart at one point held an artwork contest around the time Goblins vs Gnomes was about to come out. With The Boomsday Project out, its use has expanded: https://www.deviantart.com/contests/2014/hearthstone/popular-24-hours/
If you want to find a specific Warcraft character, often times typing "[character name] fantasy art" into Google Images works.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
I need help creating a new concept for my shadow priest with Insanity. To sum up, it should something like overload that the character accumulates and when it reaches a fixed value the character suffer a big malus. I know, it isn't something clear, this is why i need your help. Thanks in advance for any forthcoming help!
In preparation for The Dalaran Heist, Chrona Wilson has been added as the first alternate hero for the class (and it took quite a while).
Drum roll please... Meet Chrona Wilson.
Chrona Wilson is the first alternate hero for Time Traveler (it took quite a while). She represents the Time Traveler class during Rise of Shadow's Dalaran Heist mode. Completing Dalaran Heist on Heroic difficulty will reward you with Chrona to use outside of Dalaran Heist.
Her 3 Hero Powers for this mode. As with every other class, the first one is the basic Hero Power for the class which is available from the beginning, and the remaining 2 are alternate ones unlocked with a certain objective.
Unlocked from the beginning.
Activate 25 Quick-Time effects.
Play 40 Elementals.
This new artwork has also now been added to the art gallery.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
I appear to have set the bar for the alternate Hero Powers to be too high. Summon 25 Elementals as opposed to play 40 of them.
Not to mention, imagine Case Study with The Rift. Possible infinite restarts as Case Study always stays in your deck. This may require me to slightly rework The Rift, as the way its worded will get rid of Unlock the Rift in your deck, even if The Rift was created by Case Study.
Now I really want to see what all the possible card options are.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Perhaps a blessing in disguise to figure out a more... reasonable quest reward. I think something more to do with card draw or the mechanics behind quick time would be interesting.
We're only 10 days away from the one-year anniversary of this thread. With that said, an update. The Arena-exclusive and Taverns of Time cards have been added, and their artwork has been added to the art gallery.
Temporal Flux is the Arena-exclusive card for Time Traveler added in Patch 10.4 alongside cards like Crackling Doom, Polymorph: ???, and Blazing Longsword. Although it might seem weak at first glance, this card could be pretty strong in combination with several copying tools, which is why this is not a Constructed card.
To join in with cards like Flash Forward, Master of Realities, and Fatecleaver, Infinite Harbinger and Matter Split are the Time Traveler's tools of choice for the Taverns of Time event.
Matter Split is of course, obviously inspired by Fatecleaver.
In preparation for Year of the Dragon, and the Hall of Fame rotations, I also made a HoF version of Rocket Dog (as it will rotate alongside Black Cat, Gloom Stag, Glitter Moth, and Murkspark Eel). This may very well be the first custom class card to be rotated to HoF.
I didn't replace it yet. I'll do that when the cards rotate.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Well, this is quite unfortunate.
Now I'll need to find new artwork for Omega Leader (or make a completely new card). On the plus side, it's cool to see the old artwork for Omega Defender be reused, and they even made it a Mech this time.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
So, believe it or not, I just finished Rise of Shadows in a short amount of time because I already had the ideas.
Once again, I should be waiting until all the cards are revealed, but I couldn't help myself. Should I just post my set anyway?
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Hey, this card finally got made. I knew it would happen at some point.
I'm also really happy that I got the mana Cost right. Do you have any idea how many different ways I've seen people price this effect?
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Well I put it on a 2/2 body – but at least it cost 2 mana!
please consider voting for my custom class in the fan creations competition :]
• TRIALS IN AUCHINDOUN - A Custom Hearthstone Adventure (4th Wing!) • New and Interesting Hearthstone Mechanics (by me!) •

So, here we go. Rise of Shadows is now uploaded. I've uploaded it now so you can theorycraft here as you would with the new cards. Better sense of immersion.
Other changes:
I'm going to miss Year of the Mammoth rotating out. No doubt it had some of my favorite cards of the whole class.
Art Gallery and flavor texts will be updated soon.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
I think that one of your legendaries should have something to do with spells. All Dalaran defenders have one.
Update: Flavor text for all Rise of Shadows cards have been added, and their artwork has been added to the art gallery. Although note that getting good artwork for Rift Splitter is probably going to be harder than you think.
Admittedly, I never considered this. Thank you for pointing it out. I don't know if I should retroactively change one of my Legendaries, or what the effect would be if I did. I suppose Chronos could technically count... if you really stretch it.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Update: Theatre Symphonist and Spirit of the Serpent have been changed.
The 4 mana 3/2 was the original version made in development changed to the 5 mana 3/3. Now though, I fell like I can change it back.
The "whenever" and "return" create some weird rulings over whether Deathrattles activate or not. As it is intended to be paired with Tharon'ja, the Serpent, it's important that the Deathrattle does activate. As a slight buff, controlling 2 of them will also give you 2 copies instead of 1.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Congrats ! That's got to be the best class ever created, the mechanics look awesome and would very much play this if I could ! Now could you tell me where you found all the artworks for the cards ? I couldn't find most of them in Aiden's HS gallery. Please show more of your work :D
Here's an art gallery of all of the artwork I used if you want to use them: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1HqvmqjIG4wIS2HhN6eT5Ib302l57vglH
As for sources, a lot of them were just found through Google Images. Some good sources where I got some artwork though include Blizzart, Artstation, and Deviantart. Devinatart at one point held an artwork contest around the time Goblins vs Gnomes was about to come out. With The Boomsday Project out, its use has expanded: https://www.deviantart.com/contests/2014/hearthstone/popular-24-hours/
If you want to find a specific Warcraft character, often times typing "[character name] fantasy art" into Google Images works.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
There is a goo work here. Well done!
I need help creating a new concept for my shadow priest with Insanity. To sum up, it should something like overload that the character accumulates and when it reaches a fixed value the character suffer a big malus. I know, it isn't something clear, this is why i need your help. Thanks in advance for any forthcoming help!
Update: May 15th 2019
In preparation for The Dalaran Heist, Chrona Wilson has been added as the first alternate hero for the class (and it took quite a while).
Drum roll please... Meet Chrona Wilson.
Chrona Wilson is the first alternate hero for Time Traveler (it took quite a while). She represents the Time Traveler class during Rise of Shadow's Dalaran Heist mode. Completing Dalaran Heist on Heroic difficulty will reward you with Chrona to use outside of Dalaran Heist.
And here are her emotes:
Opening Remark
Mirror Opening Remark
Greetings/Lunar New Year Greetings
Mirror Greetings
Well Played
"I'll handle this."
Thinking 1
Thinking 2
Thinking 3
Rope Burning
Hand Full
Selection in Arena/Collection
"The clock is ticking."
Winter Veil Greetings
Midsummer Fire Festival Greetings
Hallow's End Greetings
Happy New Year
Opening Remark vs Thomas Temporison
When playing The Rift.
Opening Remark after playing The Rift.
When playing Temporal Loop.
Her 3 Hero Powers for this mode. As with every other class, the first one is the basic Hero Power for the class which is available from the beginning, and the remaining 2 are alternate ones unlocked with a certain objective.
Unlocked from the beginning.
Activate 25 Quick-Time effects.
Play 40 Elementals.
This new artwork has also now been added to the art gallery.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
I appear to have set the bar for the alternate Hero Powers to be too high. Summon 25 Elementals as opposed to play 40 of them.
Not to mention, imagine Case Study with The Rift. Possible infinite restarts as Case Study always stays in your deck. This may require me to slightly rework The Rift, as the way its worded will get rid of Unlock the Rift in your deck, even if The Rift was created by Case Study.
Now I really want to see what all the possible card options are.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Perhaps a blessing in disguise to figure out a more... reasonable quest reward. I think something more to do with card draw or the mechanics behind quick time would be interesting.
please consider voting for my custom class in the fan creations competition :]
• TRIALS IN AUCHINDOUN - A Custom Hearthstone Adventure (4th Wing!) • New and Interesting Hearthstone Mechanics (by me!) •

With every class getting 2 buffed cards in The Boomsday Project, I thought I would do the same thing.
Bullet Time now costs 1, down from 2. Portal Scientist now has 5 Health, up from 4.
Originally I was concerned about a combo with Black Hole, which is why Bullet Time was originally 2 mana.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
The otks with toki are so easy its too op and you even gave the class a destroy the enemy hero type effect in the loa.
So who decided to sticky this? Either way, thank you.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Hi! Could you update the thread here? The Out of Cards forum took it down...
I'm definitely looking forward to your custom class and the Ahindun Trial adventure! I often read here https://www.ziuanews.ro/stiri/exper-ii-au-identificat-3-tendin-e-n-industria-de-mbr-c-minte-care-continu-i-n-2022-1571068 . It's always inspiring to see the passion and creativity of the Hearthstone community.