Mostly just a simple card, but it can have its benefits (and down sides). Worth noting: Minions you play that get frozen and
will immediately be unfrozen if they didn't attack that turn. (Also all friendly minions includes this minion).
Flavor Text: What killed the Dinosaurs!? Well it was Meteor. Haven't you been reading card flavor text?
Lets give spell hunter some love and give them a way to clog up the board as they go to close out the game with some Spellstone wolves or To My Side. Also not quite as good as frost nova as it will
hunter's non beast minions such as Houndmaster or Cloaked Huntress if played out of Spell Hunter.
Yes, I DO WANT to build a snowman
Turn up the heat!
Artist: Volkan Baga
Casual grumpy player
This card can save your life with the freeze, and buff any frozen minions.
Works super well with Moorabi.
Tech card that works with Cryostasis , Frozen Crusher and against Frost Nova and the likes.
Let's see... there's Elsa, Anna, Kristoff... that's 3 Attack already!
Freeze Shaman and chill?
A great tool for Control Freeze Shaman. Would work well with cards such as Voodoo Hexxer , Cryostasis or Frost Shock .
Mostly just a simple card, but it can have its benefits (and down sides). Worth noting: Minions you play that get frozen and charge will immediately be unfrozen if they didn't attack that turn. (Also all friendly minions includes this minion).
Check out crazy OTK Decks and Hearthstone Myths at my channel:
Why not
Native language: Russian — Sorry if my English is bad!
Flavor Text: What killed the Dinosaurs!? Well it was Meteor. Haven't you been reading card flavor text?
Lets give spell hunter some love and give them a way to clog up the board as they go to close out the game with some Spellstone wolves or To My Side. Also not quite as good as frost nova as it will freeze hunter's non beast minions such as Houndmaster or Cloaked Huntress if played out of Spell Hunter.