In other words, when you play a Murloc Raider, this card's cost goes down to 29. If you then play a 2-cost, it goes down to 27, and so forth and so forth.
I feel like he's pretty self explanatory, though I should mention that his battlecry is to represent his WoW counterpart's boardclear, Earthquake. He's hopefully strong enough to invoke play, control decks need a lot of help lately. This can help out handlock, control warrior, and even control mage. Since we, quite shockingly, did not get a Giant in Whispers of the Old Gods, I feel like the mini-tribe could use some help, and I think Golemagg would be incentive to play them where they were once played quite often (maybe not Molten Giant though, they kinda ruined it).
To clarify: every single random effect that occurs during your turn, outside of draws, will reduce this card’s cost by one. This means Arcane Missiles will reduce it by (3), any discovery cards by (3), Spellslinger by (2), Flamewaker by (2) after you cast any spell, Ragnaros by (1), Sylvanas by (1) if she dies during your turn and so on.
A random effect that you ‘initiate’ is an effect that occurs only during your turn. After you cast this card you will be allowed to assign targets or choose 3-mana minions for your Faceless Summoners to summon, as well as choosing one of the 3 spells Cabalist’s Tome would add to your hand. Similarly to Discover, you will not be allowed to proceed with your turn until after you make your choice. It only works once though, you better make it count!
How it works with:
-minions that have start of turn RNG effects (ex. Shifter Zerus, Demolisher): you have to select the card or target before proceeding with your turn. The selection is done by double-clicking the card
-minions that have end of turn RNG effect (ex. Ragnaros, Y’Shaarj): you will have to double-click the minion in order to activate its effect. This will also automatically end your turn. If you decide to push the end turn button before selecting your target, it will be selected at random but the effect of Brain of Yogg-Saron will perish.
Since my prior concept was a bit too similar to "Warlock's Apprentice" (the Soulstone in particular), I've settled on a relatively simple card. I felt like it fit best with Warlock, in terms of art, flavor and effect- it slowly gathers power from fallen minions. It works particularly well with Dreadsteed, but enjoys the company of a variety of deathrattle minions.
And fittingly, silencing the Maw is very effective.
"No dentures here... You're welcome to check, though."
Today in my free brawl pack I got Barongeddon, then I had a cup of fresh green tea. As a result of that, I think Priest is OP because my keyboard is not a mechanical one. I hope Blizzard will address this issue.
back again with a legendary rogue minion. if you choose to play a couple of healing minions this just works little a Molten Giant, but also adds a couple spells to your hand that could easily work with both Brann Bronzebeard and Gadgetzan Auctioneer
The Lurker Below is the second boss of the Serpentshrine Cavern and has a chance to be summoned by fishing. Flavor: "He is just really shy."
It has basically a 1/3 chance to be a 8 mana 11/12 or 12/11. As a trade off however, if you are unlucky it could also not be playable for quite a few turns, even if you are already at 10 mana.
Two situations where you can use this card, you are close to fatigue and know you still have a few spells to kill your opponent in your deck or you are just past turn 10, you play it and hope to get what you want to kill your opponent in one turn.
It would be a great tool in Freeze Mage for instance, past turn 10 your opponent would always have to keep his health high enough to avoid OTK and force him to take more risks because he knows at some point you'll draw what you need.
The card is pretty balanced imo, because it's both unpredictable and predictable depending on when it's played and if you have nothing interesting left in your deck, well, it's a "hail mary".
Good luck everyone!
Edit: Changed the cost to 11 because I misread the rules, I've read 10 or more mana. It doesn't change the spirit of the card, just that you'll have to Thaurissan it or have a Sorcerer's Apprentice on the board.
Lil' XT is one of three minions destroyed with its own effect, so its cost (which is 2) counts towards the total Attack and Health of XT-002 Deconstructor.
Lil' XT works in mostly the same way as Mimiron's Head except that XT-002 Deconstructor is formed when Lil' XT comes into play immediately.
Silencing XT-002 Deconstructor will have no effect on its Attack and Health (the Health and Attack are shown as question marks above because the total mana cost becomes the Attack and Health of XT-002). It will get rid of his Inspire, though.
I know I'm not the first to make a Murozond card here but I wasn't a huge fan of the effects I was seeing. Most of the effects I've seen on Murozond punish your opponent for using their allotted turn time, which I wasn't a huge fan of. I also couldn't find any good art for any of the other time-related Dragonflight leaders, so Murozond seemed like the best option.
The cost is reduced for your opponent's turns as well. Assuming Emperor Thaurissan or Pint Sized Summoner isn't played, this minion cannot be played until Turn 10. Even then, it's a bit of a tempo loss. It's designed to be played with other cost-reduction effects to get it on the board at a relatively cheap mana cost but to still be effective for its cost around turns 11+.
Hourglass watermark for visual appeal + lore reasons, possibly part of a future custom expansion themed around the Bronze & Infinite Dragonflights ;)
Druid has always been one of the most interesting classes to me, because there's a lot of different ways you could think about designing new cards for them. In this case, I wanted to give them something that would encourage the play of Poison Seeds, Soul of the Forest and the newly nerfed Force of Nature. I also wanted to incorporate a more unusual method of cost reduction for this week.
With Force of Nature, this card becomes (3) mana - however, you also destroy the Treants when it is played, so you end up with an 8 mana total cost for an 8/8. As such, it'd be best to see if you can keep the Treants alive 'til a later turn, when throwing out a (3) mana 8/8 and some other cards would be more beneficial.
Soul of the Forest is hard to judge. It could result in a costless 8/8 if played correctly, but your opponent would try and play around that where possible. I'd say you could average two Treants out of it, which might be enough to justify it.
Poison Seeds is interesting. To be able to play them both on the same turn, you'd need a minimum of two minions on your side of the field - (4) mana for the Poison Seeds, and then (6) mana for the Desolate Lurcher. However, this is a full board clear that leaves you with an 8/8, as it destroys ALL Treants when it is summoned, not just your own. I could see this being played as a good comeback helper.
Additionally you have Cenarius's Treants, but these likely won't last long with Taunt. You can always keep them in mind when deckbuilding, though.
Joust diehards rejoice! This is the card you were waiting for. Whenever a joust effect is triggered, your minion revealed will always be this one.
A few clarifications: -It gets revealed if it's in your deck OR hand, not if in play or dead. This way it doesn't become a dead card if you draw it before a joust (plus flavor!) -The Cost reduction triggers whether you win or lose the joust, meaning the first joust costs 12, the second 9 and so on. -It CAN become a deadweight and lose you all jousts, but that's intended! You're not supposed to win them all, and the purpose of this card is to make a terrible mechanic actually reliable.
There is my submission: Fi'wind guardian. (I've made some changes to made more clear the effects from the card, the real submission is outside the spoiler, thanks if is possible.)
In other words, when you play a Murloc Raider, this card's cost goes down to 29. If you then play a 2-cost, it goes down to 27, and so forth and so forth.
Check out my Custom Undead Expansion!
...Or my Custom Elemental Expansion!
I feel like he's pretty self explanatory, though I should mention that his battlecry is to represent his WoW counterpart's boardclear, Earthquake. He's hopefully strong enough to invoke play, control decks need a lot of help lately. This can help out handlock, control warrior, and even control mage. Since we, quite shockingly, did not get a Giant in Whispers of the Old Gods, I feel like the mini-tribe could use some help, and I think Golemagg would be incentive to play them where they were once played quite often (maybe not Molten Giant though, they kinda ruined it).
To clarify: every single random effect that occurs during your turn, outside of draws, will reduce this card’s cost by one. This means Arcane Missiles will reduce it by (3), any discovery cards by (3), Spellslinger by (2), Flamewaker by (2) after you cast any spell, Ragnaros by (1), Sylvanas by (1) if she dies during your turn and so on.
A random effect that you ‘initiate’ is an effect that occurs only during your turn. After you cast this card you will be allowed to assign targets or choose 3-mana minions for your Faceless Summoners to summon, as well as choosing one of the 3 spells Cabalist’s Tome would add to your hand. Similarly to Discover, you will not be allowed to proceed with your turn until after you make your choice. It only works once though, you better make it count!
How it works with:
-minions that have start of turn RNG effects (ex. Shifter Zerus, Demolisher): you have to select the card or target before proceeding with your turn. The selection is done by double-clicking the card
-minions that have end of turn RNG effect (ex. Ragnaros, Y’Shaarj): you will have to double-click the minion in order to activate its effect. This will also automatically end your turn. If you decide to push the end turn button before selecting your target, it will be selected at random but the effect of Brain of Yogg-Saron will perish.
Since my prior concept was a bit too similar to "Warlock's Apprentice" (the Soulstone in particular), I've settled on a relatively simple card. I felt like it fit best with Warlock, in terms of art, flavor and effect- it slowly gathers power from fallen minions. It works particularly well with Dreadsteed, but enjoys the company of a variety of deathrattle minions.
And fittingly, silencing the Maw is very effective.
"No dentures here... You're welcome to check, though."
back again with a legendary rogue minion. if you choose to play a couple of healing minions this just works little a Molten Giant, but also adds a couple spells to your hand that could easily work with both Brann Bronzebeard and Gadgetzan Auctioneer
"Justice shall be swift."
edit: updated version from a 15 mana cost 6/9
The Lurker Below is the second boss of the Serpentshrine Cavern and has a chance to be summoned by fishing.

Flavor: "He is just really shy."
It has basically a 1/3 chance to be a 8 mana 11/12 or 12/11. As a trade off however, if you are unlucky it could also not be playable for quite a few turns, even if you are already at 10 mana.
Hello everyone, here's my submission

Two situations where you can use this card, you are close to fatigue and know you still have a few spells to kill your opponent in your deck or you are just past turn 10, you play it and hope to get what you want to kill your opponent in one turn.
It would be a great tool in Freeze Mage for instance, past turn 10 your opponent would always have to keep his health high enough to avoid OTK and force him to take more risks because he knows at some point you'll draw what you need.
The card is pretty balanced imo, because it's both unpredictable and predictable depending on when it's played and if you have nothing interesting left in your deck, well, it's a "hail mary".
Good luck everyone!
Edit: Changed the cost to 11 because I misread the rules, I've read 10 or more mana. It doesn't change the spirit of the card, just that you'll have to Thaurissan it or have a Sorcerer's Apprentice on the board.
I know I'm not the first to make a Murozond card here but I wasn't a huge fan of the effects I was seeing. Most of the effects I've seen on Murozond punish your opponent for using their allotted turn time, which I wasn't a huge fan of. I also couldn't find any good art for any of the other time-related Dragonflight leaders, so Murozond seemed like the best option.
The cost is reduced for your opponent's turns as well. Assuming Emperor Thaurissan or Pint Sized Summoner isn't played, this minion cannot be played until Turn 10. Even then, it's a bit of a tempo loss. It's designed to be played with other cost-reduction effects to get it on the board at a relatively cheap mana cost but to still be effective for its cost around turns 11+.
Hourglass watermark for visual appeal + lore reasons, possibly part of a future custom expansion themed around the Bronze & Infinite Dragonflights ;)
All the more obvious ideas seem taken, so I thought I'd make a fictional addition to the Blackrock Mountain expansion. :)
Druid has always been one of the most interesting classes to me, because there's a lot of different ways you could think about designing new cards for them. In this case, I wanted to give them something that would encourage the play of Poison Seeds, Soul of the Forest and the newly nerfed Force of Nature. I also wanted to incorporate a more unusual method of cost reduction for this week.
Force of Nature
With Force of Nature, this card becomes (3) mana - however, you also destroy the Treants when it is played, so you end up with an 8 mana total cost for an 8/8. As such, it'd be best to see if you can keep the Treants alive 'til a later turn, when throwing out a (3) mana 8/8 and some other cards would be more beneficial.
Soul of the Forest
Soul of the Forest is hard to judge. It could result in a costless 8/8 if played correctly, but your opponent would try and play around that where possible. I'd say you could average two Treants out of it, which might be enough to justify it.
Poison Seeds
Poison Seeds is interesting. To be able to play them both on the same turn, you'd need a minimum of two minions on your side of the field - (4) mana for the Poison Seeds, and then (6) mana for the Desolate Lurcher. However, this is a full board clear that leaves you with an 8/8, as it destroys ALL Treants when it is summoned, not just your own. I could see this being played as a good comeback helper.
Additionally you have Cenarius's Treants, but these likely won't last long with Taunt. You can always keep them in mind when deckbuilding, though.
You can find me here! Good luck everyone!
Effect created with the Spare Parts in mind, but could also work with Mech Mage spells.
In Rexxar we trust
Maybe... nah nah nah nah
Great against aggro
Some of my creations are below, sorted from new to old
Myths of the Pantheon -A card a day (on a break right now) -Full Moon of Gilneas -A Tale of Fairies - Dalaran Expansion 2 - The Dark Forest - Dalaran Expansion 1 - Pirate Expansion 2 - Pirate Expansion 1 - Spring of Kimjau -Seige at Orgimmar - Journeys Abound
The name Master Jouster was already taken.
Joust diehards rejoice! This is the card you were waiting for. Whenever a joust effect is triggered, your minion revealed will always be this one.
A few clarifications:
-It gets revealed if it's in your deck OR hand, not if in play or dead. This way it doesn't become a dead card if you draw it before a joust (plus flavor!)
-The Cost reduction triggers whether you win or lose the joust, meaning the first joust costs 12, the second 9 and so on.
-It CAN become a deadweight and lose you all jousts, but that's intended! You're not supposed to win them all, and the purpose of this card is to make a terrible mechanic actually reliable.
There is my submission: Fi'wind guardian. (I've made some changes to made more clear the effects from the card, the real submission is outside the spoiler, thanks if is possible.)
Credit Artwork to Warcraft: World of Warcraft Media
Thanks, KeyKenzo.
EDIT: This card will discard all of your dragons(include dragons not drawn yet). I just minimize the card text due to space.