Welcome to Season 4 of Hearthpwn's own Weekly Card Design Competition! We're going to kick off this season by trying something a little different. Rather than opening the Submission and Discussion Topic at the same time, we're going to open the Submission Topic 24 hours after the Discussion Topic and that week's competition theme have been made public. This should give everybody a day to more calmly and carefully consider their entries. Be sure to see below for what out new weekly competition schedule will look like.
Competition Theme: EXPENSIVE TASTE
This week's Card Design Competition Theme comes from Tomerick88, whose Hippogryph Rider was the winner of our "Blast from the Past" competition.
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
Your card must either cost more than (10) mana or it must produce a card that costs more than (10) mana. Giants are the most obvious existing examples, but I'm sure that the creative minds around here can think of other interesting possibilities...
As always, you may not delete any posts you make in this Submission Topic. Message one of the Fan Creation moderators if you've posted here in error or otherwise would like your post removed.
Remember that, although HearthCards is awesome, you must host your card somewhere other than Hearthcards, such asImgur or Photobucket.
General Competition Rules
These are the rules that remain consistent from competition to competition.
First, these are the rules about Posting:
You are allowed to submit only one entry. An entry normally consists of only one collectible card, plus any necessary additional material or commentary (explained below).
You are allowed to post in this Submission Topic only once, only to submit your one entry.
You may not delete ANY posts you make in this Submission Topic, not even accidental ones you may make over your one allowed, such as by double-posting or by accidentally posting something here that you meant for the Discussion Topic. If you do accidentally post more than once, inform any of the Fan Creation Forum moderators via PM, and we will handle it.
Speaking of the Discussion Topic, that is where any discussion of this competition should go. This thread is for submissions only. If you want to discuss your card or ask questions about the competition rules or process, you can find a link to the Discussion Topic at the top of this thread. Plenty of folks there will be happy to help you out.
Once you have submitted your one entry, you are allowed to make only minor changes to it. Minor changes are things like correcting typos or making balance changes that do not alter the spirit of your entry as determined by we the moderators. If you want to make any changes and have any doubts as to their legality, ask us first.
These are the rules about your Submission:
Accompanying the image of your card, you may offer some minimal additional commentary to explain its design, balance, and/or other qualities. Flavor text is also welcome.
You may not submit any Gold cards or animated cards. (It's just a cheap attention grab tactic that makes it unnecessarily difficult to determine what class your card is for.)
Your entry must be a card of your own creation. We've been doing this for a while, so if you blatantly rip off somebody else's idea, we will know.
Remember that, although HearthCards is awesome, you MUST host your card somewhere other than Hearthcards. Save it and upload it toImgur, Photobucket, or some other similar site. HearthCards has a limited server space and will purge cards after a few days, and nobody wants your card disappearing part-way through the finals. We understand that there are some HearthCards memberships that will allow you to save your card there for longer (and you should totally get one of those just for general fan creation purposes, by the way), but we don't know who has those memberships and we can't tell from the URLs.
Fun and even humorous entries are perfectly allowed, but "troll" entries will be disqualified. If you're worried that your card may be misinterpreted as a troll card, contact a moderator before you submit.
TIP: Though not a rule exactly, we highly recommend that you insert your images using this icon on the bar above the post text editor: . Just click that button and put in the URL of your image. Cards that are uploaded and attached to your post are not disallowed, but in our experience they will not do nearly as well, so this is for your own benefit more than anything.
Finally, know that manipulating votes in any way is strictly forbidden. Any violators will receive an official warning, and will be banned from this and all future HearthPwn Card Design Competitions.
Competition Process
Preview Phase (Starts Now! Ends 19:00 UTC 14/July/2016) During this Phase, the Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme. Entry and Early Voting Phase (Starts 19:00 UTC 14/July/2016, Ends 17:00 UTC 18/July/2016) During this Phase, the Submission Topic is made available for your submissions. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like! Voting Phase (Starts 17:00 UTC 18/July/2016, Ends 17:00 UTC 19/July/2016) During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites! Final Phase (Starts 18:00 UTC 19/July/2016, Ends 18:00 UTC 20/July/2016) During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a new Poll Topic will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Poll Topic, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and poll to decide the winner of the competition!
How do we determine the qualifying finalists? First, we'll pull up-vote data from each submission using the formula detailed below:
(ab) / (c) = x
Where, a = The total number of submissions on the same page as the submission. b = The total number of up-votes that the submission received. c = The total number of up-votes on the same page as the submission. x = The submission's final score.
The formula basically measures which cards stood out the most, with the necessary assumption that each page is about equal in overall submission quality. It will be the entries that receive the highest final scores that move on to the Final Phase.
The bottom line is that, although entries on the earlier pages of the Submission Topic are much more visible and thus receive many more up-votes than entries on later pages, you don't actually have to rush to get your entry in as soon as possible because the up-votes end up being weighted by what page your entry ends up on in order to determine its final score.
But wait, there's more! During each Weekly Card Design Competition, each Fan Creation Forum moderators will be given a Wild Card, which they can use to advance any one entry that they feel was initially overlooked or under-appreciated to the Final Phase, regardless of its final score. Wild Cards are our way of spicing things up a bit, but please don't ask to be given one or be upset if you aren't given one. These are just supposed to be fun. (Also, it should go without saying that, while we moderators are allowed to participate in the competitions, we are not allowed to benefit from Wild Cards.)
Bragging rights are always awesome, but as usual, we do offer a couple of HearthPwn site rewards to competition winners: Their card forever immortalized in our Winners' Gallery! They will be allowed to select the next card design competition theme. And a unique Avatar Border & "Card Design Champion" Title, as depicted below!
Flavor text: "Nighty night, don't let the Death's Bite bite."
I figure Rogue needs some AOE since the nerf to Blade Flurry, and it's the class that's most likely to be able to lower the cost of a spell through the use of Preparation, and The Coin from Cutpurse or Tomb Pillager.
As another user pointed out, apparently you can't use The Coin if you already have 10 mana. Had I know that I would have designed the card differently. Unfortunately it's too late to change, but as it is now it still works with Preparation and Emperor Thaurissan. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose.
EXPLODING MURLOCS! :D I'm quite happy with this one. :]
The original idea of Exploding Kittens, for those in the dark of this awesome game, is to avoid drawing the Exploding Kitten card and survive as long as possible. I figured that this wouldn't be as fun in the aspect of Hearthstone, so I decided to twist it such that the Exploding Murloc is in your hand at the start... But as you draw the Ignite cards, slowly it becomes a threat!
The mana costs of the Ignite cards and the Exploding Murloc cards will be the same, as a measure to keep track of the mana cost. So when Exploding Murloc is 15, your Ignite cards will show 15 as well.
At 10 mana / 5 mana respectively, you can start casting the Exploding Murloc card to pass it among your opponent and you. It's one way of keeping the relevancy of the mana crystals as being used, but rather expensive. When it explodes, it explodes anytime!
In terms of actual HS gameplay ramifications? It's a somewhat fun twist to the game, similar to Lorewalker Cho. Take this card with a pinch of fun involved! :)
Yes this ability is pretty strong but you can only use him late game with 10 or less health. It is a last chance survival play. Helps slam the brakes on a flooded board but still can die to spells. The other thing is it summons Taunt minions from you and your opponent so makes Paladin think twice about playing Tirion or Druid's playing Dark Arrakoa. However, it can counter your deck a little because it could summon your opponent's weak Taunt minions.
**Since the original cost is 15, it won't go above that. So, the range is between 0-15.
:Meet Waqt, which means Time in Urdu. I named him that because I originally set out to create the Time-Lost Proto Drake but due to not finding good art, had to settle with the next best thing: A Crazy Time-Altering Lost Archmage!
:How dare you call me crazy, you undisciplined pup?!
: Fine! Introduce yourself then...
: With pleasure... oh, so. Uh... who am I again? I forget things. Speaking of forgetting things, what was my mana cost again?
Mill Rogue was hands down the most fun I had playing (even if it was pretty all or nothing with regards to actually winning) and once most of its major tools got rotated out I was sad. I made the Saboteur to be a utility tool for the mill deck. Originally I envisioned the Suck Fish's cost being stuck at (11), but Rogue has a bunch of ways to replay cards multiple times and even I wouldn't want to win by just filling the opponents hand with complete dead weight. The current cost reduction mechanic thus has a push-pull incentive for the average mill deck, as the more you cause the opponent to draw from their deck the easier it'll be for them to offload the unwanted anchor fish.
My card is cataclysm. In WoW, the Cataclysm was the return of the evil dragon aspect Deathwing, which reforged the 2 biggest continents in Azeroth. Sorry for any english mistakes i make, a it is not mt first language.
Design decisions:
15 Mana - At 14 mana, It would be easy to just Thaurissan and Prep It, but at 15 you will need at least 2 thaurissan ticks before playing prep + this. Other cards that can reduce the cost are: Far sight, Sorceress aprentice and Shadowfiend. (Remember, you can't double prep, and innervate/coin can't go past 10 mana)
Or your opponent can just play millhouse and save you all the work.
Neutral - Probably the only class that would (try to) play Cataclysm is rogue, as the other classes' tools aren't reliable, but the theme has nothing to do with rogue, so I decided to make it neutral.
Legendary - Well, the Cataclysm was a unique event, and would be the perfect card to introduce legendary spells.
Destroying minions - Again, this is a lore decision, as the cataclysm was global (And the cataclysm is the return of deathwing, who destroys all minions too). But it does have some gameplay implications: Enemy deathrattles can kill you, resulting in a tie, and Majordomo Executus will make your opponent survive.
The best use of this card is a combo rogue: Turn X: Thaurissan + Master of disguise / Conceal Turn X + 1: Anything, get another thaurissan tick Turn X + 2: Prep + Cataclysm.
Summon the lord of the Burning Legion after enough demons have entered the world. Then release the wrath of a demon horde upon your opponent! This card is meant for Demolock, which runs typically 7 demons on average so sometimes it will be played, sometimes it won't, depending on how much you dedicate your deck to demons, it's cost is also affected by enemy demons.
This does not destroy mana crystals, instead it just stores the mana. (so if its turn 5 and you play this and pass, it will store 3 mana, and your next turn you'll have 6 mana as usual.)
This stores your opponent's unspent mana aswell.
This does not destroy itself when summoning an Abberation, and can continue to gather mana and summon more.
UI-wise, this card would have a nice little counter on it representing how much mana has been gathered.
If this card is destroyed and resummoned through something like Reincarnate, it will lose all stored mana.
If two of these are on the board at the same time, the last one played will be the one who absorbs all the mana.
This is the Submission Topic. The Discussion Topic is here.
Welcome to Season 4 of Hearthpwn's own Weekly Card Design Competition! We're going to kick off this season by trying something a little different. Rather than opening the Submission and Discussion Topic at the same time, we're going to open the Submission Topic 24 hours after the Discussion Topic and that week's competition theme have been made public. This should give everybody a day to more calmly and carefully consider their entries. Be sure to see below for what out new weekly competition schedule will look like.
Competition Theme: EXPENSIVE TASTE
This week's Card Design Competition Theme comes from Tomerick88, whose Hippogryph Rider was the winner of our "Blast from the Past" competition.
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
General Competition Rules
These are the rules that remain consistent from competition to competition.
First, these are the rules about Posting:
These are the rules about your Submission:
TIP: Though not a rule exactly, we highly recommend that you insert your images using this icon on the bar above the post text editor:
. Just click that button and put in the URL of your image. Cards that are uploaded and attached to your post are not disallowed, but in our experience they will not do nearly as well, so this is for your own benefit more than anything.
Finally, know that manipulating votes in any way is strictly forbidden. Any violators will receive an official warning, and will be banned from this and all future HearthPwn Card Design Competitions.
Competition Process
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme.
During this Phase, the Submission Topic is made available for your submissions. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like!
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites!
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a new Poll Topic will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Poll Topic, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and poll to decide the winner of the competition!
How do we determine the qualifying finalists? First, we'll pull up-vote data from each submission using the formula detailed below:
(ab) / (c) = x
a = The total number of submissions on the same page as the submission.
b = The total number of up-votes that the submission received.
c = The total number of up-votes on the same page as the submission.
x = The submission's final score.
The formula basically measures which cards stood out the most, with the necessary assumption that each page is about equal in overall submission quality. It will be the entries that receive the highest final scores that move on to the Final Phase.
The bottom line is that, although entries on the earlier pages of the Submission Topic are much more visible and thus receive many more up-votes than entries on later pages, you don't actually have to rush to get your entry in as soon as possible because the up-votes end up being weighted by what page your entry ends up on in order to determine its final score.
But wait, there's more! During each Weekly Card Design Competition, each Fan Creation Forum moderators will be given a Wild Card, which they can use to advance any one entry that they feel was initially overlooked or under-appreciated to the Final Phase, regardless of its final score. Wild Cards are our way of spicing things up a bit, but please don't ask to be given one or be upset if you aren't given one. These are just supposed to be fun.
(Also, it should go without saying that, while we moderators are allowed to participate in the competitions, we are not allowed to benefit from Wild Cards.)
Bragging rights are always awesome, but as usual, we do offer a couple of HearthPwn site rewards to competition winners:
Their card forever immortalized in our Winners' Gallery!
They will be allowed to select the next card design competition theme.
And a unique Avatar Border & "Card Design Champion" Title, as depicted below!
Good Luck!
Here's my submission!
Flavor text: "Nighty night, don't let the Death's Bite bite."
I figure Rogue needs some AOE since the nerf to Blade Flurry, and it's the class that's most likely to be able to lower the cost of a spell through the use of Preparation, and The Coin from Cutpurse or Tomb Pillager.
As another user pointed out, apparently you can't use The Coin if you already have 10 mana. Had I know that I would have designed the card differently. Unfortunately it's too late to change, but as it is now it still works with Preparation and Emperor Thaurissan. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose.
Inspired by Exploding Kittens, we have...
EXPLODING MURLOCS! :D I'm quite happy with this one. :]
The original idea of Exploding Kittens, for those in the dark of this awesome game, is to avoid drawing the Exploding Kitten card and survive as long as possible. I figured that this wouldn't be as fun in the aspect of Hearthstone, so I decided to twist it such that the Exploding Murloc is in your hand at the start... But as you draw the Ignite cards, slowly it becomes a threat!
The mana costs of the Ignite cards and the Exploding Murloc cards will be the same, as a measure to keep track of the mana cost. So when Exploding Murloc is 15, your Ignite cards will show 15 as well.
At 10 mana / 5 mana respectively, you can start casting the Exploding Murloc card to pass it among your opponent and you. It's one way of keeping the relevancy of the mana crystals as being used, but rather expensive. When it explodes, it explodes anytime!
In terms of actual HS gameplay ramifications? It's a somewhat fun twist to the game, similar to Lorewalker Cho. Take this card with a pinch of fun involved! :)
Yes this ability is pretty strong but you can only use him late game with 10 or less health. It is a last chance survival play. Helps slam the brakes on a flooded board but still can die to spells. The other thing is it summons Taunt minions from you and your opponent so makes Paladin think twice about playing Tirion or Druid's playing Dark Arrakoa. However, it can counter your deck a little because it could summon your opponent's weak Taunt minions.
*Refer to Shifter Zerus for wording
**Since the original cost is 15, it won't go above that. So, the range is between 0-15.
Mill Rogue was hands down the most fun I had playing (even if it was pretty all or nothing with regards to actually winning) and once most of its major tools got rotated out I was sad. I made the Saboteur to be a utility tool for the mill deck. Originally I envisioned the Suck Fish's cost being stuck at (11), but Rogue has a bunch of ways to replay cards multiple times and even I wouldn't want to win by just filling the opponents hand with complete dead weight. The current cost reduction mechanic thus has a push-pull incentive for the average mill deck, as the more you cause the opponent to draw from their deck the easier it'll be for them to offload the unwanted anchor fish.
My card is cataclysm. In WoW, the Cataclysm was the return of the evil dragon aspect Deathwing, which reforged the 2 biggest continents in Azeroth. Sorry for any english mistakes i make, a it is not mt first language.
Design decisions:
15 Mana - At 14 mana, It would be easy to just Thaurissan and Prep It, but at 15 you will need at least 2 thaurissan ticks before playing prep + this. Other cards that can reduce the cost are: Far sight, Sorceress aprentice and Shadowfiend. (Remember, you can't double prep, and innervate/coin can't go past 10 mana)
Or your opponent can just play millhouse and save you all the work.
Neutral - Probably the only class that would (try to) play Cataclysm is rogue, as the other classes' tools aren't reliable, but the theme has nothing to do with rogue, so I decided to make it neutral.
Legendary - Well, the Cataclysm was a unique event, and would be the perfect card to introduce legendary spells.
Destroying minions - Again, this is a lore decision, as the cataclysm was global (And the cataclysm is the return of deathwing, who destroys all minions too). But it does have some gameplay implications: Enemy deathrattles can kill you, resulting in a tie, and Majordomo Executus will make your opponent survive.
The best use of this card is a combo rogue:
Turn X: Thaurissan + Master of disguise / Conceal
Turn X + 1: Anything, get another thaurissan tick
Turn X + 2: Prep + Cataclysm.
Never created one of these.. Let's do it! A simple card that rewards control and punishes zoo :D
I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Curse of Exhaustion

Summon the lord of the Burning Legion after enough demons have entered the world. Then release the wrath of a demon horde upon your opponent! This card is meant for Demolock, which runs typically 7 demons on average so sometimes it will be played, sometimes it won't, depending on how much you dedicate your deck to demons, it's cost is also affected by enemy demons.
The Nexus comes to the Inn with my set of Heroes of the Storm Legendaries!
I don't really know how to describe this minion! At least it doesn't fit into a Zoo deck...
Clarifications :
This does not destroy mana crystals, instead it just stores the mana. (so if its turn 5 and you play this and pass, it will store 3 mana, and your next turn you'll have 6 mana as usual.)
This stores your opponent's unspent mana aswell.
This does not destroy itself when summoning an Abberation, and can continue to gather mana and summon more.
UI-wise, this card would have a nice little counter on it representing how much mana has been gathered.
If this card is destroyed and resummoned through something like Reincarnate, it will lose all stored mana.
If two of these are on the board at the same time, the last one played will be the one who absorbs all the mana.
edit : fixed typo.
The artifacts are the ones from Arch-Thief Rafaam. And yes, that is weirdly the capitalization
EDIT: My card got turned into a box with an x :( I just fixed it.
Many people memorize his no. 2