Greed: If you have 7+ cards in your hand when you play this card do x.
For example: Precautious Shieldbearer: 6 mana 4/6 minion, Greed: Gain +4 health and taunt. (I'm sorry I'm on mobile so I couldn't link a real card with art)
Validate:After playing a minion get +1/+1 if you have a minion in your hand doesn't validate before.
For For example you have 2 minions and some spells in your hand.After you play a minion it gets +1/+1 and the other minion staying in your hand marked not to validate another minion again.
Socialite: Do something every time you emote. Does not activate if you are squelched, instead, it forcibly unsquelches you, and you cannot be squelched again for the turn, which also silences the Socialite card.
Friendly Nurse: 3 Mana Common Neutral Minion. 3/3 Socialite: Restore 1 Health to both players.
ETC's Guitar: 4 Mana Rare Warrior Weapon. 3/4 Socialite: Gain +1 Attack and lose 1 Durability
Fel DJ: 8 Mana Epic Warlock Minion. Demon. 6/9 Socialite: Summon an Imp for each player.
Channel: negate all damage dealt to your minion via trading on your turn and instead deal it to your hero and at the end of your turn deal the same amount of damage dealt to your hero to all enemies (targets chosen randomly).
Predict: Reveal the next x cards on the top of your deck for you. (Your opponent can't see it)
E.g.: Minion with battlecry "Predict 2" you gonna see the top 2 cards of your deck.
Next keyword: Grief
There also "Fully Grief" that destroys the whole deck (Azari, the Devourer).
Next: Wrath
Lightweight: this minions gains divine shield after he attacks
Next keyword: colossus
Colossus: Whenever this Minion survives damage, double its Health.
Next keyword: Bloodthirst
Bloodthirst: Whenever this minion kills an enemy minion it may attack again.
So the effect of Giant Sandworm, it is a really cool effect and card.
Next keyword: Anarchy
Anarchy : Whenever this minion kills an enemy minion it can't attack for 2 turns but gains +3 health
Next keyboard: Peacemaker
Peacemaker: Whenever a minion dies, no character can attack until the end of the turn.
Next keyword: Bandit
Sacrilege: Mill the top card of your library.
I don't have something witty about this deck, I just like it because Malygos is fun.
Next: Greed
Greed: If you have 7+ cards in your hand when you play this card do x.
For example: Precautious Shieldbearer: 6 mana 4/6 minion, Greed: Gain +4 health and taunt. (I'm sorry I'm on mobile so I couldn't link a real card with art)
Next keyword: Election
Election : Choose a friendly minion. Add one copy of it to your deck.
Next keyword : Betrayal
Betrayal means Do something negativ first to get a advantage like this:
Next keyword : Void
Void: After this minion dies, it comes back to your hand.
Next keyword: Validate
f2p btw
Validate:After playing a minion get +1/+1 if you have a minion in your hand doesn't validate before.
For For example you have 2 minions and some spells in your hand.After you play a minion it gets +1/+1 and the other minion staying in your hand marked not to validate another minion again.
Next Keyword: Paragon
Miracle miracle miracle...
Paragon: At the start of your turn, consume some of your mana.
So for example
3 mana 5/5
Paragon: 2
Next keyword: Friendly
f2p btw
Bewitched : During your opponent's turn, gain +X attack or +X health (like Tar Lurker )
Next keyword : Pact
Family Cards:
Next: School
Vote for my Card Design Submission! I love this one!
Socialite: Do something every time you emote. Does not activate if you are squelched, instead, it forcibly unsquelches you, and you cannot be squelched again for the turn, which also silences the Socialite card.
Friendly Nurse: 3 Mana Common Neutral Minion. 3/3 Socialite: Restore 1 Health to both players.
ETC's Guitar: 4 Mana Rare Warrior Weapon. 3/4 Socialite: Gain +1 Attack and lose 1 Durability
Fel DJ: 8 Mana Epic Warlock Minion. Demon. 6/9 Socialite: Summon an Imp for each player.
Next: Channel
Make the Card: The biggest thread on the site!
My mandibles which are capable of pressing down and tearing, my talons which are known to intercept and hold.
Channel: negate all damage dealt to your minion via trading on your turn and instead deal it to your hero and at the end of your turn deal the same amount of damage dealt to your hero to all enemies (targets chosen randomly).
Deranged Demon : 5 mana Warlock minion Demon epic 8/8 Rush,Channel
Cursed Assassin: 4 mana Rogue rare minion 6-6 Stealth, Channel
Enraged Golem 7 mana neutral minion 7-7 Rush, Channel
Next : Justice
Justice: When a friendly minion dies, triggers the despicted ability.
Cult Master would say Justice: draw a card.
Witch's Cauldron says Justice: add a random Shaman spell to your hand.
Scavenging Hyena says Justice: if it was a Beast, gain +2/+1.
Next: Alarm