Card Discussion

The place to ask questions and develop strategies based around particular cards.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Epic Tier List & Crafting Guide >>
by HoraceStapleton
37 48,312
Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide >>
by SlydE
2,425 1,172,686
What is your #1 broken card(out of all) right now? >>
by olestuga
18 3,461
Xor'toth Decks? >>
by MintMurderMedia
5 1,372
Boomboss Tho'grun >>
by grokl77
6 1,044
Missing Combo Piece for OTK Priest >>
by Shamaniac2998
3 279
Standard octo masseuse broken? >>
by Mentalo
4 2,553
Why is Private Eye banned? >>
by olestuga
2 1,188
Standard Thoughts on the new cards? >>
by MintMurderMedia
1 1,181
Plz unnerf Velarok >>
by Scribbler
10 2,376
Trail mix doesnt do what it says >>
by lv426a11
6 1,285
Standard Runic Greatmace !?! >>
by SinnFull
4 1,063
Wild Zephrys useless offerings >>
by Perothvius
12 2,357
How to get new Marin card? >>
by CallmeChilli
5 1,761
The Demon Seed will always be an issue >>
by BlueStripe
5 1,945
Standard Might of Menethil bugged? >>
by Ghostwaker
0 639
Standard Past few expansions and their card design(major inherently bad concepts)and the way blizzard should approach them. >>
by TidRange
0 954
Secret ignoring minion >>
by MomoUk
10 1,763
Hagatha the Fabled tokens and other potential shaman buffs >>
by TMRobinson
0 340
Standard Puzzlemaster Khadgar - Strange Mage Spell choices >>
by AbS0lutE991
10 2,365
Whizbang the Wonderful Updated? >>
by Screwjank
4 3,882
Prison Of Yogg Saron? Overrated? >>
by pumpkinescobar2
16 5,271
Interaction Eater of secrets+Objection! >>
by TigOldBiddy
10 1,943
Weird Reno and Scabbs interaction. >>
by Salokannel2
2 904
Lightshow >>
by Sableflame
15 3,812