I already had a Flame Leviathan, and just opened a golden one in an arena pack. IMO the card is next to useless (if it only hit your opponent it would be much better!)...but do you think it'd be worth it to wait for a buff to it and then choose whether to DE for extra value, or just dust it now? I know they've never buffed cards before, so I'm leaning towards just dusting it since I doubt I'd ever use it and I could craft a Classic legendary I don't have yet with the dust.
2nd question: I have an extra Troggzor the Earthinator and Dr. Boom. I'm leaning towards holding onto those in case they get nerfed, since both have been in the discussion as being kinda-OP. What do you think the odds are that their stats and/or cost will be adjusted in the next patch?
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I already had a Flame Leviathan, and just opened a golden one in an arena pack. IMO the card is next to useless (if it only hit your opponent it would be much better!)...but do you think it'd be worth it to wait for a buff to it and then choose whether to DE for extra value, or just dust it now? I know they've never buffed cards before, so I'm leaning towards just dusting it since I doubt I'd ever use it and I could craft a Classic legendary I don't have yet with the dust.
2nd question: I have an extra Troggzor the Earthinator and Dr. Boom. I'm leaning towards holding onto those in case they get nerfed, since both have been in the discussion as being kinda-OP. What do you think the odds are that their stats and/or cost will be adjusted in the next patch?