There is a myth going around that apparently Darkglare warlock is one of the best decks in wild, and, accordingly, a lot of people play it. However, I have yet to lose a *single* game against it, despite going up against it a few dozen times at least in a season. Granted, I'm not a legend player, but I'm mostly around high platinum or low diamond, which means almost exclusively optimized decklists (with some people screwing around, myself included at times).
I understand they can push out some giants early, but let's be honest, classic mode handlock does pretty much the same, except it has a ton of removal and doesn't fatigue on turn 10 or so. All you really have to do is not die for a little bit, and you just auto-win with some removal and healing.
(I play almost exclusively control decks, but a range of those - Rustwix warlock, Dead Man's warrior and elemental frost lich mage; all of them easily kill the Darkglare deck every time.)
As for other aggro decks I'm not sure how their matchups against Darkglare go, but with the same control decks I can easily die to apm mage, evolve shaman, odd- or sometimes secret paladin, secret mage etc. but never to this deck.
Dark glare is a very very powerful deck. I've played vs. good dark glare players that turn 4 have a full board with multiple giants. If you've ever lost to a good dark glare player you'd see why it's great. Also they tend to climb fast/more prominent in higher legend.
Downside is it's very difficult to play, teetering on edge of losing by low HP. Any misplay and you lose. High skill and experience needed. But there's tons of high legend streams of people wrecking w dark glare. Their swing turns are very explosive
This deck has >50% winrate against most wild archetypesexcept Mozaki and pirate warriors. Granted I suck w dark glare but if you play it a few months and learn it it's very good
### Darkglare Warlock - Wild Meta Snapshot - June 22, 2021
it’s by far the best deck in the format but extremely punishing. You meet the good players only at the beginning of the season outside of legend. And sorry, everything below legend of at least d5 is absolute dumpster with the new rank system. There are only bad players or casual players who play seldom. Reaching legend with homebrew / off meta is very achievable if you know meta and game , I do it every month.
I've been playing this deck quite a bit lately, and enjoying it. It is SURPRISINGLY effective, even though you feel like you are losing most of the game while you teeter on that knife edge... there have been multiple games I almost conceded only to limp along a couple more rounds and pull a win.
I've been really tempted to try slotting in a Enhance-o Mechano, but not sure what I could sub out for it... Was initially thinking Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, but there have been games I used that on my own minions to limp out of lethal against face classes for a turn. The deck I run also has Cult Neophyte, cutting one Spirit Bomb and if you play that well along with a timely Raise'd Dead and then Loatheb on 5, you can cause some inefficient plays from Mages and Warlocks that are really satisfying.
Edit: Off my work computer now, and yeah, something like this speaks pretty loudly as to it's effectiveness.
You're probably right, they must all be in legend then. It makes me quite happy if everyone playing competitively is in legend though, allowing us casual plebs to have fun still. I do just tend to play the cards and decks I like regardless of the meta (and I lose a lot, consequently), that's why I was asking.
Can you show us the Dead Man's list you use? Because I can't get to win against them with such a deck.
Nothing out of the ordinary, really, but as others stated, I probably win because the non-legend players with Darkglare are likely still practising and not very good yet. Which is great, in my opinion if there is an overpowered deck, it should at least be difficult to master (like patron warrior in its prime).
At any rate, here's my list:
Athletic Studies x1 Eternium Rover x1 Risky Skipper x1 Shield Slam x1 Stage Dive x1 Town Crier x1 Armorsmith x1 Battle Rage x1 Dead Man's Hand x2 Warpath x1 Zephyrs the Great x1 Bladestorm x1 Coerce x1 Shield Block x1 War Cache x1 Kargath Bladefist x1 Outrider's Axe x1 Brawl x1 Stonemaul Anchorman x1 Kresh, Lord of Turtling x1 Reno Jackson x1 Mutanus the Devourer x1 Overlord Saurfang x1 The Curator x1 Deathwing, Mad Aspect x1 Troublemaker x1 Dragonqueen Alexstrasza x1 Rattlegore x1 C'Thun, the Shattered x1
Do bear in mind, though, that this is not a good deck. It's way too greedy, trying to do too many things, but it's just how I like it. (I used to run a Y'Shaarj + Clown package in it as well, but that just made it borderline unplayable, sadly.)
"best deck" means "best performing deck in the meta", not "it wins against everything"
If you have yet to lose against it, it's probably just because your deck is naturally strong against it, and also you got lucky and also you have a small sample size and also perhaps you're not at a very high rank. That doesn't mean that darkglare can't have the best win rate of all currently played meta decks.
Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but this "myth" as you call it is supported by a lot of competent streamers I know.
Like when Roffle says it's the best deck, he plays more than I do, he is better at the game than I am, so... I believe him, even though I'm fully aware that it can still be crushed by a variety of decks and even off-meta decks, and that the difference between a 55 and 58% win rate is totally irrelevant to me, but matters a lot to the majority, and impacts the meta accordingly.
You say you play exclusively control. So not only do you play decks that are naturally good against aggro decks like darkglare warlock, you also perform a lot better with control decks than the average guy who plays all archetypes.
I myself have never been very impressed by the deck, even when I lost, it never felt hopeless like some other matchups. I think that's because it's a very consistent deck, as opposed to many decks that rely heavily on draw order or specific combos.
"best deck" means "best performing deck in the meta", not "it wins against everything"
If you have yet to lose against it, it's probably just because your deck is naturally strong against it, and also you got lucky and also you have a small sample size and also perhaps you're not at a very high rank. That doesn't mean that darkglare can't have the best win rate of all currently played meta decks.
Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but this "myth" as you call it is supported by a lot of competent streamers I know.
Like when Roffle says it's the best deck, he plays more than I do, he is better at the game than I am, so... I believe him, even though I'm fully aware that it can still be crushed by a variety of decks and even off-meta decks, and that the difference between a 55 and 58% win rate is totally irrelevant to me, but matters a lot to the majority, and impacts the meta accordingly.
You say you play exclusively control. So not only do you play decks that are naturally good against aggro decks like darkglare warlock, you also perform a lot better with control decks than the average guy who plays all archetypes.
I myself have never been very impressed by the deck, even when I lost, it never felt hopeless like some other matchups. I think that's because it's a very consistent deck, as opposed to many decks that rely heavily on draw order or specific combos.
Yes, myth was definitely not the right choice of word, what I meant by it is that I am yet to witness the strength of the deck for myself. I'm not claiming that my experience overrides statistics and the opinions of professionals, of course, I just never quite "got it", so to speak. As even when I win against other aggro decks, I see what they were doing, and I get that I could have easily lost, whereas with this one, it always seems like they just whiff, even after playing their two waves of giants and their buffed charge guys, which is supposedly their win condition.
As for aggro vs aggro, I never really experienced it first hand, but it seems to me that draw RNG matters a lot in those matchups. That said, it is possible that Darkglare beats other aggro decks, it can have a lot of healing potential after all.
its feels stronger from classic handlock since you cheat mana so fast that you can pull giants for 0 and play a disruption card (like Loatheb or cult neophyte) on the same turn and lock your opponent out of the game. its hard to master in order to get high win rate, you need to practice and plan ahead your Glare turns, and also know whats the expected answer by opponent and if need to plan a giants turn combined with Lotheb to prevent AOE. its very good in high ranks because its good match vs popular Reno priest
you miss Tamsin for 4* power iwewhelming. [....] everything below legend of at least d5 is absolute dumpster with the new rank system.
Thank you for your explanation. I am actually legend #279, but I never saw Tasmin in action when I met darkglare warlocks, so that I was not aware of this possibility.
Surprisingly, or at least if this thread is to be believed, I don't recall queing into lock that much at mid to high legend (800-300) this month. Granted I haven't qued that many games, but most games I remember seem to have been against shaman, rogue, warrior, priest, and even paladin, with some mage and warlock matchups and the rare druid in the mix. Mostly I think it's been shaman, rogue, warrior, and lately more paladins.
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There is a myth going around that apparently Darkglare warlock is one of the best decks in wild, and, accordingly, a lot of people play it. However, I have yet to lose a *single* game against it, despite going up against it a few dozen times at least in a season. Granted, I'm not a legend player, but I'm mostly around high platinum or low diamond, which means almost exclusively optimized decklists (with some people screwing around, myself included at times).
I understand they can push out some giants early, but let's be honest, classic mode handlock does pretty much the same, except it has a ton of removal and doesn't fatigue on turn 10 or so. All you really have to do is not die for a little bit, and you just auto-win with some removal and healing.
(I play almost exclusively control decks, but a range of those - Rustwix warlock, Dead Man's warrior and elemental frost lich mage; all of them easily kill the Darkglare deck every time.)
As for other aggro decks I'm not sure how their matchups against Darkglare go, but with the same control decks I can easily die to apm mage, evolve shaman, odd- or sometimes secret paladin, secret mage etc. but never to this deck.
If you leave a single giant on board they may hit you for 29 damage at once with 10 mana.
Played reno tickatus lock on high legend (200 - 100) for most of last season and even with so much removal I had, it was a pretty hard matchup.
Even if you leave a 1/1 on board he can still burst you for 22 damage at once.
Edit: also, if he's smart and combine a couple of giants with Loatheb, you got to be lucky to have an answer.
Can you show us the Dead Man's list you use?
Because I can't get to win against them with such a deck.
Dark glare is a very very powerful deck. I've played vs. good dark glare players that turn 4 have a full board with multiple giants. If you've ever lost to a good dark glare player you'd see why it's great. Also they tend to climb fast/more prominent in higher legend.
Downside is it's very difficult to play, teetering on edge of losing by low HP. Any misplay and you lose. High skill and experience needed. But there's tons of high legend streams of people wrecking w dark glare. Their swing turns are very explosive
This deck has >50% winrate against most wild archetypesexcept Mozaki and pirate warriors. Granted I suck w dark glare but if you play it a few months and learn it it's very good
### Darkglare Warlock - Wild Meta Snapshot - June 22, 2021
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Raise Dead
# 2x (1) Animated Broomstick
# 1x (1) Crystallizer
# 2x (1) Kobold Librarian
# 2x (1) Power Overwhelming
# 1x (1) Rain of Fire
# 2x (1) Spirit Bomb
# 1x (1) The Soularium
# 2x (1) Tour Guide
# 2x (2) Cheaty Anklebiter
# 2x (2) Darkglare
# 2x (2) Drain Soul
# 2x (3) Backfire
# 1x (3) Tamsin Roame
# 1x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (8) Flesh Giant
# 2x (20) Molten Giant
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
How does this work?
2x Power Overwhelming = 8 damage. 2x Cheaty Anklebiter = 2 extra damage. What am I missing?
I assume that you mean immediately face damage and not damage by rush.
you miss Tamsin for 4* power iwewhelming.
it’s by far the best deck in the format but extremely punishing. You meet the good players only at the beginning of the season outside of legend. And sorry, everything below legend of at least d5 is absolute dumpster with the new rank system. There are only bad players or casual players who play seldom. Reaching legend with homebrew / off meta is very achievable if you know meta and game , I do it every month.
I've been playing this deck quite a bit lately, and enjoying it. It is SURPRISINGLY effective, even though you feel like you are losing most of the game while you teeter on that knife edge... there have been multiple games I almost conceded only to limp along a couple more rounds and pull a win.
I've been really tempted to try slotting in a Enhance-o Mechano, but not sure what I could sub out for it... Was initially thinking Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, but there have been games I used that on my own minions to limp out of lethal against face classes for a turn. The deck I run also has Cult Neophyte, cutting one Spirit Bomb and if you play that well along with a timely Raise'd Dead and then Loatheb on 5, you can cause some inefficient plays from Mages and Warlocks that are really satisfying.
Edit: Off my work computer now, and yeah, something like this speaks pretty loudly as to it's effectiveness.
You're probably right, they must all be in legend then. It makes me quite happy if everyone playing competitively is in legend though, allowing us casual plebs to have fun still. I do just tend to play the cards and decks I like regardless of the meta (and I lose a lot, consequently), that's why I was asking.
With Tamsin you get free duplicates of some of the spells
Nothing out of the ordinary, really, but as others stated, I probably win because the non-legend players with Darkglare are likely still practising and not very good yet. Which is great, in my opinion if there is an overpowered deck, it should at least be difficult to master (like patron warrior in its prime).
At any rate, here's my list:
Athletic Studies x1
Eternium Rover x1
Risky Skipper x1
Shield Slam x1
Stage Dive x1
Town Crier x1
Armorsmith x1
Battle Rage x1
Dead Man's Hand x2
Warpath x1
Zephyrs the Great x1
Bladestorm x1
Coerce x1
Shield Block x1
War Cache x1
Kargath Bladefist x1
Outrider's Axe x1
Brawl x1
Stonemaul Anchorman x1
Kresh, Lord of Turtling x1
Reno Jackson x1
Mutanus the Devourer x1
Overlord Saurfang x1
The Curator x1
Deathwing, Mad Aspect x1
Troublemaker x1
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza x1
Rattlegore x1
C'Thun, the Shattered x1
Do bear in mind, though, that this is not a good deck. It's way too greedy, trying to do too many things, but it's just how I like it. (I used to run a Y'Shaarj + Clown package in it as well, but that just made it borderline unplayable, sadly.)
"best deck" means "best performing deck in the meta", not "it wins against everything"
If you have yet to lose against it, it's probably just because your deck is naturally strong against it, and also you got lucky and also you have a small sample size and also perhaps you're not at a very high rank. That doesn't mean that darkglare can't have the best win rate of all currently played meta decks.
Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but this "myth" as you call it is supported by a lot of competent streamers I know.
Like when Roffle says it's the best deck, he plays more than I do, he is better at the game than I am, so... I believe him, even though I'm fully aware that it can still be crushed by a variety of decks and even off-meta decks, and that the difference between a 55 and 58% win rate is totally irrelevant to me, but matters a lot to the majority, and impacts the meta accordingly.
You say you play exclusively control. So not only do you play decks that are naturally good against aggro decks like darkglare warlock, you also perform a lot better with control decks than the average guy who plays all archetypes.
I myself have never been very impressed by the deck, even when I lost, it never felt hopeless like some other matchups. I think that's because it's a very consistent deck, as opposed to many decks that rely heavily on draw order or specific combos.
4x power overwhelming from Tansim + Zephyrs finding Lava Burst for lethal
In high level this can happen frequently
Yes, myth was definitely not the right choice of word, what I meant by it is that I am yet to witness the strength of the deck for myself. I'm not claiming that my experience overrides statistics and the opinions of professionals, of course, I just never quite "got it", so to speak. As even when I win against other aggro decks, I see what they were doing, and I get that I could have easily lost, whereas with this one, it always seems like they just whiff, even after playing their two waves of giants and their buffed charge guys, which is supposedly their win condition.
As for aggro vs aggro, I never really experienced it first hand, but it seems to me that draw RNG matters a lot in those matchups. That said, it is possible that Darkglare beats other aggro decks, it can have a lot of healing potential after all.
its feels stronger from classic handlock since you cheat mana so fast that you can pull giants for 0 and play a disruption card (like Loatheb or cult neophyte) on the same turn and lock your opponent out of the game.
its hard to master in order to get high win rate, you need to practice and plan ahead your Glare turns, and also know whats the expected answer by opponent and if need to plan a giants turn combined with Lotheb to prevent AOE.
its very good in high ranks because its good match vs popular Reno priest
It is also favoured against secret manage at high ranks
Thank you for your explanation. I am actually legend #279, but I never saw Tasmin in action when I met darkglare warlocks, so that I was not aware of this possibility.
its pretty hopeless against any reno deck that can clear board. Only giants make a threat and if you saved zephrys you simply take them out in turn 6.
Surprisingly, or at least if this thread is to be believed, I don't recall queing into lock that much at mid to high legend (800-300) this month. Granted I haven't qued that many games, but most games I remember seem to have been against shaman, rogue, warrior, priest, and even paladin, with some mage and warlock matchups and the rare druid in the mix. Mostly I think it's been shaman, rogue, warrior, and lately more paladins.