No point in playing wild now. You either play smork decks or get killed by those warlocks. Sometimes they mess up or can't make in time but still the fact that something like this is allowed to exist in a meta is ridicolous. I hope that devs after this mistake finally adress wild balancing. It's not right that a good chunk of their playerbase can't play a gamemode beacause everytime they print some card the meta collapses on itself
Wild is dead for anyone who doesn't enjoy playing hyper aggro or APM warlock. Most of my friends have quit wild and my friend's friends did the same. Wild is a ghost town by now with over half the playerbase gone.
Agree, wild is unplayable right now. There is no viable counter against the deck and you are helpless by turn 6-7 watching them channel through their entire deck. Blizzard really screwed up again.
Hyper aggro and secret mage are supposed to be favored but everything else is unplayable. Even discardlock is too slow. My friend tried this deck and he won 1 game, lost every other game. He's quitting wild and all his friends quit wild too.
Change the text to: Drawn Demons cost health instead of mana.
That way you still get a benefit, but you can't do silly shenanigans like brann + alex early. They still get the chance to put out stupid boards of demons, but less likely since spells/non-demons no longer cost health.
They always do that to bring some players into their shit. Wait a few days and the nerfs will come. But i have to agree, the game has become more stupid and broken each day, showing their incompetence expansion after expansion and how bad to fire employees affect the development and maintenance of the game.
Any keyword that has a potentially infinite effect (there is no cap on how much damage immune can prevent) can break the game. I really like MezariOz's proposed solution - keeps the flavour of the card, you can still do some shenanigans with Mal'ganis to build a big board but there is more potential for counterplay.
Hearthstone should be a 2-player interactive game!!!
No , is not a tier 0 deck, is not broken, is not the best deck in the format.People are overeacting again.... im not even seen them very often , like 10% of the games. I believe it is flooding dumpster mmr , just like every good deck after release. You guys are just crying about every deck , every season. Please stop ( I don´t even play the deck, i jsut like when we get new decks ) "Feeling" shouldnt be taken account when trying to balance a card game.
Trash tier 3 deck...dunno what ranks you all playing on but i destroy this deck with big priest,reno dh,secret mage,mill rogue, and the list goes on... Yeah some slow/otk decks lose but that's the nature of the draw ...even with with slow decks add some rats and its gg...
lol the winrate of big priest vs this deck must be around 5%...
Trash tier 3 deck...dunno what ranks you all playing on but i destroy this deck with big priest,reno dh,secret mage,mill rogue, and the list goes on... Yeah some slow/otk decks lose but that's the nature of the draw ...even with with slow decks add some rats and its gg...
lol the winrate of big priest vs this deck must be around 5%...
That was kind of my thoughts... Saying the taunt wall class wins when it takes until turn 5 to start producing any true board presence, and all their spells are reactive, versus the class that just needs a combo and goes right up over the top of the taunt wall and slaps face?
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
No , is not a tier 0 deck, is not broken, is not the best deck in the format.People are overeacting again.... im not even seen them very often , like 10% of the games. I believe it is flooding dumpster mmr , just like every good deck after release. You guys are just crying about every deck , every season. Please stop ( I don´t even play the deck, i jsut like when we get new decks ) "Feeling" shouldnt be taken account when trying to balance a card game.
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
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Great idea here
? So when the cost IS damage, what do you negate, then?
On topic: No, it doesn't break wild, there are many archetypes with WAY better winrates.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
You need a hyperaggro deck or secret mage and win by turns 3-5 or its GG.
Wild is dead for anyone who doesn't enjoy playing hyper aggro or APM warlock. Most of my friends have quit wild and my friend's friends did the same. Wild is a ghost town by now with over half the playerbase gone.
Hyper aggro and secret mage are supposed to be favored but everything else is unplayable. Even discardlock is too slow. My friend tried this deck and he won 1 game, lost every other game. He's quitting wild and all his friends quit wild too.
The cost isn't direct damage. You pay with your health, instead mana. It's not damage, like Flame Imp.
devs killed wild on purpose so more people play standard and spend more.
there's no other explanation for leaving wild in current state
Possible solution to stealer of souls:
Change the text to: Drawn Demons cost health instead of mana.
That way you still get a benefit, but you can't do silly shenanigans like brann + alex early. They still get the chance to put out stupid boards of demons, but less likely since spells/non-demons no longer cost health.
*sits down to play wild for the first time since the expo drops*
*encounters a Warlock*
Then on turn 4 this happens. Stealer of Souls (which was discovered by Demonic Studies) ---> Coin ---> Plot Twist ---> Free Admission ---> Violet Illusionist ---> Hemet, Jungle Hunter ---> Valdris Felgorge ---> Backfire (which draws the last card in his deck) ---> Mecha'thun ---> Cataclysm
Literally dead to a combo/OTK deck on turn 4. Sorry but that just shouldn't be possible,
The change imo is simple, you can't play cards that cost health if your hero is Immune.
Between this , APM Mage and Mill Rogue. Wild has some seriously anti-fun decks that all seem to very popular sadly :(
*Demonic studies. Please don't drag priest into this :P
good spot, edited
They always do that to bring some players into their shit. Wait a few days and the nerfs will come. But i have to agree, the game has become more stupid and broken each day, showing their incompetence expansion after expansion and how bad to fire employees affect the development and maintenance of the game.
Any keyword that has a potentially infinite effect (there is no cap on how much damage immune can prevent) can break the game. I really like MezariOz's proposed solution - keeps the flavour of the card, you can still do some shenanigans with Mal'ganis to build a big board but there is more potential for counterplay.
Hearthstone should be a 2-player interactive game!!!
They're taking way too long to nerf this.
No , is not a tier 0 deck, is not broken, is not the best deck in the format.People are overeacting again.... im not even seen them very often , like 10% of the games. I believe it is flooding dumpster mmr , just like every good deck after release. You guys are just crying about every deck , every season. Please stop ( I don´t even play the deck, i jsut like when we get new decks ) "Feeling" shouldnt be taken account when trying to balance a card game.
Galavant Animation
This is tthe best warlock deck according Hsreplay with 63% winrate. So it seems your feeling is not good....
lol the winrate of big priest vs this deck must be around 5%...
Playing at rank 1 atm and this deck is very proeminent and 90% they're able to win by turn 4-6. It's so ridiculos and broken.
That was kind of my thoughts... Saying the taunt wall class wins when it takes until turn 5 to start producing any true board presence, and all their spells are reactive, versus the class that just needs a combo and goes right up over the top of the taunt wall and slaps face?
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too
It's not about feelings but about being able to play a gamemode without having any form of control or midrange decks destroyed because the meta is warped by a overtuned otk deck that is also breaking the game animations for god's sake. People cry everytime sure, but sometimes there is a valid reason. This deck, Atm mage and similiar stuff make the game unfun for everyone that isn't playing them. Otks are fine, they make a meta healtier when they are not this easy to setup and play. Otherwise it becomes a rush to either kill your opponent by turn 5 or be killed by your opponent on turn 5. Also now it has become darkest hour 2.0, so yes if it's predecessor was nerfed, this will be too