I've been playing even hunter this season and having good fun. Most of the times I can beat plot twist/stealer of Souls cheese, but watching warlock draw whole deck and cast it for free on one turn with immunity seems kind of broken.
Warlock did stealer of Souls (cheated it out with Two Voidcallers - I killed first one), Plot Twist, Violet Illusionist for immunity, Soularium, Malganis, Alexstraza for self heal, Backfire, Free Admission, and a bunch of other shit. All for 0 mana Sincerely drew like half deck somehow. Reminds me of APM at its peak
And yes I know "Hur dur can be countered" and like I said crappy tier 4 even hunter I can beat this 3 out of 4 times, but the vast majority of decks cannot consistently beat that. Makes it so you have to play hyper aggro. Explosive runes and pressure plate and potion of polymorph cannot consistently counter this since there are multiple minions in this deck and multiple Stealer of Souls. Imo needs the APM mage treatment or a limit to what it can cheat out for free in wild. Very non-interactive to watch opponent cast whole deck until rope runs out (all for free and while immune). Also easy for Warlock to stay alive until turn 5 or 6 in most games even against hyper aggro. I don't mind playing vs. any of the meta decks in wild that are very powerful because every game feels fair and like a competition, but this Warlock decks once more refined is going to mess up meta. Seeing it more and more. Not as bad as Tiller but definitely like APM was
Maybe make it so they next X cards drawn cost health instead of mana (instead of all cards drawn)
Edit: Farming these fools with this deck list, should be hitting legend before end of month! The more of them I run into the faster the climb
### Even Hunter - Wild Meta # Class: Hunter # Format: Wild # # 2x (2) Cat Trick # 2x (2) Explosive Trap # 2x (2) Felfire Deadeye # 2x (2) Garrison Commander # 2x (2) Kobold Sandtrooper # 2x (2) Mad Scientist # 2x (2) Manafeeder Panthara # 2x (2) Phase Stalker # 2x (2) Pressure Plate # 2x (2) Quick Shot # 2x (2) Wandering Monster # 1x (4) Dragonbane # 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing # 2x (4) Knife Vendor # 1x (4) Piercing Shot # 1x (4) Rinling's Rifle # 1x (6) Genn Greymane # AAEBAa/XAwTN9AKHsAOP4wPc6gMN9w3VE/ixAt/SAp+lA/OnA/uvA7q2A/vOA7ThA5DkA+OfBLugBAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I mean playing Stealer of Souls->Plot Twist->Mal'Ganis -> Bran + Alex + Alex (16 dmg lethal) is BROKEN AF on turn 6 and it is consistent with the available card-draw. This card must be getting nerfed :)
No point in playing wild now. You either play smork decks or get killed by those warlocks. Sometimes they mess up or can't make in time but still the fact that something like this is allowed to exist in a meta is ridicolous. I hope that devs after this mistake finally adress wild balancing. It's not right that a good chunk of their playerbase can't play a gamemode beacause everytime they print some card the meta collapses on itself
Agree, wild is unplayable right now. There is no viable counter against the deck and you are helpless by turn 6-7 watching them channel through their entire deck. Blizzard really screwed up again.
Any statements already when the nerf will come? Im currently at D2 with rogue..one of 2 classes im still missing legend. So atm im just waiting and dont play. Cba to lose to that bad designed trash they sold us, just so they can nerf it in a couple days and i have to re-grind all the stars i lost on turn 5 to Stealer of Souls...
Unpopular opinion here: The Stealer of Souls deck is total garbage. It gets completely obliterated by a large number of aggro decks out there and as such it is simply not a viable deck for the wild meta. Sure it might feel like a 'free win' vs some slow decks (although it isn't as people still lose to solitaire), but that's the nature of wild and its highly polarizing matchups
Unpopular opinion here: The Stealer of Souls deck is total garbage. It gets completely obliterated by a large number of aggro decks out there and as such it is simply not a viable deck for the wild meta. Sure it might feel like a 'free win' vs some slow decks (although it isn't as people still lose to solitaire), but that's the nature of wild and its highly polarizing matchups
65% winrate according hsreplay, knowing the fact that most of people plays aggro now to face this deck... Anyway, Blizzard killed many combination in wild that were less toxic than this one, so probably the nerf will arrive soon once they'll find which card of the combo to nerf.
Unpopular opinion here: The Stealer of Souls deck is total garbage. It gets completely obliterated by a large number of aggro decks out there and as such it is simply not a viable deck for the wild meta. Sure it might feel like a 'free win' vs some slow decks (although it isn't as people still lose to solitaire), but that's the nature of wild and its highly polarizing matchups
Dude I was playing even hunter. Kills most meta decks before turn 6 or 7. Great mulligan too. If a face oriented deck like that can't touch it very few can. Means other meta decks (pirate warriors, murloc sham, secret mage, odd pally, handbuff, etc.) Will have a tough time.
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I've been playing even hunter this season and having good fun. Most of the times I can beat plot twist/stealer of Souls cheese, but watching warlock draw whole deck and cast it for free on one turn with immunity seems kind of broken.
Warlock did stealer of Souls (cheated it out with Two Voidcallers - I killed first one), Plot Twist, Violet Illusionist for immunity, Soularium, Malganis, Alexstraza for self heal, Backfire, Free Admission, and a bunch of other shit. All for 0 mana Sincerely drew like half deck somehow. Reminds me of APM at its peak
And yes I know "Hur dur can be countered" and like I said crappy tier 4 even hunter I can beat this 3 out of 4 times, but the vast majority of decks cannot consistently beat that. Makes it so you have to play hyper aggro. Explosive runes and pressure plate and potion of polymorph cannot consistently counter this since there are multiple minions in this deck and multiple Stealer of Souls. Imo needs the APM mage treatment or a limit to what it can cheat out for free in wild. Very non-interactive to watch opponent cast whole deck until rope runs out (all for free and while immune). Also easy for Warlock to stay alive until turn 5 or 6 in most games even against hyper aggro. I don't mind playing vs. any of the meta decks in wild that are very powerful because every game feels fair and like a competition, but this Warlock decks once more refined is going to mess up meta. Seeing it more and more. Not as bad as Tiller but definitely like APM was
Maybe make it so they next X cards drawn cost health instead of mana (instead of all cards drawn)
Edit: Farming these fools with this deck list, should be hitting legend before end of month! The more of them I run into the faster the climb
### Even Hunter - Wild Meta
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 2x (2) Cat Trick
# 2x (2) Explosive Trap
# 2x (2) Felfire Deadeye
# 2x (2) Garrison Commander
# 2x (2) Kobold Sandtrooper
# 2x (2) Mad Scientist
# 2x (2) Manafeeder Panthara
# 2x (2) Phase Stalker
# 2x (2) Pressure Plate
# 2x (2) Quick Shot
# 2x (2) Wandering Monster
# 1x (4) Dragonbane
# 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing
# 2x (4) Knife Vendor
# 1x (4) Piercing Shot
# 1x (4) Rinling's Rifle
# 1x (6) Genn Greymane
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
The animation is so slow it’s almost impossible to fully take advantage of this. It takes forever.
yeah, it's broken, wild needs a lot of changes before it'll be balanced. But standard is pretty good rn
This card will be nerfed 100%.
I mean playing Stealer of Souls->Plot Twist->Mal'Ganis -> Bran + Alex + Alex (16 dmg lethal) is BROKEN AF on turn 6 and it is consistent with the available card-draw. This card must be getting nerfed :)
Huh. I’ve played about 20 games in wild and have had Stealer of Souls and Plot Twist in my hand by turn 6 maybe 3 times.
Yeah i agree turn 3 mechathun otk isnt fair
No point in playing wild now. You either play smork decks or get killed by those warlocks. Sometimes they mess up or can't make in time but still the fact that something like this is allowed to exist in a meta is ridicolous. I hope that devs after this mistake finally adress wild balancing. It's not right that a good chunk of their playerbase can't play a gamemode beacause everytime they print some card the meta collapses on itself
Agree, wild is unplayable right now. There is no viable counter against the deck and you are helpless by turn 6-7 watching them channel through their entire deck. Blizzard really screwed up again.
Any statements already when the nerf will come? Im currently at D2 with rogue..one of 2 classes im still missing legend. So atm im just waiting and dont play. Cba to lose to that bad designed trash they sold us, just so they can nerf it in a couple days and i have to re-grind all the stars i lost on turn 5 to Stealer of Souls...
how? your deck must be built kinda inconsistant or you mulligan wrong...
Just wait for the meta to settle KeKW
Unpopular opinion here: The Stealer of Souls deck is total garbage. It gets completely obliterated by a large number of aggro decks out there and as such it is simply not a viable deck for the wild meta. Sure it might feel like a 'free win' vs some slow decks (although it isn't as people still lose to solitaire), but that's the nature of wild and its highly polarizing matchups
65% winrate according hsreplay, knowing the fact that most of people plays aggro now to face this deck...
Anyway, Blizzard killed many combination in wild that were less toxic than this one, so probably the nerf will arrive soon once they'll find which card of the combo to nerf.
Just nerf Immune, not the cards.
Immune should only negate damage, not the costs.
I mean, they nerfed Echo, instead of Mechwarper or Sn1p-Sn4p.
At this point, wild feels like the storage nobody wants to open, because of the garbage falling out the instant you open the door.
Shit man, i just wanted to play some Heartstone. Why do you have to remind me of my basement and attic lol....
They nerfed Bloodbloom and put this thing in game. Casual brainless monkeys from Blassard.
P.S. ppl who abusing this shit must be permabanned.
Stealer of Souls Warlock does lose to hyper-Aggro.
So that is the meta now, you play either Aggro or another broken Warlock combo. Riveting.
Dude I was playing even hunter. Kills most meta decks before turn 6 or 7. Great mulligan too. If a face oriented deck like that can't touch it very few can. Means other meta decks (pirate warriors, murloc sham, secret mage, odd pally, handbuff, etc.) Will have a tough time.