I disagree. I really don't think Altruis needs to be nerfed. Sorting by winrate when included into a deck, it's the 15th best card, below offenders like Warglaives of Azzinoth and Priestess of Fury.
I've said this in other threads, and I'll say it in this one too. Altruis the Outcast is a combo card. Combo cards work very well in specific situations and are near-useless in others. The reason why so many people hate Altruis when there are more powerful cards is that whenever the opponent DH plays Altruis, it's because they have already set up a situation where Altruis is good. What you don't see is all the times when Altruis doesn't have the proper setup and ends up screwing over the DH's hand, because the DH never plays Altruis in that situation.
Demon Hunter cards are super OP right now because they HAVE TO BE. It has classic cards and 1 expansion and has to compare with other classes that have multiple expansions. That said, I'd agree that the most logical nerf for Altruis the Outcast would be to revert the previous nerf and just take away the face damage. And I'd also agree that Altruis the Outcast isn't really the problem. For Altruis the Outcast to be effective, there (usually) has to be some type of setup and that setup makes Altruis the Outcast look OP. I'd say Priestess of Fury is WAY stronger and one card I haven't heard a lot of complaining about is Twin Slice. Twin Slice is fucking nuts! It is usually the reason why Altruis the Outcast gets that 1 or 2 extra damage to provide lethal. It is also one of the best mana cheats and activators in the game! Twin Slice makes Satyr Overseer a 6/4 on turn 3 while possibly c;learing the enemies board or putting down an extra 1 or 2 face damage that turn. Glaivebound Adept on 5 or even 4 with coin is something most decks just can't deal with.
I agree. Altruis has a fundamentally strong effect, so to balance it out they need to either kill the card with even more nerfs, or rework the effect in some way (ie make it only to minions to incentivize a more control-y Demon Hunter.)
They need a bit less draw. Aggro decks need to run out of steam. If DH wants to play a nice long tempo game, that's fine. They have heaps of cards never played, including really strong taunts and other good late game stuff. If they want to play aggro though they should run out of steam like every other aggro deck. This would fix altruis too since then they wouldn't have as many ways to clear your whole board with it, but it would still be good removal for them with twin slice etc. Even warlock who can draw three cards on a discard runs out of steam. Murloc paladin is definitely done pretty fast and face hunter relies on good top decks. DH though is relentless and never stops and never gives any chance to stabilize. You kill them or be killed. Control is unplayable against an aggro deck that never runs out of cards and constantly has effects which can go face.
I don't think adept should be going face either. It should be minions only since the effect is so strong. It would still be much better than other cards which deal damage. That, or it should be a legendary. I mean look at stormpike commando 5 mana 4/2 which is deal 2 damage. Cumulo-maximus (shaman card) which does 5 damage on a 5 mana 5/5 but it requires you to be overloaded so it's like a turn 7 or 8 play usually. Cloud prince (mage) which is a 5 mana 4/4 and does 6 damage but requires you to have a secret (so if you're playing it on the same turn as the secret it's an 8 mana play). Whereas the DH one is 5 mana 6/4 and is a 5 mana + twin slice or 6 mana play which doesn't require you to have to draw something else from your deck like a secret or play an overload card in the previous round. This makes the glaivebound adept an amazing top deck compared to other more restrictive cards. It's arguably not as strong as crazed netherwing, but that damages everyone including your own minions, requires a dragon and decks that run crazed netherwing cant hit your face every turn.
fuck altruis, the card should absolutely not go face, why the hell did bliz even think that was a good idea. they nerfed blade furry because of that exact reason.
The biggest issue i have is that you set up your board to deal with his minions, then Altruis comes into play and your board is gone and his isn't plus it does face damage... It shouldn't do both minion and face damage or damage ALL minions.
Not damage all minions.... Cross Altruis with Flamewaker? Whenever you outcast, do 2 damage to random enemies? That makes Altruis a lot weaker against a full board, but scarier against an empty one. Hrm. Not sure I like it.
Could also be 2 damage to random enemy minions.
Interesting to think about, whether or not it'd be a good change.
It’s pathetic that Blizzard hyped up a new class just for it to go straight to the face / hyper aggro category with no other viable archetypes. First new class ever and we get aggro trash with super OP cards. Just like Hunter, it has a poorly designed hero power that encourages toxic play
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Perfectly said - 100% agree with this.
Demon Hunter cards are super OP right now because they HAVE TO BE. It has classic cards and 1 expansion and has to compare with other classes that have multiple expansions. That said, I'd agree that the most logical nerf for Altruis the Outcast would be to revert the previous nerf and just take away the face damage. And I'd also agree that Altruis the Outcast isn't really the problem. For Altruis the Outcast to be effective, there (usually) has to be some type of setup and that setup makes Altruis the Outcast look OP. I'd say Priestess of Fury is WAY stronger and one card I haven't heard a lot of complaining about is Twin Slice. Twin Slice is fucking nuts! It is usually the reason why Altruis the Outcast gets that 1 or 2 extra damage to provide lethal. It is also one of the best mana cheats and activators in the game! Twin Slice makes Satyr Overseer a 6/4 on turn 3 while possibly c;learing the enemies board or putting down an extra 1 or 2 face damage that turn. Glaivebound Adept on 5 or even 4 with coin is something most decks just can't deal with.
Just my 2 cents.
I agree. Altruis has a fundamentally strong effect, so to balance it out they need to either kill the card with even more nerfs, or rework the effect in some way (ie make it only to minions to incentivize a more control-y Demon Hunter.)
They need a bit less draw. Aggro decks need to run out of steam. If DH wants to play a nice long tempo game, that's fine. They have heaps of cards never played, including really strong taunts and other good late game stuff. If they want to play aggro though they should run out of steam like every other aggro deck. This would fix altruis too since then they wouldn't have as many ways to clear your whole board with it, but it would still be good removal for them with twin slice etc. Even warlock who can draw three cards on a discard runs out of steam. Murloc paladin is definitely done pretty fast and face hunter relies on good top decks. DH though is relentless and never stops and never gives any chance to stabilize. You kill them or be killed. Control is unplayable against an aggro deck that never runs out of cards and constantly has effects which can go face.
I don't think adept should be going face either. It should be minions only since the effect is so strong. It would still be much better than other cards which deal damage. That, or it should be a legendary. I mean look at stormpike commando 5 mana 4/2 which is deal 2 damage. Cumulo-maximus (shaman card) which does 5 damage on a 5 mana 5/5 but it requires you to be overloaded so it's like a turn 7 or 8 play usually. Cloud prince (mage) which is a 5 mana 4/4 and does 6 damage but requires you to have a secret (so if you're playing it on the same turn as the secret it's an 8 mana play). Whereas the DH one is 5 mana 6/4 and is a 5 mana + twin slice or 6 mana play which doesn't require you to have to draw something else from your deck like a secret or play an overload card in the previous round. This makes the glaivebound adept an amazing top deck compared to other more restrictive cards. It's arguably not as strong as crazed netherwing, but that damages everyone including your own minions, requires a dragon and decks that run crazed netherwing cant hit your face every turn.
Maybe in future now altrius must hit face cause DH no need board control doesn't have any control deck
If it only hit face though it would be dog shit at its current statline.
Altruis should change to a Death knight with passive hero Power Deal 2 damage for every Card you play
fuck altruis, the card should absolutely not go face, why the hell did bliz even think that was a good idea. they nerfed blade furry because of that exact reason.
Not damage all minions.... Cross Altruis with Flamewaker? Whenever you outcast, do 2 damage to random enemies? That makes Altruis a lot weaker against a full board, but scarier against an empty one. Hrm. Not sure I like it.
Could also be 2 damage to random enemy minions.
Interesting to think about, whether or not it'd be a good change.
This. Pretty simple really.
Just change altruis to "deal dmg to all enemy MINIONS! that would be fair enough
Altruis shouldn't hit to the face if they don't change the text to enemy minions it will always a problem.
Nah. It's fine.
It’s pathetic that Blizzard hyped up a new class just for it to go straight to the face / hyper aggro category with no other viable archetypes. First new class ever and we get aggro trash with super OP cards. Just like Hunter, it has a poorly designed hero power that encourages toxic play