Breath of Dragons. Draw for two with upside of Wild Growth’s effect. Has 70% winrate when kept in mulligan, along with the two cheap elusive dragons that Embiggen Druid carries.
Inner Fire I think makes perfect sense. The actual combo card shouldn't be in the classic set. Classic can have support and enablers and stuff. Maybe Malygos, but it is kind of more an enabler of combo. And it is nice for new players to have a goal to collect these cool dragons in the classic set.
Stonetusk boar also makes sense, because it is very basic but with a mechanic that is not supported. So it is just awkward for new players. They are surely considering replacing all cards with charge. They can give aggro other tools for finishing the game if they don't like the mechanic.
I would send these cards to the hall of fame, I find them toxic and therefore I don't settle for a nerf (looking not only to the present but to the future):
Inner fire or Divine spirit: Inner fire is no big deal without divine spirit, and divine spirit is no big deal without inner fire.
Edwin VanCleef: I don't think it's a priority, but I wouldn't think it's terrible.
Pscychopomp: The mechanics of resuscitation are toxic, but this letter is absurdly OP.
Plague of flames: Cleaning up for 1 mana? This isn't right, Guldan. In a world dominated by lackeys, this feels too powerful.
Embiggen: Blizzard, you don't cards, do you?
Toxic Reinforcements: Horrible letter design.
Flik Skyshiv: The part about removing the copies in the hand or in the deck doesn't look fair.
This whole thread is just "old good cards must be rotated just cuz". And wow, the overuse of the "limits design space" meme.
It was a mistake for the designer to give he original classic card rotation a name, it makes it sound like it's some special category that needs to be fulfilled every year. In reality, if something is really "such a problem" or truly "has to go", they can just nerf it. I'm sure they'll fulfill the desires of the designated whiners and knock a couple out, but there hasn't been decent reasoning for any rotation at all. I especially love the idea that doing damage and winning sometimes goes against the Priest healing identity, haha. "Just plain broken", which is why priest just keeps dominating the meta with those Inner Fire decks, lol.
Mind Control Tech, lol
Come on guys. . .
Add "I loathe card XYZ so these have to go" and you might have the perfect description.
If control/combo decks can have access to Neutral Taunts/Heals/Rush options, then Aggro should have access to Neutral Chargers.
The meta game isn't even dominated by aggro. Face Hunter made ONE appearance in the meta, the literal first time its been relevant since like, 2016, and that was only because Rogue and Shaman were top of the meta. A class who has always been weak to aggro and a Shaman deck that didn't have tons of AOE/Healing for once, which also proved to be a good match up for Face Hunter to win against.
Other than that, Aggro hasn't really been a thing. Stop trying to take tools away from it, we don't need another snorefest meta where the only viable decks are greedy decks making infinite value while having enough Taunts/AOEs to curb stomp aggro while getting there, like the Deathknight metas. Hearthstone panders heavily towards Value/Control decks as is and has been for a long time. Aggro hardly gets anything nowadays, it doesn't need what few things it has, taken away.
Face Hunter is literally a Tier 1 deck right now. Hunter has three Tier 1 decks at the moment.
Look at Restless mummy and try find some other solution.
Class cards can power creep on neutrals, learn the game my friend.
Oh, you totaly got me. There definitely never was legendary from neutral class better than class powercreep.
Or shall i, as i wrote here enought times, start explaining again how much is leeroy useless card on anything else than to be played as finishing card?
People saying Inner Fire needs a HoF don't know what they are talking about. Without Divine Spirit , Inner Fire won't even see play.
So if a HoF should be done in that regards, it's Divine Spirit .
And as the basic set for Priest is already extremely weak, getting rid of Divine Spirit and in the meantime making Inner Fire pointless, means Priest needs some replacement cards to be able to keep up. Otherwise Priest needs to get heavily OP cards every expansion to even get somewhere in that current meta.
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If Leeroy goes to the HoF, he should take all face damage spells with him.
Breath of Dragons. Draw for two with upside of Wild Growth’s effect. Has 70% winrate when kept in mulligan, along with the two cheap elusive dragons that Embiggen Druid carries.
Inner Fire I think makes perfect sense. The actual combo card shouldn't be in the classic set. Classic can have support and enablers and stuff. Maybe Malygos, but it is kind of more an enabler of combo. And it is nice for new players to have a goal to collect these cool dragons in the classic set.
Stonetusk boar also makes sense, because it is very basic but with a mechanic that is not supported. So it is just awkward for new players. They are surely considering replacing all cards with charge. They can give aggro other tools for finishing the game if they don't like the mechanic.
That's a bit complicated maybe. How about the lowest cost minion. The less randomness the better.
Leeroy Jenkins stands to Aggro as Malygos stands to Combo decks. They either HoF them both, or neither imo.
I found my remedy at last, and now my guiding star is shining; and when my present becomes my past, I realise, that every cloud has a silver lining!
But there is one big difference... Leeroy doesn't requiere you to play around him.
Nor does Fireball.
i think divine spirit is more likely than inner fire. Innerfire can be interchanged with crazed Alchemist for example
I would send these cards to the hall of fame, I find them toxic and therefore I don't settle for a nerf (looking not only to the present but to the future):
Inner fire or Divine spirit: Inner fire is no big deal without divine spirit, and divine spirit is no big deal without inner fire.
Edwin VanCleef: I don't think it's a priority, but I wouldn't think it's terrible.
Pscychopomp: The mechanics of resuscitation are toxic, but this letter is absurdly OP.
Plague of flames: Cleaning up for 1 mana? This isn't right, Guldan. In a world dominated by lackeys, this feels too powerful.
Embiggen: Blizzard, you don't cards, do you?
Toxic Reinforcements: Horrible letter design.
Flik Skyshiv: The part about removing the copies in the hand or in the deck doesn't look fair.
Add "I loathe card XYZ so these have to go" and you might have the perfect description.
Fireball is bad too. I remember burn mage.:-( At least there is not aggro mage for now.
Leeroy seens like a prime candidate. In every meta it goes into virtually every deck that has an aggresive slant.
Face Hunter is literally a Tier 1 deck right now. Hunter has three Tier 1 decks at the moment.
Just rotate Leeroy already.
Class cards can power creep on neutrals, learn the game my friend.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
Oh, you totaly got me. There definitely never was legendary from neutral class better than class powercreep.
Or shall i, as i wrote here enought times, start explaining again how much is leeroy useless card on anything else than to be played as finishing card?
Blank post.
guys, for those salty moments (backstab annoys me, inner fire is OP, novice engineer is ridiculous!) we have an ideal place.
If you want to simply speculate on HoF candidates, please mark your thread with a special sign: *speculation\*thoughts...etc.
I just wish they HoF as many cards as possible... so i get FREE GOLDEN CARDS
The goal of all life is death.
People saying Inner Fire needs a HoF don't know what they are talking about.
Without Divine Spirit , Inner Fire won't even see play.
So if a HoF should be done in that regards, it's Divine Spirit .
And as the basic set for Priest is already extremely weak, getting rid of Divine Spirit and in the meantime making Inner Fire pointless, means Priest needs some replacement cards to be able to keep up. Otherwise Priest needs to get heavily OP cards every expansion to even get somewhere in that current meta.