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Realy slow to setup. The value of value rogue never was the Problem. The class has no access to burstheal or decent aoe. This will fail unless there is like a new healbot.
Well togwaggles scheme exists and can be in your hand from turn 1. Thats 9 copies of a minion on turn 8...
Copies of the shuffled cards won't have their buffs, so combo with Academic Espionage won't work. The carrds won't cost 1 mana and your hand will be filled with some random crap.
The combo with Academic Espionage won't work beacuse cards won't keep their buffs. You will just fill your hand with some random crap.
As Zalae and Firebat try and try to explain to their streams, Hearthstone is not a game about value, it is a game about tempo.
There is a reason Rexxar was useless for the first 1 1/3 year it was in standard. The cards to contest an opponent's tempo were not up to muster, and so the infinite value engine was useless without the appropriate support.
Nozwisker is not going to be a meta-defining card, because it is a late-game value engine. What that means is that no matter how many decks try to use the card, it will not be the reason the deck wins. Another example is the differences between Maly, Togwaggle, and Hakkar druid. Each of those decks share about 25 cards, and they can basically interchange any win condition they want.
I'm not saying it doesn't look fun, and I'm not saying there isn't some combo deck that we haven't thought of yet with it, but any Burgle Rogue deck specifically using the Prep/Espionage idea could easily be converted into the same basic deck with a different win condition.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
As a three year rogue main, I can say this is just another meme legendary for fun decks only - I just can't imagine a meta were rogue can play 7 mana do nothing cards.
This is wrong. At least watch the reveal video before making false misleading claims. Do your own research, be better.
On topic: This definitely feels like a win more card, although filling your hand with 1 Mana cost cards can be very swingy. Thanks to the life steal weapon and the new vendetta card, this archetype does have more tools to stay alive now. Even so, I'm not sure you would be able to afford doing nothing for a turn. Maybe if you've buffed your weapon to 6 damage or so, but in that case you've probably already won.
Honestly, I'm not convinced it will actually work in-game as it did in the video (not even in-game one) because in the past all 'copies' of cards were actually copies of the base card without any alterations. The combo with Espionage is the first to come to mind and content creators like making flashy stuff, so unless there is a dev confirmation I'd prefer to take fan-made assumptions with a grain of salt.
If it does copy mana cost alterations, I think it will be the first one to work this way and only make Hearthstone mechanics more inconsistent, which is not a healthy move for overall game design either. Unless they change all other copying cards to copy applied effects as well.
As a player that plays for fun and love the burgle/thief theme. I'm going to craft this 100% and take all the cool wins and devastating losses this card for sure will bring.
Exactly. I was just thinking this card could be cheaper if prep didn't exist. Oh the shenanigans..
Pretty bad imo, from where i sit it looks like a 'win more' kinda card, and those don't really work in decks like tesspionage. Best case scenario you can play this on turn 9 with prep+espionage. If you rush it on 8 you are most likely going to burn a card. If it's something like deadly poison you are pretty screwed.
On a different note, i don't think tesspionage rogue will be half as good as it is now without valeera.
Not broken as it is situational, and without Elven Mistrel , Rogue will lose a significant card draw engine, to cheat out cards like this one, faster.
I love it though, Tesspionage is my favorite deck, so I will definitely craft and try it.
Forgot to mention, AMAZING card reveal as always from Amazing LP, check also Luna's pocket Galaxy and Zul'jin if you haven't done so.
One of the biggest issues with Emeriss is its mana cost though. At least at 7 mana, coupled with Rogue's mana-cheating cards, you can actually do something with it on the turn you play it instead of having to wait for your next turn to get the impact of the card (as with Emeriss).
Agreed, really oppressive. Makes long games against Rogue impossible because you CANNOT outvalue them anymore. All these new cards make it so they can stay in the game forever.
Also, what if you get the new Warlock Shuffle and Draw spell from random card generation? I mean, my head explodes regarding the value.
Yes, Rogue is weak to Aggro and big boards, but if they can steal a board wipe from another class, then this may not be an issue.
So if you like 45 min games against Rogue, here you go.
This seems too meme-y. Super fun. But meme-y.
It's asking you to do a lot of things that aren't actually very good, then combo them.
Definitely will see play in academic espionage rogue decks, but I, personally, want to try a Pogo hopper deck with this card.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
You guys do realise that rogue never had a problem with value right? It's the strongest class right now in terms of pure card generation, although valeera rotating is gonna be a big hit. Rogue has just always had problems USING that value - garbage board clears without lucky steals and no healing access unless you use spectral cutlass. Granted the cutlass is pretty damn strong if it gets up and running though with a few buffs and no counter ooze.
I think with the support we've seen for thief rogue (vendetta, the 4 drop and the 2 mana rush thing) a tempo oriented rogue that uses thief cards for card sustain and tess as a finisher might be a thing.
I'm pretty sure it was just very underlooked, when catacombs came out and control decks started to shine people realised it was a one-card wonder that just wrecked control on its own, and wasn't even bad vs anti aggro. It also got a massive buff in witchwood with scalehide and leech being added to the pool, giving it a lot more reliability in terms of surviving aggro.
No. He's right. They literally had to change how the card worked before it was played en masse.
Regarding Rexxar, that is simply false. Plenty of people tried it when it came out, but even with the Barnes/Y'Shaarj combo, it was completely outclassed by the entirety of the linup of t1 and t2 decks. Pure spell hunter was the first deck to use Rexxar, and it is easy to go back and see what was played around the end of 2017 and the first months of '18.
In fact, here is what it took while Rexxar was in standard before any deck with him had a reasonable win rate:
Creeper/Patches/Mare/Raza nerfs
WotoG block rotation
Call to Arms/Crystal Core/Spiteful Summoner/Dark Pact/Possessed Lackey nerfs
(at this point Spell Hunter becomes a thing, though it was never at the high end of competitive choices)
Mana Wyrm/Giggling Inventor nerfs
Rexxar is the pinnacle of value generation in this game, and it spent roughly 62.5% of its time in standard completely irrelevant to the meta. Tempo is the lifeblood of Hearthstone gameplay. Value generation only becomes relevant if you have the tools to combat the board (i.e. opponent's tempo).
Also, if the meta finally gets slowed down to the crawl necessary for infinite value generation to be a relevant part of the game, it STILL won't be a thing if there are several viable combo decks. Decks like Shudderwock and Kingsbane do their win conditions much better than Rexxar, so you're actually looking for a very narrow niche meta where both aggro and combo have been beaten back.
In any case, we're here to talk about Noz, so I'll say it again. The cards we are seeing in the rest of this upcoming set are not suggesting that control is going to be overly powerful relative to aggro. Therefore, tempo will still be the main commodity of deckbuilding. Therefore, Noz is a meme or an undiscovered combo until further notice.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
The Johnny in me wants to get a strong and cheap battlecry via Gurubashi Hypemon, then play Noz, drop the 1/1 Battlecry, and then shuffle it with Lab Recruiter.
The practical side of me thinks this is too strong of an effect to immediately dismiss, even if it isn't obvious if it's actually good right now or not.
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