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Pretty strong in Arena.
Pretty meh in Constructed.
edit: Gotta say, I love the art. It looks like a MTG card.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
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If discover spell will be great, minions not so much.
Maybe see play in hero power mage to find more Jan'alay or Darings.
There are some decent mage minions out there. I said "decent", not good.
It might see play but this is much better in Arena.
Unless you can get Sunkeeper Tarim (Stonehill Defender) or Kathrena Winterwisp (Stitched Tracker) there is no point of playing this instead of an actually good minion.
There are quite powerful mage cards which you would like another copy, specially kalecgos.
The statline is good too, 2 mana minion for a discover effect was played A LOT (hint: out of my jungle)
and this can discover itself too. also tracker saw play, can see this seeing tonnes of play.
this is strong
a water elemental for turn 4 would be still not bad
I feel like it will definitely see play, considering that almost every value card (such as DKs, stonehill and many others) is leaving, and there's many good minions in mage list. Like 3 mana 3/2 discover: Toki/Water elemental/Apprentice still might be pretty decent sometimes
Stonehill Defender and Stitched Tracker saw play, because they could consistently pull a great minion due to their restrictions (taunt and minion in your deck), so they worked in certain classes and certain decks, this card does not have that consistency and most options will be extremely average.
A good card. Cards like Kalegos are a lot better if you don't actually have to put them in your deck.
That said, I don't see a deck for it currently.
This doesn’t do anything for me. It’s a fine card but probably not good enough to see play in standard in all but the most value of value mages.
Going to need some synergy help to be much more.
With Raven Familiar, Year of the Raven is now bunk-ended by ravens. No ravens in the year itself, though.
Vex Crow can count as a raven.
Thank goodness it discovers a minion, not a spell!
Anyway, it's... ok. Probably an arena card.
I know that without Baku it's going to take more work to get Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk to work, but it might just be worth it. Especially if you can get two Rags via Khadgar.
Yes, it's all very slow, but we've seen Control Mage happen before.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
You don't have to craft or run slow, expensive mage legendaries when you can just discover one or use it to discover a water elemental vs. aggro decks. Great card like stonehill defender, but I will run this instead in my renomage.
What a crazy Card!!!!
I think this is super Strong!
Because Minion + Mage + Discover
Discover card with limited pool = go into my deck. A Light in the Darkness always remember. Unlimited pool trash card.
Please don’t draw favorable comparisons to stonehill. This is trash compared to it.
stonehill provided two levels of defense. This is an aggressive 2-mana body on a 3 mana card that doesn’t discover taunt.
This card might see some play on the greediest mages. The closer comparison is Kabal Courrier.
Stonehill stomps the ever loving shit out of this.