Ya'll might as well throw away priest match-up as an arguement for X or Y card.
With ShrinkMeister nothing is safe. Not cairne for obvious reasons. Not even Shield maiden since it is still a 6 drop, and shadow + recombob will be a thing.
As for me, I will be swapping between both depending on aggro or control meta. Shield maiden is definitely promising considering the type of meta I plan to run it in.
I don't think this will be the best 6-drop or anything, but I actually do not think it is as bad as some people say, and could legitimately see play over Cairne in aggro heavy metas, though it isn't better than Cairne overall. It could also be used for a "budget" Control Warrior and it is always good to have budget versions of decks. And obviously, it is better if we get more armor interacting cards (Which we might!).
In Arena, this will be an average pick: I tend to think Guardian of Kings i good, because in Arena it is a bit easier to come back from the brink, and I think Frost Elemental is about average as a late game drop, so a Frost Elemental with Guardian of Kings' ability is good, you'll pick it above a fair deal of rares but not the high end ones and it will be nice to pick up if you lack late game.
I don't like it, as a minion is overcosted and the battlecry doesn't affect the board in any way.
If you're playing vs aggro, around turn 6 you are already either dead or stabilized.
The only possible pro of this card could be the sinergy with shield slam, other then that why would i play this instead of Cairne / Sylvanas / Sunwalker? It's not like the 6 slot is full of garbage like the 3 slot.
BUT there is a card called recombabulator!! Imagine this scenario: it trades with sludge belcher then recombabulator makes it a sylvanas, cairne or any off the other great 6 drops. This generates insane amounts off value card wise and you will most likely win the game..... you guys have no clue what the potential off some off these cards are:/ This is a shield block + a minion that trades well with all minions in the current meta. what cairne docent do is trade well and its weak to silence so this card is a 100x better then cairns atm.
Are you trolling or did you just genuinely use that bit of (non)logic?
Your central premise seems to be the following: "I'm going to put bad card in the deck so that I can recombob them into good cards later".
This begs a simple question: why not just play the good cards in the first place?
Also one last thing while I'm here. Why do people want to play shield maiden? If it is for lifegain, then it is probably worth pointing out that Frost Elemental will often heal you for more.
if have 20 life and I play sheildmaiden I'm at 25. They hit my face with Loetheb. Next turn you trade minions [ 25 - 5 = 20 ]
I have 20 life and I play Frost Elemental (freezing loetheb). They can't attack. Next turn you trade minions [ 20 - 0 = 20 ]
Granted, there are other situations whereby Frost Ele will heal you for less/more, but the point is that it is not immediately clear that Shieldmaiden is better at either trading (both are 5/5's) or damage mitigation.
So that just leaves shield slam synergy to discuss. But personally I'd argue that this marginal upside does not outweigh the utility of removing a power card (e.g. Slyvannas) to make room for it.
TL; DR: A distinctly average card, whose role in a deck is not entirely clear.
No you misunderstand. What i meant to say is when cairne can't trade this can and after it has traded it can be recycled for another 6 drop since there are so many great 6 drops. on top of trading it also gets you 5 armour and is not weak to silence. Cairne docent trade with sludge or loatheb which is the two most used cards atm so in the current meta it would be great.
I'm trying to think of this compared to armorsmith + unstable ghoul or pyromacer + taunt combos. Opponents of control warrior want the Armorsmith to be killed quickly, especially when comboed with Acoylte of pain. At some point Shieldmaiden may be preffered over armorsmith combos or perhaps they can compliment each other in the future,
BUT there is a card called recombabulator!! Imagine this scenario: it trades with sludge belcher then recombabulator makes it a sylvanas, cairne or any off the other great 6 drops. This generates insane amounts off value card wise and you will most likely win the game..... you guys have no clue what the potential off some off these cards are:/ This is a shield block + a minion that trades well with all minions in the current meta. what cairne docent do is trade well and its weak to silence so this card is a 100x better then cairns atm.
Are you trolling or did you just genuinely use that bit of (non)logic?
Your central premise seems to be the following: "I'm going to put bad card in the deck so that I can recombob them into good cards later".
This begs a simple question: why not just play the good cards in the first place?
Also one last thing while I'm here. Why do people want to play shield maiden? If it is for lifegain, then it is probably worth pointing out that Frost Elemental will often heal you for more.
if have 20 life and I play sheildmaiden I'm at 25. They hit my face with Loetheb. Next turn you trade minions [ 25 - 5 = 20 ]
I have 20 life and I play Frost Elemental (freezing loetheb). They can't attack. Next turn you trade minions [ 20 - 0 = 20 ]
Granted, there are other situations whereby Frost Ele will heal you for less/more, but the point is that it is not immediately clear that Shieldmaiden is better at either trading (both are 5/5's) or damage mitigation.
So that just leaves shield slam synergy to discuss. But personally I'd argue that this marginal upside does not outweigh the utility of removing a power card (e.g. Slyvannas) to make room for it.
TL; DR: A distinctly average card, whose role in a deck is not entirely clear.
No you misunderstand. What i meant to say is when cairne can't trade this can and after it has traded it can be recycled for another 6 drop since there are so many great 6 drops. on top of trading it also gets you 5 armour and is not weak to silence. Cairne docent trade with sludge or loatheb which is the two most used cards atm so in the current meta it would be great.
I think the main idea is that a vanilla 5/5 body is less threatening and doesn't demand an instant response compared to Cairne or Sylvanas, so it's more likely to see another turn based on the scenario (it's not often you're looking at an opponent with one minion on the board while you're empty and with no removal options or something to that effect); then using Recombobulator, you can imbue more value into it and turn it into something that demands a response or makes the situation for your opponent worse. It'd be a stretch play to make and I wouldn't count on it, but it could easily find play in arena having a body that trades with other 6-drops.
TL; DR: It seems average in constructed but not outright bad, and in arena it will probably be picked quite often for turn 6 trade efficiency
This card looks ok. Not super exciting. Warrior already have armor smith to gain them a ton of armor, so this one is not very unique in its effect. But at least it's a another way to combo with shield slam. You could play a 5/5 and do a sick shield slam for 7 mana. I think it's better than the slow 6 drops like Cairne.
Sjow just gave his evaluation of this card on his stream. He thinks it's amazing and would run 2 if it were available now, replacing Cairne Bloodhoof as too slow (didn't give the other replacement). He made the arguments that it would help against Hunter and that the extra armor gain would make Gorehowl playable again, especially helping the Druid matchup.
It would be used instead of cairne, black knight and even sylvanas in a heartbeat in this meta, no doubts about it too.
This is obivously the strongest 6-drop option in the entire game for an aggressive heavy meta.
I totally agree with this, and from what I can see I would potentially start running 1-2 Shieldmaidens over Cairne Bloodhoof and The Black Knight in the 6 slot in control warrior (Sylvanas Windrunner has too much synergy and power to not play). I love how it helps to proc armour for Shield Slam and adds tank against aggressive decks.
The only thing I could ask for in control warrior now is perhaps another good 4 mana card that's not Death's Bite. (Arathi Weaponsmith and Kor'kron Elite don't count as they're kind of midrange/aggro deck minions.)
Srsly? Blizzard is really shitting on Paladin these days. First Warrior get's a better version of Truesilver Champion and now they get a better version of Guardian of Kings. Guardian has 1 hp and 1 heal point more for 1 mana more... and considering Holy Light restores 6 and Shield Block 5, we can assume that 5 armor = 6 heal. So for 1 mana Paladin get 1 hp.
Blizzards agenda seems to be abandoning everything Paladin made good and give it to Warrior. I guess they want to delete it entirely and just combine Warrior with the left over stuff.
Just give the expansion reveals some time. I too am worried for the state of paladin, but they will most likely release some great cards for the class later on! (Explosive Sheep is a decent start for the control variant, so we'll see where they go from here.)
Ya'll might as well throw away priest match-up as an arguement for X or Y card.
With ShrinkMeister nothing is safe. Not cairne for obvious reasons. Not even Shield maiden since it is still a 6 drop, and shadow + recombob will be a thing.
As for me, I will be swapping between both depending on aggro or control meta. Shield maiden is definitely promising considering the type of meta I plan to run it in.
I almost wonder if it is TOO late game. Control warrior doesn't really need the extra 6 drop. Maybe as a 1 of?
And I voted for the pirate.
I Designed A Card This Week
I don't think this will be the best 6-drop or anything, but I actually do not think it is as bad as some people say, and could legitimately see play over Cairne in aggro heavy metas, though it isn't better than Cairne overall. It could also be used for a "budget" Control Warrior and it is always good to have budget versions of decks. And obviously, it is better if we get more armor interacting cards (Which we might!).
In Arena, this will be an average pick: I tend to think Guardian of Kings i good, because in Arena it is a bit easier to come back from the brink, and I think Frost Elemental is about average as a late game drop, so a Frost Elemental with Guardian of Kings' ability is good, you'll pick it above a fair deal of rares but not the high end ones and it will be nice to pick up if you lack late game.
I don't like it, as a minion is overcosted and the battlecry doesn't affect the board in any way.
If you're playing vs aggro, around turn 6 you are already either dead or stabilized.
The only possible pro of this card could be the sinergy with shield slam, other then that why would i play this instead of Cairne / Sylvanas / Sunwalker? It's not like the 6 slot is full of garbage like the 3 slot.
That's just me anyways, maybe it will be awesome.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
No you misunderstand. What i meant to say is when cairne can't trade this can and after it has traded it can be recycled for another 6 drop since there are so many great 6 drops. on top of trading it also gets you 5 armour and is not weak to silence. Cairne docent trade with sludge or loatheb which is the two most used cards atm so in the current meta it would be great.
Top 5 Legend every season. Twitch.tv/vbsof
This card is at least strictly better than Priestess of Elune in nearly every imaginable way.
Is this life?
There should be a warrior card that is an 8/8 with taunt that cost 20 and 1 Less for each armor you have, then this card would be awesome.
Don't be so butthurt about the Rogue card not winning the poll. Just look at it as an upcoming surprise!
I'm trying to think of this compared to armorsmith + unstable ghoul or pyromacer + taunt combos. Opponents of control warrior want the Armorsmith to be killed quickly, especially when comboed with Acoylte of pain. At some point Shieldmaiden may be preffered over armorsmith combos or perhaps they can compliment each other in the future,
Not sure if hyped yet.
Gnomes going to win every single vote aren't they? Probably my least fave race in Warcraft.
i think this card should have taunt then it would be a good card.And it would make sense to it's a shieldmaiden shield = taunt
This card is miles better than Guardian of Kings. I refuse to believe even you are stupid enough to believe otherwise.
I think the main idea is that a vanilla 5/5 body is less threatening and doesn't demand an instant response compared to Cairne or Sylvanas, so it's more likely to see another turn based on the scenario (it's not often you're looking at an opponent with one minion on the board while you're empty and with no removal options or something to that effect); then using Recombobulator, you can imbue more value into it and turn it into something that demands a response or makes the situation for your opponent worse. It'd be a stretch play to make and I wouldn't count on it, but it could easily find play in arena having a body that trades with other 6-drops.
TL; DR: It seems average in constructed but not outright bad, and in arena it will probably be picked quite often for turn 6 trade efficiency
I like cute gnome girls:)
This card looks ok. Not super exciting. Warrior already have armor smith to gain them a ton of armor, so this one is not very unique in its effect. But at least it's a another way to combo with shield slam. You could play a 5/5 and do a sick shield slam for 7 mana. I think it's better than the slow 6 drops like Cairne.
Sjow just gave his evaluation of this card on his stream. He thinks it's amazing and would run 2 if it were available now, replacing Cairne Bloodhoof as too slow (didn't give the other replacement). He made the arguments that it would help against Hunter and that the extra armor gain would make Gorehowl playable again, especially helping the Druid matchup.
I could see this replacing the shield block in a more aggro variant of control warrior that also has some legedaries replaced with korkrons.
what amuses me is everyone is crying SUCKS before they even know if there are any more armor interaction cards coming out
60 % of the time I'm winning 100% of the time
I totally agree with this, and from what I can see I would potentially start running 1-2 Shieldmaidens over Cairne Bloodhoof and The Black Knight in the 6 slot in control warrior (Sylvanas Windrunner has too much synergy and power to not play). I love how it helps to proc armour for Shield Slam and adds tank against aggressive decks.
The only thing I could ask for in control warrior now is perhaps another good 4 mana card that's not Death's Bite. (Arathi Weaponsmith and Kor'kron Elite don't count as they're kind of midrange/aggro deck minions.)
3x Legend | 2 Gold Heroes
To be fair, Kidnapper is run pretty frequently in Mill now.
Just give the expansion reveals some time. I too am worried for the state of paladin, but they will most likely release some great cards for the class later on! (Explosive Sheep is a decent start for the control variant, so we'll see where they go from here.)
3x Legend | 2 Gold Heroes