Bog Creeper didn't see much constructed play but was great in arena...I assume this will turn out the same. btw I think both are excellent cards for filling out a f2p's deck. big beefy but vanilla taunts with reasonably high attack are nothing to scoff at.
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Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
I actually think the stat distribution is even better than Bog Creeper. The difference between 5 and 6 attack isn't much, but one health can be huge for a Taunt.
Pretty much a neutral Ancient of War. Better than Bog Creeper because one extra health is better than one attack. There once was a time this would be a great card, back when Ancient of War was a great card. Sad those days are gone
Only marginally worse than Ancient of War, which used to see a lot of play. However the meta has moved beyond the point where a fat taunt on 7 is a good play and what made AoW so good anyway was mana ramp. This all adds up to this card seeing no play in constructed with the possible exception of if Druid wants to run more than 2 AoW.
Saw as pack filler then people mentioned Ancient of War wow.. that card didn't see play in a loooong time didn't it? at least it doens't lose so much with silence.
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I want a new title, but Flux won't let me have one,
innnnerrr fireeeee
Bog Creeper replacement in Arena. This one will be better I think. Will take down more minions then Boggy.
Bog Creeper didn't see much constructed play but was great in arena...I assume this will turn out the same. btw I think both are excellent cards for filling out a f2p's deck. big beefy but vanilla taunts with reasonably high attack are nothing to scoff at.
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A good pack filler for constructed.
I played bogcreeper in contructed today in ramp druid. The card is fine.
I always enjoyed Bog Creeper in ramp druid. This works better as an anti-aggro tool for the same cost.
A fat Taunt on turn 7 won't save you in most cases. Aggro will either remove it or burn over it.
I actually think the stat distribution is even better than Bog Creeper. The difference between 5 and 6 attack isn't much, but one health can be huge for a Taunt.
arena gang better than tar lord imo
Pretty much a neutral Ancient of War. Better than Bog Creeper because one extra health is better than one attack. There once was a time this would be a great card, back when Ancient of War was a great card. Sad those days are gone
very good for arena, but basically a bog creeper which as we know only sees play in arena anyway.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
Hungry Ettin after summoning a Doomsayer for his opponent.
Not that bad might see play in constructed and 100% in arena
A better Ancient of War for every class, because less weak against silence
Only marginally worse than Ancient of War, which used to see a lot of play. However the meta has moved beyond the point where a fat taunt on 7 is a good play and what made AoW so good anyway was mana ramp. This all adds up to this card seeing no play in constructed with the possible exception of if Druid wants to run more than 2 AoW.
Decent cards for new players and great in arena.
Saw as pack filler then people mentioned Ancient of War wow.. that card didn't see play in a loooong time didn't it? at least it doens't lose so much with silence.
maybe will see play in baku quest warrior.
Filler card but it'll be an Arena staple like Bog Creeper.
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