Day I'm crafting Golden Tess immediately. Rogue is one of my favs and she looks both extremely fun and solid power-wise. After her, it'll probably be Baku/Genn if I don't pull them just because of the plethora of deck-building possibilities.
The safest craft is Lord Godfrey, with a slight caveat (see below). Warlock is currently OP, will only get massively more OP as the decks which compete with it lose things and it loses literally only mistress of mixtures, and Godfrey is just an amazing version of defile, which is an amazing card in both cube and control lock. Half or more of the meta will be warlock, and every control warlock (and many cubelocks) will run Godfrey.
The caveat is that warlock will be so dominant that I would be surprised if warlock didn't receive a nerf or two. Assuming a nerf does happen, then depending on what gets nerfed, and to what extent, control/cube lock might be unplayable, and so Godfrey suddenly won't have a hyper-strong deck to naturally slot in to. That's not to say that a different style of control lock won't become viable, and Godfrey is still very strong regardless of what warlock decks are viable.
The real point is that anything can happen, and the meta can (and does, and has before) shaped up very differently from how we imagine it, so no matter how convinced you are that something is guaranteed to be strong/weak, it would be unwise not to hold off until the meta settles and until we potentially hear about incoming nerfs. Perfect example: remember initial reactions to Skull of the Man'ari and Possessed Lackey?
For day 1 crafting I think a great tactic is try and combine a mixture of fun and value, rather than pure power. As this is a time you can experiment with them the most and get maximum enjoyment. I'm thinking cards like Elise the Trailblazer and Deathstalker Rexxar - not overly powerful but fun and with extra value wrapped within.
I'm thinking Baku the Mooneater and Archmage Arugal will be among my first few crafts. Probably also Dollmaster Dorian. I'm not too sure what I'm feeling beyond that, I want to craft more rares and epics actually haha.
I'm also feeling some rush warrior hype, even though I've like never played warrior lol, so I might craft Darius Crowley. Hopefully I get a couple of these in my pre-order packs haha.
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Twitch name: Anatak15 NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
I have to disagree about chamelios, it is very bad to topdeck, because you have to wait a turn without doing anything. And if your opponent is topdecking than it is also useless, this card is basicly a combination of shifter zerus, and mind vision. Both of which are bad cards.
That is only true for when you play the card. But it can sit in your hand and provide continuous value in terms of gettin a sneak peak into your opponents hand. And dont kid yourself, if priest and WL stay on top, your opponent is not topdecking, ever :)
Crafting things on day 1 is just useless: everything can be good or bad regardless of any prediction. For those that doesn't want to waste resources is a lot better to wait a month before going on with the crafting.
A smart move, I remember rushing to craft Lakkari Sacrifice just after release when everyone thought it would be OP, what a huge mistake that was. I plan on playing Arena for a few weeks after release so I wont be tempted to craft anything.
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Dust does not burn a hole in the jar. Be careful what you craft, especially before and right after a rotation.
I’m crafting the two warrior legendaries. Crowley will be solid, and tempo rush warrior looks like fun. Blackhowl just seems like a fun card, and I think it’s a sleeper. Some good combos could swing a game completely.
Not sure. I'm thinking I should have around 30,000 dust or so after dusting extras from my initial packs so I will probably craft any of them that are remotely playable.
It's pretty pointless to craft "good" cards on day one, since it's impossible to know what will actually be good. Instead, you should craft cards you'll want regardless of how good they are, and play the fun decks before the meta settles. For me, that means Baku and Tess
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Baku and Godfrey.. Maybe. This will be pretty cheap expansion.
I think i will craft in the following order:
1. Splintergraft
2. Duskfallen Aviana
3. Emeriss
4. Houndmaster Shaw
5. Toki, Time-Tinker
6. Archmage Arugal
7. The Glass Knight
8. 2nd Paladin Legendary
9. Lady in White
10. Chameleos
11. Tess Greymane
12. Face Collector
13. Hagatha the Witch
14. 2nd Shaman Legendary
15. Lord Godfrey
16. Glinda Crowskin
17. Blackhowl Gunspire
18. Darius Crowley
19. Baku the Mooneater
20. Azalina Soulthief
21. Countess Ashmore
22. Genn Greymane
23. Dollmaster Dorian
The more i think about it... Maybe i will start with Dollmaster Dorian.
Just Tess.
No joke, golden Aviana day 1, after that definitely looking forward to Countess Ashmore
German Hearthstone player
Will insta-craft golden Duskfallen Aviana for extra edginess
In that order for me:
1) Baku the Mooneater: I plan on playing for paladin, warlock, mage, warrior and hunter
2) Dollmaster Dorian for the insane value with Sense Demons + Voidlord
3) Lord Godfrey
Never craft at Day1 is my Belief
there is the danger of crafting useless stuff at 99%
I usually wait a few days
Day I'm crafting Golden Tess immediately. Rogue is one of my favs and she looks both extremely fun and solid power-wise. After her, it'll probably be Baku/Genn if I don't pull them just because of the plethora of deck-building possibilities.
...But I'm sure it's safe to craft Lord Godfrey and probably Countess Ashmore as well.
I’m looking at the Countess + a classic I’ve been putting off. Then wait a couple of weeks and see how the meta shakes out.
The safest craft is Lord Godfrey, with a slight caveat (see below). Warlock is currently OP, will only get massively more OP as the decks which compete with it lose things and it loses literally only mistress of mixtures, and Godfrey is just an amazing version of defile, which is an amazing card in both cube and control lock. Half or more of the meta will be warlock, and every control warlock (and many cubelocks) will run Godfrey.
The caveat is that warlock will be so dominant that I would be surprised if warlock didn't receive a nerf or two. Assuming a nerf does happen, then depending on what gets nerfed, and to what extent, control/cube lock might be unplayable, and so Godfrey suddenly won't have a hyper-strong deck to naturally slot in to. That's not to say that a different style of control lock won't become viable, and Godfrey is still very strong regardless of what warlock decks are viable.
The real point is that anything can happen, and the meta can (and does, and has before) shaped up very differently from how we imagine it, so no matter how convinced you are that something is guaranteed to be strong/weak, it would be unwise not to hold off until the meta settles and until we potentially hear about incoming nerfs. Perfect example: remember initial reactions to Skull of the Man'ari and Possessed Lackey?
Tess Greymane is the easiest day 1 craft for me. Even if I'm wildly overrating her, she's still a super fun card.
For day 1 crafting I think a great tactic is try and combine a mixture of fun and value, rather than pure power. As this is a time you can experiment with them the most and get maximum enjoyment. I'm thinking cards like Elise the Trailblazer and Deathstalker Rexxar - not overly powerful but fun and with extra value wrapped within.
Cards from Witchwood with this criteria I think are: Tess Greymane, Hagatha the Witch and Baku the Mooneater
Other potential considerations for this criteria: Chameleos, Toki, Time-Tinker, Archmage Arugal Face Collector Genn Greymane Dollmaster Dorian
Anyway, unlike others who bemoan the lack of tempo cards, and because I really enjoy fun/value cards, I'm pretty excited for the release!
Here is list of my first day crafts(limited every expansion 1 legendary)
Old god's: Yogg
Gadgetzan: Raza
Un'goro: Rogue quest
Koft: Valeera
Witchwood:Probably Dollmaster Dorian
Miracle miracle miracle...
I'm thinking Baku the Mooneater and Archmage Arugal will be among my first few crafts. Probably also Dollmaster Dorian. I'm not too sure what I'm feeling beyond that, I want to craft more rares and epics actually haha.
I'm also feeling some rush warrior hype, even though I've like never played warrior lol, so I might craft Darius Crowley. Hopefully I get a couple of these in my pre-order packs haha.
Twitch name: Anatak15
NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
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Dust does not burn a hole in the jar. Be careful what you craft, especially before and right after a rotation.
I’m crafting the two warrior legendaries. Crowley will be solid, and tempo rush warrior looks like fun. Blackhowl just seems like a fun card, and I think it’s a sleeper. Some good combos could swing a game completely.
Not sure. I'm thinking I should have around 30,000 dust or so after dusting extras from my initial packs so I will probably craft any of them that are remotely playable.
It's pretty pointless to craft "good" cards on day one, since it's impossible to know what will actually be good. Instead, you should craft cards you'll want regardless of how good they are, and play the fun decks before the meta settles. For me, that means Baku and Tess