I voted bad on this one. Discovering a random card from your opponents class is valued at 1 mana and hallucination despite being much more flexible than this card sees almost no play. That means this cards is banking on synergy with other mechanics to be viable. Unfortunately the revealed rogue weapon seems borderline unplayable. That leaves the synergy with Mistrwraith to support this and again. I don't think it's good enough even there. I have tried burgle rogue countless times and it has never impressed me on a competitive level. If your interests are purely driven by having fun, maybe this is for you.
There is also synergy with Questing Adventurer, Biteweed and of course Edwin.
If this cost (1), it would be absolutely bonkers. As a (2) cost, it is total trash.
Echo is a really bad mechanic.
At this point I tend to agree though I think it's going to be meta dependent. If the meta is slower then slower but more "card efficient" if not mana efficient cards with echo cards may be decent.
Oh this is really good. Finally a good card for Rogues in this expansion! It's a repetitive 2 mana get a card/information on your opponent. I like it and it makes sense for Rogues (I'm surprised they didn't give it to priests).
Oh this is really good. Finally a good card for Rogues in this expansion! It's a repetitive 2 mana get a card/information on your opponent. I like it and it makes sense for Rogues (I'm surprised they didn't give it to priests).
Priests copy cards from the opponent's actual deck.
Rogues create random cards from the opponent's class.
The reason for this difference is that the Priest is using shadow magic to look into your mind; the Rogue is just stealing whatever he can get his hands on.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
The dream: turn ten you play this five times against a mage and get 4x sorcerers apprentice and Tony, turn eleven you play the apprentices and the mage hopefully doesn't kill one, turn twelve you go infinite fireballs. Bonus points if the opponent is playing Exodia.
I think hero cards should be excluded from this effect. It seems kind of dumb to build a Rogue deck and then, for some reason, you're suddenly Uther or Anduin or whoever. I guess this is fun for some people but I think in the long running debate of "good RNG vs. bad RNG" this is an example of bad.
Perhaps it could work well in conjunction with Prep + Vanish? Spend one turn blowing all your tempo with this card (draw 3 - 4) and then follow it up the next turn with Prep + Vanish to undo any enemy tempo and drop one of your own cards (maybe even Ethereal Peddler in wild?). I will no doubt be running this in a Burgle Rogue for fun but I don't think it would be good enough to run in anything else.
I voted bad on this one. Discovering a random card from your opponents class is valued at 1 mana and hallucination despite being much more flexible than this card sees almost no play. That means this cards is banking on synergy with other mechanics to be viable. Unfortunately the revealed rogue weapon seems borderline unplayable. That leaves the synergy with Mistrwraith to support this and again. I don't think it's good enough even there. I have tried burgle rogue countless times and it has never impressed me on a competitive level. If your interests are purely driven by having fun, maybe this is for you.
There is also synergy with Questing Adventurer, Biteweed and of course Edwin.
You could also throw in Violet Teacher or Sherazin while you are at it. I am looking at specific card synergy not just cards that benefit from playing cards, rogue already has tools to support that style of play. People aren't running Razorpetal Volley for example. I am looking for cards that say "playing Pick Pocket with me is competitive". None of the cards you mentioned are made better by putting Pick Pocket in your deck. Likewise, I don't think Pick Pocket is more viable just because you are running Edwin or Questing. Pick Pocket as it stands is a card that will make your deck more fun but not better. Which was the point I was trying to make.
Slightly off topic but relevant to the Questing Echo Wraith deck, I have no faith in any Questing Adventurer style deck that doesn't have Conceal in it.
c'mon you know rogue can't get as good of cards as druid. remember when druid had a "gain two mana this turn" and rogue got a "gain one mana this turn" haha
2 mana to get a class card is on its own a poor replacement for Swashburglar, so this card would need synergies with its Echo power, such as Mistwraith, to get put in a deck, and I worry that combinations like that are not strong enough.
I'll look for every inch of your pocket,i'll take them all.
Maybe found some coins of air...
Miracle miracle miracle...
If this cost (1), it would be absolutely bonkers. As a (2) cost, it is total trash.
Echo is a really bad mechanic.
Oh this is really good. Finally a good card for Rogues in this expansion! It's a repetitive 2 mana get a card/information on your opponent. I like it and it makes sense for Rogues (I'm surprised they didn't give it to priests).
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
The dream: turn ten you play this five times against a mage and get 4x sorcerers apprentice and Tony, turn eleven you play the apprentices and the mage hopefully doesn't kill one, turn twelve you go infinite fireballs. Bonus points if the opponent is playing Exodia.
I think hero cards should be excluded from this effect. It seems kind of dumb to build a Rogue deck and then, for some reason, you're suddenly Uther or Anduin or whoever. I guess this is fun for some people but I think in the long running debate of "good RNG vs. bad RNG" this is an example of bad.
Perhaps it could work well in conjunction with Prep + Vanish? Spend one turn blowing all your tempo with this card (draw 3 - 4) and then follow it up the next turn with Prep + Vanish to undo any enemy tempo and drop one of your own cards (maybe even Ethereal Peddler in wild?). I will no doubt be running this in a Burgle Rogue for fun but I don't think it would be good enough to run in anything else.
10/10 Corpse Flowers approve of this card
I mean, burgle rogue synergy???
Well, it seems just okay. probably an arena card.
Slow but awesomely fun card, and any echo spell with rogue gives great combo potential.
Card Draw for Rogue? Busted.
2 mana to get a class card is on its own a poor replacement for Swashburglar, so this card would need synergies with its Echo power, such as Mistwraith, to get put in a deck, and I worry that combinations like that are not strong enough.
Gonna be great with Mistwraith
All hail RnJesus
2 mana draw a card isn't bad but the first time you play it you lose a card, also the cards you get are random. Way too inefficient to be good.
Carpe Diem - Seize the day