Because is much more harder to kill a 5 heath minion than a 3 health minion (Questing + 1 mana card played).
It is like play Fandral with 4 manas or Brann with 3, the opponent have to kill immediately or lose and is not so easy to kill a 5 health minion in turn 4.
I love how people have every opinion on this card, more or less evenly split. Some love it, others hate it, some think it is OK. Personally, I just want to stick it in a grow meme deck with a bunch similar "gain +1/+1" type minions.
Questing Adventurer is much better, but it does fit into a different mana slot so you could just play both, but either way, the stats are good for the mana cost, so it'll be worth it to see what you can do with it.
Is it just me or is this just like Undertaker but stronger because echo cards can be played rpeatedly?
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Oh? Didn't you know? Yogg-Saron, Hope's End never dies, not even when he's moved to wild due to his new cult member and my newest favorite card Toki, Time Tinker!
Is it just me or is this just like Undertaker but stronger because echo cards can be played rpeatedly?
It is just you because the majority of echo cards are garbage or "Win more" cards that you cant play if you're behind and problably only will get the value of it if you are already winning , Undertaker was a card from Naxxaramas an expansion with lots of good early deathrattle minions to support it, you literally only needed to play strong minions on curve to win the game at turn 4 or 5.
I do not mean that Mistwraith is a bad card because it really isn't but far from being close to powerlevel that Undertaker was back in the day.
In my opinion it's rather underwhelming and slow. Shaman has a similar card (Unbound Elemental) which doesn't see play at all although there are many low-cost Overload cards to trigger its effect. Also, being a 4-drop it competes with Elven Minstrel or Fal'dorei Strider. Unless there will be some good 1-cost Echo cards I don't see this being played.
This is one of the cards that is going to get answered due to other cards in the meta. Other classes snowball better than rogue. Especially on a single minion. If this had echo and lower stats and lower cost it would be better.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
such salt much BM.
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Slow Growing cards have not been viable for a long time so I don’t see how this would be
I like this card, it has potential.
I love how people have every opinion on this card, more or less evenly split. Some love it, others hate it, some think it is OK. Personally, I just want to stick it in a grow meme deck with a bunch similar "gain +1/+1" type minions.
This is really good together with Cheap Shot... and that's about it, for now.
Potentially amazing if echo cards are good.
I could see this and questing adventurer in the same deck if echo is good enough.
Amazing art, wouw! And ill try it out, but not convinced about this card yet. First guess is a bad
Questing Adventurer is much better, but it does fit into a different mana slot so you could just play both, but either way, the stats are good for the mana cost, so it'll be worth it to see what you can do with it.
This card and questing adventurer could become interesting, have to see if any of the echo cards turn out to be any good or not.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
As a rogue player thrilled to play
Miracle miracle miracle...
Could be fun
Rogue finally getting some synergy
Is it just me or is this just like Undertaker but stronger because echo cards can be played rpeatedly?
Oh? Didn't you know? Yogg-Saron, Hope's End never dies, not even when he's moved to wild due to his new cult member and my newest favorite card Toki, Time Tinker!
Cheaper and comparable to Red Mana Wyrm. If cheap shot is a good meta call this will absolutely get used.
Just play QA and dust this.
Pumping Out Wins Like Titty Milk
-Mother Theresa
There isn't room to play this AND Questing Adventurer in the same deck. That's not a good redundancy.
I declare Mistwraith the worst of the set so far. What's the opposite of power creep? Power regression? Whatever, it's terrible.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
In my opinion it's rather underwhelming and slow. Shaman has a similar card (Unbound Elemental) which doesn't see play at all although there are many low-cost Overload cards to trigger its effect. Also, being a 4-drop it competes with Elven Minstrel or Fal'dorei Strider. Unless there will be some good 1-cost Echo cards I don't see this being played.
This is one of the cards that is going to get answered due to other cards in the meta. Other classes snowball better than rogue. Especially on a single minion. If this had echo and lower stats and lower cost it would be better.
such salt much BM.