This is actually amazing in Hunter. Might replace alley cat. It's a sticky beast that's not punished by 1/3s, makes a perfect target for Razormaw (1-mana 4/3 with charge, PogChamp), also works well at turn 5 with Houndmaster and you can always jsut run something like Abusive Seargent or Dire wolf.
This is actually amazing in Hunter. Might replace alley cat. It's a sticky beast that's not punished by 1/3s, makes a perfect target for Razormaw (1-mana 4/3 with charge, PogChamp), also works well at turn 5 with Houndmaster and you can always jsut run something like Abusive Seargent or Dire wolf.
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I want a new title, but Flux won't let me have one,
Your signature fits perfectly here.
Best card in the set!
In all seriousness, this card isn't actually that bad in Aggro Druid.
I can see this being potentially used in hunter as a way of consistently getting Crackling Razermaw off.
Maybe good enougth in token druid i think
damn........thats a preeeeety good 1 drop
Best hunter card of the set. They always needed this card. Sooo good along with crackling razormaw
Boring but damn the stats are fine. Aggro card!
1 for 1/3 are always great, but with the Beast racial, this will keep hunters top tier
This is actually amazing in Hunter. Might replace alley cat. It's a sticky beast that's not punished by 1/3s, makes a perfect target for Razormaw (1-mana 4/3 with charge, PogChamp), also works well at turn 5 with Houndmaster and you can always jsut run something like Abusive Seargent or Dire wolf.
Definitely a great addition to midrange Hunter
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
This is actually amazing in Hunter. Might replace alley cat. It's a sticky beast that's not punished by 1/3s, makes a perfect target for Razormaw (1-mana 4/3 with charge, PogChamp), also works well at turn 5 with Houndmaster and you can always jsut run something like Abusive Seargent or Dire wolf.
Definitely a great addition to midrange Hunter
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
Well, we almost had a full expansion with no vanilla minions. So close.
On a more positive note though, this actually doesn't seem that bad. Could even see some play in Hunter.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Could be better than ugly cat in a good number of situations. Nice addition to quest hunter.
Wow a midrange hunter 1 drop that doesnt have 1 health? im amazed.
great for the no minions hunter, just play all his good-new cards on turn 1
I might be undervaluing it tempo wise, but I dont see it outside of a midrange hunter deck
honestly this could see play in hunter and maybe even rogue after rotation.
This card is awesome for Hunter and Aggro/Beast Druid.