Ace Hunter Kreen stays in tier 2, as his winrate seems to be improving, and his flexibility makes him a better craft, even if the decks he is used in are viable without him.
So now Tirion is better tier than Murgur? Absurd. I've never seen him on ranked format neither on YT nor in my games this expansion. Also, I would definitely demote The Storm Bringer in wild and remove Brightwing from wild ranking.
So now Tirion is better tier than Murgur? Absurd. I've never seen him on ranked format neither on YT nor in my games this expansion. Also, I would definitely demote The Storm Bringer in wild and remove Brightwing from wild ranking.
If cards like Mozaki, Archwitch Willow and Aluneth are tier 2, so should Val'anyr be, as it is a good option in its archetype but definetely not a staple, as the best versions of handbuff paladin have cut it.
If cards like Mozaki, Archwitch Willow and Aluneth are tier 2, so should Val'anyr be, as it is a good option in its archetype but definetely not a staple, as the best versions of handbuff paladin have cut it.
You are right. Val'anyr sees less play now after the last round of nerfs which effectively killed Even paladin.
Hmm, Dollmaster Dorian actually has a good winrate, but sees much less play. I would have to investigate the current combos a bit more. They are not always played in the same deck anymore, it seems.
I know the meta changes fast with all the balance patches and thus the tiering is also very volatile, but already some assigned tiers to standard legendaries are a bit outdated in my opinion:
Deck of Lunacy: No longer run in the majority of Spell Mage decks post-nerf and not as impactful as before in general. Feels more like a tier 3 card now, definitely no longer tier 1 Lord Barov: Still a good card, but not really staple in any deck at the moment in standard so I'd put him on tier 2. Cairne Bloodhoof: Not really seeing any play right now, I'd say it's also a tier 3 card Xyrella: I still think she is a tier 1 minion, auto-include in pretty much any Priest deck and has pretty much the highest Played WR, Mulligan WR and Drawn WR in these decks Kayn Sunfury: Barely sees any play these days, probably belongs to tier 3 as well. Alexstrasza the Life-Binder: Staple in so many decks these days as a late game finisher, tier 1 all the way in my opinion Vectus: Starts to see some experimental play in various decks (from egg Warlock to deathrattle hunter, even saw him in a libram paladin), tier 3 is fair I think, but text needs an update as quest hunter is no longer a thing;) Vanessa VanCleef: These days she is pretty much always included in Miracle Rogue (mostly because she comes for free with Foxy), so she might be worth a promotion to tier 2.
I'll try to take a look at the tiering for wild later too
I know the meta changes fast with all the balance patches and thus the tiering is also very volatile, but already some assigned tiers to standard legendaries are a bit outdated in my opinion:
Deck of Lunacy: No longer run in the majority of Spell Mage decks post-nerf and not as impactful as before in general. Feels more like a tier 3 card now, definitely no longer tier 1 Lord Barov: Still a good card, but not really staple in any deck at the moment in standard so I'd put him on tier 2. Cairne Bloodhoof: Not really seeing any play right now, I'd say it's also a tier 3 card Xyrella: I still think she is a tier 1 minion, auto-include in pretty much any Priest deck and has pretty much the highest Played WR, Mulligan WR and Drawn WR in these decks Kayn Sunfury: Barely sees any play these days, probably belongs to tier 3 as well. Alexstrasza the Life-Binder: Staple in so many decks these days as a late game finisher, tier 1 all the way in my opinion Vectus: Starts to see some experimental play in various decks (from egg Warlock to deathrattle hunter, even saw him in a libram paladin), tier 3 is fair I think, but text needs an update as quest hunter is no longer a thing;) Vanessa VanCleef: These days she is pretty much always included in Miracle Rogue (mostly because she comes for free with Foxy), so she might be worth a promotion to tier 2.
I'll try to take a look at the tiering for wild later too
I am not quite sure if Xyrella is worth tier 1 status if you are not a serious priest player, but she can always be demoted if someone crafts her and ends up disappointed!
Updated the list to reflect the upcoming changes. I am not sure which cards will benefit indirectly from the buffs, if any.
Also, for the Classic section:
King Mukla Tier 4 to 3
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Hey SlydE
I'd like to suggest moving Grand Totem Eys'or, Lothraxion and Speaker Gidra to Tier 3 as they don't seem to be played much at the moment.
That was a very good idea, they have not done well after the rotation:
Speaker Gidra Tier 2 to 3
Lothraxion the Redeemed Tier 2 to 4
Grand Totem Eys'or Tier 2 to 4
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Updates for the Standard section, more cards which have seen very little play and seem weak over all have started to find their way into tier 5.
The Nameless One Tier 4 to 3
Kiri, Chosen of Elune Tier 4 to 5
Disciplinarian Gandling Tier 4 to 5
Ysiel Windsinger Tier 4 to 5
Al'ar Tier 4 to 3
Also some text updates in tier 4 to better reflect the current decks, the effected cards are marked with * even though they have not changed tiers.
For classic:
King Mukla Tier 3 to 2
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
High Exarch Yrel: tier 1 to tier 4, pure paladin has lost all the support with the rotation and doesn't see play.
High Abbess Alura: tier 1 to tier 3, same reason as above.
Murgur Murgurgle: tier 1 to tier 2, as this is mostly a tech option against control in decks that run it.
Inara Stormcrash: tier 2 to tier 4, as Shaman is a very weak class, and this is a less versatile card compared to Instructor Fireheart.
Ace Hunter Kreen: tier 2 to tier 3, often dropped by the better lists of both hunter and demon hunter.
Inara Stormcrash Tier 2 to 3
Murgur Murgurgle Tier 1 to 2
High Exarch Yrel Tier 1 to 3
High Abbess Alura Tier 1 to 4
Ace Hunter Kreen stays in tier 2, as his winrate seems to be improving, and his flexibility makes him a better craft, even if the decks he is used in are viable without him.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
So now Tirion is better tier than Murgur? Absurd. I've never seen him on ranked format neither on YT nor in my games this expansion.
Also, I would definitely demote The Storm Bringer in wild and remove Brightwing from wild ranking.
Yup, you are right, thank you.
Tirion Fordring Tier 1 to 3
I'll check the others soon.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Updates for the Wild section, all the cards are now in the guide!
The Amazing Reno To tier 3
Ysera, Unleashed To tier 3
The Fist of Ra-den To tier 4
Sky Gen'ral Kragg To tier 4
Grand Lackey Erkh To tier 5
Galakrond, the Wretched To tier 5
Brightwing Removed from the Wild section.
Taelan Fordring Tier 2 to 1
Lothraxion the Redeemed Tier 1 to 2
Valeera the Hollow Tier 4 to 2
Jandice Barov Tier 1 to 3
Valdris Felgorge Tier 2 to 3
Boommaster Flark Tier 3 to 4
The Storm Bringer Tier 2 to 4
Feedback appreciated as always!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
If cards like Mozaki, Archwitch Willow and Aluneth are tier 2, so should Val'anyr be, as it is a good option in its archetype but definetely not a staple, as the best versions of handbuff paladin have cut it.
You are right. Val'anyr sees less play now after the last round of nerfs which effectively killed Even paladin.
For the Wild section:
Val'anyr Tier 1 to 2
Mecha'thun Tier 2 to 3
Lynessa Sunsorrow Tier 2 to 3
Chillmaw Tier 4 to 5
Soggoth the Slitherer Tier 4 to 5
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Mecha'thun shouldn't be worse tier than Dollmaster Dorian.
Edit: Sorry, I've said exactly the opposite. Now there's written what I meant to say.
Hmm, Dollmaster Dorian actually has a good winrate, but sees much less play. I would have to investigate the current combos a bit more. They are not always played in the same deck anymore, it seems.
Feedback appreciated!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
I know the meta changes fast with all the balance patches and thus the tiering is also very volatile, but already some assigned tiers to standard legendaries are a bit outdated in my opinion:
Deck of Lunacy: No longer run in the majority of Spell Mage decks post-nerf and not as impactful as before in general. Feels more like a tier 3 card now, definitely no longer tier 1
Lord Barov: Still a good card, but not really staple in any deck at the moment in standard so I'd put him on tier 2.
Cairne Bloodhoof: Not really seeing any play right now, I'd say it's also a tier 3 card
Xyrella: I still think she is a tier 1 minion, auto-include in pretty much any Priest deck and has pretty much the highest Played WR, Mulligan WR and Drawn WR in these decks
Kayn Sunfury: Barely sees any play these days, probably belongs to tier 3 as well.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder: Staple in so many decks these days as a late game finisher, tier 1 all the way in my opinion
Vectus: Starts to see some experimental play in various decks (from egg Warlock to deathrattle hunter, even saw him in a libram paladin), tier 3 is fair I think, but text needs an update as quest hunter is no longer a thing;)
Vanessa VanCleef: These days she is pretty much always included in Miracle Rogue (mostly because she comes for free with Foxy), so she might be worth a promotion to tier 2.
I'll try to take a look at the tiering for wild later too
Shaman and Warrior Galakronds seem to be missing from the ranking.
Thanks, for the Wild section:
Galakrond, the Unbreakable To tier 3
Galakrond, the Tempest To tier 3
Silas Darkmoon Tier 2 to 3
Shudderwock Tier 3 to 2
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Thanks for the feedback!
Updates for the Standard section:
Murgur Murgurgle Tier 2 to 1
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Tier 2 to 1
Lord Barov Tier 1 to 3
Deck of Lunacy Tier 1 to 3
Cairne Bloodhoof Tier 1 to 3
Aegwynn, the Guardian Tier 2 to 3
Vanessa VanCleef Tier 3 to 2
Kayn Sunfury Tier 2 to 3
Xyrella Tier 2 to 1
Mozaki, Master Duelist Tier 3 to 4
I am not quite sure if Xyrella is worth tier 1 status if you are not a serious priest player, but she can always be demoted if someone crafts her and ends up disappointed!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Reno the Relicologist to tier 2-3, and Finley Mrrglton's description says "anti heropwr"
Updates for the Wild section:
High Abbess Alura Tier 2 to 3
Captain Greenskin Tier 2 to 3
Princess Talanji Tier 4 to 5
Hakkar, the Soulflayer Tier 4 to 5
Swamp King Dred Tier 4 to 5
Ragnaros, Lightlord Tier 4 to 5
Bolvar Fordragon Tier 4 to 5
Myra Rotspring Tier 4 to 5
Medivh, the Guardian Tier 4 to 5
Wilfred Fizzlebang Tier 4 to 5
A couple of duplicate listings removed.
The race to the bottom continues!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Just wanted to say that Scabbs Cutterbutter seems to be in the wrong expansion. No hate, the list is really helpful after all