Galakrond the Unspeakable still being tier 4 is pretty wacky.
And Mindflayer Kaahrj as well. Both cards are doing well enough to be tier 3 at the very least. Kaahrj isn't difficult to use either. You either play him early for tempo or you can be a little greedier and hold him for a more valuable late game target.
I have been playing the different variants of the deck with a nice success, and before i played all kind of murloc decks. Got to high legend on 6 hours with it this month and playing mostly in the 150-250 range.
Old Murk-Eye i would move to Tier 1, it is an essential card of any murloc deck. Can help you get lethal, or in dire cases lethal. Still weaker that our main finishers (Warleader and megausaur), but still one of them, in the scales versions it can do a surprise lethal too. Also it has uses in ANY murloc deck since the game creation. Maybe a lower winrate might be caused because it is also used in desperate situation in order to retake board control. One of the safest crafts if you play murlocs in wild, i doubt any card could outpace it. Should be tier 1, as it is a very safe bet.
Murgur Murgurgle is a great card, crafted golden first day of the expansion, and it has done wonder in most of the games. BUT it is not essential like Old Murk-Eye , some of the better versions do not even run it, it does well on the board and offer catch up option in the late game, but you could still play it without it. There is a lot of waves to turn it against you (priest) or silence it (DH, priest) It improves the win rate for sure but if you do not have it you can still play the deck and have a nice winrate. I think a solid tier 2, instead of 1.
Maiev Shadowsong is defintiely NOT tier Tier 1. Even HL Hunter most refined lists, including Grandmasters, already cut her. In the current meta she's at best Tier 3.
Teron Gorefiend should drop to Tier 2. Eggs and Teron got completely replaced with the Charge version with Kor'kron and Grom, and the high legend ones that also pack Greenskin and Deathwing for the mirrors.
For Tier 2:
Evocation to drop from Tier 2 to 3. It's not a staple in Highlander and Spell Mage is currently very weak (Tier 4 winrate stats).
Valdris and Zzeraku should also be demoted to Tier 3. No one is running those cards.
Priest, Hunter and Shaman quests should also fall to Tier 3, if not 4. You may still find some Ress Priests at very low levels, but Gala or Highlander Priest are the archetypes to go for the class. Shaman is dead (the same reason to also demote Vessina) and no one is also playing Quest Hunter. Amet as well should drop to 3. It's not played even in HL Priest.
Kael'thas should drop to Tier 3. DH Combo is gone, and Spell Druid replaced him with Ysera.
Grommash Hellscream should move to Tier 1. It's a staple in Warrior decks now and a finisher win condition.
Chef Nomi and Catrina Murte to drop to tier 3. No one is using them anymore.
Ysera Unleashed close to Tier 1 as recently at high Legend Spell Druid returned with full force with a new build and her being core. Probably still too soon, but one to keep an eye on.
Tier 3
Believe it or not, the Warlock Quest is all the rage right now in Grandmasters and high legend with a build including both Alexes and Malygos to OTK. At the very least it's a Tier 2 card now, with potential to be 1.
Priest, Hunter and Shaman quests should also fall to Tier 3, if not 4. You may still find some Ress Priests at very low levels, but Gala or Highlander Priest are the archetypes to go for the class. Shaman is dead (the same reason to also demote Vessina) and no one is also playing Quest Hunter. Amet as well should drop to 3. It's not played even in HL Priest.P
Tier 3
Believe it or not, the Warlock Quest is all the rage right now in Grandmasters and high legend with a build including both Alexes and Malygos to OTK. At the very least it's a Tier 2 card now, with potential to be 1.
These are all pretty good comments but I've seen a lot of Quest Priests on the ladder recently, I think it should stay were it is. Agree with the rest however.
In my opinion, at the moment the must-have neutrals (common and rare) include: Beaming Sidekick, Blazing Battlemage, Frozen Shadowreaver, Fearie Dragon, Scalerider, Evasive Feywing, Big Ol'Whelp, Faceless Corruptor, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Serpent Egg, Hoard Pillager, Bone Wright, Twilight Drake, Ruststeed Raider, Khartut Defender, Parachute Brigand, Southsea Deckhand and Overconfident Orc.
In my opinion, at the moment the must-have neutrals (common and rare) include: Beaming Sidekick, Blazing Battlemage, Frozen Shadowreaver, Fearie Dragon, Scalerider, Evasive Feywing, Big Ol'Whelp, Faceless Corruptor, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Serpent Egg, Hoard Pillager, Bone Wright, Twilight Drake, Ruststeed Raider, Khartut Defender, Parachute Brigand, Southsea Deckhand and Overconfident Orc.
In my opinion, at the moment the must-have neutrals (common and rare) include: Beaming Sidekick, Blazing Battlemage, Frozen Shadowreaver, Fearie Dragon, Scalerider, Evasive Feywing, Big Ol'Whelp, Faceless Corruptor, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Serpent Egg, Hoard Pillager, Bone Wright, Twilight Drake, Ruststeed Raider, Khartut Defender, Parachute Brigand, Southsea Deckhand and Overconfident Orc.
I'd add Exotic Mountseller. The core card of Spell Druid and also sees play in other spell-heavy decks.
And speaking of Spell Druid, I think Ysera, Unleashed should be Tier 1. The card is simply broken with all the card draw that Druid has and it is currently an auto-include in pretty much ALL Druid archetypes
I totally agree @SirlJohn13. I've forgotten about this deck because I don't play it, but in fact it's one of the strongest atm, difficult to play against as some meta classes and these 2 cards are essential in it.
Been going through the list again and noticed a few things, so this is a long one.
Activate the Obelisk and Corrupt the Waters are listed twice, and should be removed from Tier 2, as announced on May 24th. As of April 23rd, Shu'ma should be in Tier 4, but is listed in Tier 3. Spelling error for Sathrovarr in the Wild section. Kangor's Endless Army appears twice, and should be removed from Tier 2. Supreme Archaeology also appears twice in the Wild section, and I find it debatable to list it as a Tier 1 card. Belongs to TIer 2 in my opinion, but others might disagree.
Suggestions for Standard: Shadowjeweler Hanar: 1 to 2. Secret builds have fallen behind stealth builds after the nerf.
Captain Greenskin: 3 to 2, or even 1. Performs very well in Control Warrior with Wrenchcalibur, in addition to synergies with Ancharr and Livewire Lance in Tempo builds.
Magtheridon: 3 to 4. Feels much more like a "niche" than a "playable" card, both in performance and prevalence. Might even be a future candidate for 5, but it's too early to tell, I think.
Suggestions for Wild:
On a general note, while many decks are playable in Wild, and players should be encouraged to consider all the strong options that the mode presents, I think there should be a more defined line between strong decks and decks that can be decent but do not appear on the radar of metagame discussions. I know some of these are controversial, but I'd suggest the following for a better differentiation between tiers 1 and 2.
The Lich King: 1 to 2, maybe 3. While there are several decks that can utilize him, few of them end up doing so, and Darkest Hour Warlock has pretty much disappeared since the nerf.
Aya Blackpaw: 1 to 3. It's nowhere near as common as it used to be. It is oftentimes left out in Jade Druid (in favor of a spell-heavy build) and dropped out of nearly every Shaman deck. Aside from a few Jade-oriented Quest decks, which don't perform too well, she's not a part of current Even, Big or Highlander Shaman lists, and hasn't been for a while.
Kazakus: 2 to 1. Debatable, since it performs worse than other Highlander reward cards, but it is still a part of the package, and for the time being a staple in Highlander Priest, Mage and the less successful Warlock.
Valdris Felgorge: 1 to 2 or 3. I hesitate to argue with recent changes, but I have not seen it in any current Warlock deck and would find the inclusion at least debatable. If someone can convince me otherwise, I'd like to hear it.
Vessina: 2 to 1. A bit tricky, since Even Shaman is changing a little bit every other expansion, but Vessina has been a staple for quite some time now, and is relatively likely to remain one. The Storm Bringer would also be a candidate, but it's more debatable since it performs worse in an aggressive meta.
Maiev Shadowsong: 1 to 2. A strong card without question, but not a staple and not commonly included in any deck I know of.
While I would agree that it's more debatable what belongs to tier 2 or 3 in Wild than in Standard, with some cards simply being underrepresented or having a strong potential, I think there are several cards that should be listed as tier 3 rather than 2. They either belong to decks that are not performing well on a high level, or should be considered as possible inclusions in deck building, rather than good ones, belonging more to a "playable" category. Again, I know that some of these will seem controversial to some:
Thanks for the feedback! I don't agree with all of it, but there are some very good corrections in there. To start things off for Wild: Aya Blackpaw Tier 1 to 2 Kazakus Tier 2 to 1 Valdris Felgorge Tier 1 to 2 Maiev Shadowsong Tier 1 to 2
The Lich King is actually holding strong, and is like a tier 1,5 card currently, mainly used in "big" decks, but his he can be jammed into several decks for many classes and do a very nice job.
One funny thing about the Wild format is that it is very far from solved. I recently reached legend with an Even shaman teched to beat control featuring The Lich King and Aya Blackpaw.
Should Murgur Murgurgle be tier 1? It's core in both Libram and Murloc Paladin decks atm.
Galakrond the Unspeakable still being tier 4 is pretty wacky.
And Mindflayer Kaahrj as well. Both cards are doing well enough to be tier 3 at the very least. Kaahrj isn't difficult to use either. You either play him early for tempo or you can be a little greedier and hold him for a more valuable late game target.
Thanks for the feedback!
Some updates:
Galakrond, the Unspeakable Tier 4 to 2
Kargath Bladefist Tier 3 to 2
Mindflayer Kaahrj Tier 4 to 2
Shu'ma Tier 2 to 4
Goru the Mightree Tier 3 to 4
Armagedillo Tier 3 to 4
When moving cards up, the natural consequence is that others which have fallen out of the meta move down.
Murgur Murgurgle is close to being tier 1, yes, but there are many cards with higher winrates at higher levels, so he remains in tier 2 for now.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
There are formatting issues in Wild tier 4, were Dr. Morrgian and Myra Rotspring bleed together from misplaced coding.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
On the WILD murloc paladin part.
I have been playing the different variants of the deck with a nice success, and before i played all kind of murloc decks. Got to high legend on 6 hours with it this month and playing mostly in the 150-250 range.
Old Murk-Eye i would move to Tier 1, it is an essential card of any murloc deck. Can help you get lethal, or in dire cases lethal. Still weaker that our main finishers (Warleader and megausaur), but still one of them, in the scales versions it can do a surprise lethal too. Also it has uses in ANY murloc deck since the game creation. Maybe a lower winrate might be caused because it is also used in desperate situation in order to retake board control. One of the safest crafts if you play murlocs in wild, i doubt any card could outpace it. Should be tier 1, as it is a very safe bet.
Murgur Murgurgle is a great card, crafted golden first day of the expansion, and it has done wonder in most of the games. BUT it is not essential like Old Murk-Eye , some of the better versions do not even run it, it does well on the board and offer catch up option in the late game, but you could still play it without it. There is a lot of waves to turn it against you (priest) or silence it (DH, priest) It improves the win rate for sure but if you do not have it you can still play the deck and have a nice winrate. I think a solid tier 2, instead of 1.
For Tier 1:
Maiev Shadowsong is defintiely NOT tier Tier 1. Even HL Hunter most refined lists, including Grandmasters, already cut her. In the current meta she's at best Tier 3.
Teron Gorefiend should drop to Tier 2. Eggs and Teron got completely replaced with the Charge version with Kor'kron and Grom, and the high legend ones that also pack Greenskin and Deathwing for the mirrors.
For Tier 2:
Evocation to drop from Tier 2 to 3. It's not a staple in Highlander and Spell Mage is currently very weak (Tier 4 winrate stats).
Valdris and Zzeraku should also be demoted to Tier 3. No one is running those cards.
Priest, Hunter and Shaman quests should also fall to Tier 3, if not 4. You may still find some Ress Priests at very low levels, but Gala or Highlander Priest are the archetypes to go for the class. Shaman is dead (the same reason to also demote Vessina) and no one is also playing Quest Hunter. Amet as well should drop to 3. It's not played even in HL Priest.
Kael'thas should drop to Tier 3. DH Combo is gone, and Spell Druid replaced him with Ysera.
Grommash Hellscream should move to Tier 1. It's a staple in Warrior decks now and a finisher win condition.
Chef Nomi and Catrina Murte to drop to tier 3. No one is using them anymore.
Ysera Unleashed close to Tier 1 as recently at high Legend Spell Druid returned with full force with a new build and her being core. Probably still too soon, but one to keep an eye on.
Tier 3
Believe it or not, the Warlock Quest is all the rage right now in Grandmasters and high legend with a build including both Alexes and Malygos to OTK. At the very least it's a Tier 2 card now, with potential to be 1.
These are all pretty good comments but I've seen a lot of Quest Priests on the ladder recently, I think it should stay were it is. Agree with the rest however.
Thanks a lot for taking a shared responsability that this guide is up to date, even in this very unstable metagame with very frequent nerfs and buffs. Most of the suggestions have been followed:
Unseal the Vault Tier 2 to 4
Bazaar Burglary Tier 3 to 4
Malygos Tier 2 to 1
Chef Nomi Tier 2 to 4
Activate the Obelisk Tier 2 to 3
Corrupt the Waters Tier 2 to 3
Valdris Felgorge Tier 2 to 3
Zzeraku the Warped Tier 2 to 4
Grommash Hellscream Tier 2 to 1
Teron Gorefiend Tier 1 to 2
Maiev Shadowsong Tier 1 to 2
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
In my opinion, at the moment the must-have neutrals (common and rare) include: Beaming Sidekick, Blazing Battlemage, Frozen Shadowreaver, Fearie Dragon, Scalerider, Evasive Feywing, Big Ol'Whelp, Faceless Corruptor, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Serpent Egg, Hoard Pillager, Bone Wright, Twilight Drake, Ruststeed Raider, Khartut Defender, Parachute Brigand, Southsea Deckhand and Overconfident Orc.
The list has been updated, thanks.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
I'd add Exotic Mountseller. The core card of Spell Druid and also sees play in other spell-heavy decks.
And speaking of Spell Druid, I think Ysera, Unleashed should be Tier 1. The card is simply broken with all the card draw that Druid has and it is currently an auto-include in pretty much ALL Druid archetypes
I totally agree @SirlJohn13. I've forgotten about this deck because I don't play it, but in fact it's one of the strongest atm, difficult to play against as some meta classes and these 2 cards are essential in it.
Exotic Mountseller is added to the list, I personally experienced her power lately, and she might even be a nerf target down the line.
Ysera, Unleashed promoted to T1.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
A couple of more updates for the Wild section:
Sathrovarr To tier 2
Malygos To tier 2
Jepetto Joybuzz To tier 2
Sorry for the lack of polish lately, more updates are likely incoming!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
If im not mistaken i think you mixed up Sathrovar with Jeppeto in Pack expansions list
Just hanging around, talking in my Morgan Freeman voice :D
Been going through the list again and noticed a few things, so this is a long one.
Activate the Obelisk and Corrupt the Waters are listed twice, and should be removed from Tier 2, as announced on May 24th. As of April 23rd, Shu'ma should be in Tier 4, but is listed in Tier 3. Spelling error for Sathrovarr in the Wild section. Kangor's Endless Army appears twice, and should be removed from Tier 2. Supreme Archaeology also appears twice in the Wild section, and I find it debatable to list it as a Tier 1 card. Belongs to TIer 2 in my opinion, but others might disagree.
Suggestions for Standard:
Shadowjeweler Hanar: 1 to 2. Secret builds have fallen behind stealth builds after the nerf.
Captain Greenskin: 3 to 2, or even 1. Performs very well in Control Warrior with Wrenchcalibur, in addition to synergies with Ancharr and Livewire Lance in Tempo builds.
Magtheridon: 3 to 4. Feels much more like a "niche" than a "playable" card, both in performance and prevalence. Might even be a future candidate for 5, but it's too early to tell, I think.
Suggestions for Wild:
On a general note, while many decks are playable in Wild, and players should be encouraged to consider all the strong options that the mode presents, I think there should be a more defined line between strong decks and decks that can be decent but do not appear on the radar of metagame discussions. I know some of these are controversial, but I'd suggest the following for a better differentiation between tiers 1 and 2.
The Lich King: 1 to 2, maybe 3. While there are several decks that can utilize him, few of them end up doing so, and Darkest Hour Warlock has pretty much disappeared since the nerf.
Aya Blackpaw: 1 to 3. It's nowhere near as common as it used to be. It is oftentimes left out in Jade Druid (in favor of a spell-heavy build) and dropped out of nearly every Shaman deck. Aside from a few Jade-oriented Quest decks, which don't perform too well, she's not a part of current Even, Big or Highlander Shaman lists, and hasn't been for a while.
Kazakus: 2 to 1. Debatable, since it performs worse than other Highlander reward cards, but it is still a part of the package, and for the time being a staple in Highlander Priest, Mage and the less successful Warlock.
Valdris Felgorge: 1 to 2 or 3. I hesitate to argue with recent changes, but I have not seen it in any current Warlock deck and would find the inclusion at least debatable. If someone can convince me otherwise, I'd like to hear it.
Vessina: 2 to 1. A bit tricky, since Even Shaman is changing a little bit every other expansion, but Vessina has been a staple for quite some time now, and is relatively likely to remain one. The Storm Bringer would also be a candidate, but it's more debatable since it performs worse in an aggressive meta.
Maiev Shadowsong: 1 to 2. A strong card without question, but not a staple and not commonly included in any deck I know of.
While I would agree that it's more debatable what belongs to tier 2 or 3 in Wild than in Standard, with some cards simply being underrepresented or having a strong potential, I think there are several cards that should be listed as tier 3 rather than 2. They either belong to decks that are not performing well on a high level, or should be considered as possible inclusions in deck building, rather than good ones, belonging more to a "playable" category. Again, I know that some of these will seem controversial to some:
Fandral Staghelm
Zixor, Apex Predator
Zzeraku the Warped
Subject 9
Archmage Antonidas
Houndmaster Shaw
Rin, the First Disciple
Wardruid Loti
Kalimos, Primal Lord
Unite the Murlocs,
Couldn't agree more to this!
Thanks for the feedback! I don't agree with all of it, but there are some very good corrections in there. To start things off for Wild:
Aya Blackpaw Tier 1 to 2
Kazakus Tier 2 to 1
Valdris Felgorge Tier 1 to 2
Maiev Shadowsong Tier 1 to 2
And for Standard:
Magtheridon Tier 3 to 4
Shadowjeweler Hanar Tier 1 to 2
Captain Greenskin Tier 3 to 1 (I love to recommend Classic cards...)
The Lich King is actually holding strong, and is like a tier 1,5 card currently, mainly used in "big" decks, but his he can be jammed into several decks for many classes and do a very nice job.
One funny thing about the Wild format is that it is very far from solved. I recently reached legend with an Even shaman teched to beat control featuring The Lich King and Aya Blackpaw.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide: