the current problem with the deck right now is the ability to burst you from 32 only using 3 cards after raza+ anduin. and the FACT that the bigger the card pool is the stronger are singletons/highlander decks.
So I expect razakus priest to be god tier next expansion unless they give priest warlock level of terrible cards or another "druid" appears.
think the deck while oppressove to an extend HAS counter play and stuff you can do that matter.
I think this is a fair fear to have. Razakus is very strong now. Giving priest even better spells or creatures could be pretty disastrous. What three cards are you talking about by the way? If you mean Velen, Mindblast, Holy Smite that doesn't quite work out. That is 2+4+10+4+4+4 = 28. Also that is a 5 card combo essentially in a singleton deck. I play priest a lot, I rarely get that combo, very rarely. I can't imagine it's too common now which is the biggest reason why it's not broken now. However if priest get even better nukes or generators it could get pretty nasty. We'll have to wait and see. If priest ever does get to far out of hand it'll get nerfed eventually, it just isn't there at the moment.
Oh it's 28 damage? my bad was talking about velen + mind blast + holy smite (quick math 2+4+10+4+4+4=28) thought it was 32 peobably cause I saw it with the coin or soemthing
it's a 5 cards combo but with the crazy amount of draw the deck has and the fact that they always mulligan for raza against control/midrange it's quite consistent at least part of it.
If your deck has no duplicates, your current Hero Power costs (0) this game.
This prevents the effect from carrying over if the hero power changes. If Anduin is played after Raza, Voidform still costs 2, but if Raza is played after Anduin, Voidform is free.
This does not disable machine gunning but it delays it even in the best case. Instead of being able to play Raza anytime in turns 4-7, the priest must wait until after the hero changeover. Even if it's ready to go, machine gunning can't start before using up half the mana in the turn after Anduin. More time to prepare, a guaranteed opportunity to rebuild after the 5+ attack minion clear.
Mill warlock is a joke, just because you play a rank 25 meme deck that beats only priest doesnt mean priest isnt overly effective. calling tempo rogue anything other than aggro is like trying to justify calling aggro hunter midrange. just because it runs 2 savannah highmanes and a deadly shot doesnt change its core. aggro is a bad word but lets stop beating around the bush: rogue, hunter, and shaman are all rush decks and aggro has always countered slower decks so stop using them to justify poor game design because priest is finally overpowered. its limiting deck design because right now if you dont beat priest you dont ladder up and the only thing that beats priest is aggro. same problem we faced with jade druid before the nerfs but at least we had a card that countered jade idol spam. playing gnomeferatu in standard and praying to god that either raza or anduin burns is not a counter, its divine intervention.
If its a battlecry, it's permanent. You are not suggesting for the Raza's effect to be just an aura don't you? Because it's not worth a Legendary effect.
If your deck has no duplicates, your current Hero Power costs (0) this game.
This prevents the effect from carrying over if the hero power changes. If Anduin is played after Raza, Voidform still costs 2, but if Raza is played after Anduin, Voidform is free.
This does not disable machine gunning but it delays it even in the best case. Instead of being able to play Raza anytime in turns 4-7, the priest must wait until after the hero changeover. Even if it's ready to go, machine gunning can't start before using up half the mana in the turn after Anduin. More time to prepare, a guaranteed opportunity to rebuild after the 5+ attack minion clear.
If its a battlecry, it's permanent. You are not suggesting for the Raza's effect to be just an aura don't you? Because it's not worth a Legendary effect.
I personally think Shadowreaper Anduin's hero power should just deal 1 damage every time, I personally think the hero power with Prophet Velen dealing 4 damage a pop is waaaay too much. Priest as a whole is a class built around not having efficient burst and even with the hero power dealing 2 damage a pop it feels like a priest can burst you down just like a classic freeze mage could, and that was an entire deck in a class that specializes in burst. The Razakus priest deck literally just runs Shadowreaper Anduin as their only burst card. I love the card and it's flavor, but just lowering the damage each ping by 1 should feel and be solid. It's still certainly possible to nuke your opponent for 10 over 2 turns with this. Also it should make the matchup more "fun" to play against as it doesn't feel as bad for a priest of all classes to be bursting you for so much.
I think another good change would be having Raza read "your current hero power" instead of your hero power for the rest of the game. I think this is a good enough nerf as well, especially considering that while Razakus Priest is a strong deck, but not nearly as obscene as pre-nerf Jade Druid
Not an aura, a permanent effect on the current hero power. Just like Shattered Sun Cleric can permanently buff a minion which is then destroyed, Raza can permanently discount a hero power which is then replaced. Permanency doesn't have to mean it lasts the whole game, only that it affects the target entity as long as that lasts.
the current problem with the deck right now is the ability to burst you from 32 only using 3 cards after raza+ anduin. and the FACT that the bigger the card pool is the stronger are singletons/highlander decks.
So I expect razakus priest to be god tier next expansion unless they give priest warlock level of terrible cards or another "druid" appears.
think the deck while oppressove to an extend HAS counter play and stuff you can do that matter.
I think this is a fair fear to have. Razakus is very strong now. Giving priest even better spells or creatures could be pretty disastrous. What three cards are you talking about by the way? If you mean Velen, Mindblast, Holy Smite that doesn't quite work out. That is 2+4+10+4+4+4 = 28. Also that is a 5 card combo essentially in a singleton deck. I play priest a lot, I rarely get that combo, very rarely. I can't imagine it's too common now which is the biggest reason why it's not broken now. However if priest get even better nukes or generators it could get pretty nasty. We'll have to wait and see. If priest ever does get to far out of hand it'll get nerfed eventually, it just isn't there at the moment.
Oh it's 28 damage? my bad was talking about velen + mind blast + holy smite (quick math 2+4+10+4+4+4=28) thought it was 32 peobably cause I saw it with the coin or soemthing
it's a 5 cards combo but with the crazy amount of draw the deck has and the fact that they always mulligan for raza against control/midrange it's quite consistent at least part of it.
It's actually not that consistent. The only consistent part is Raza + Anduin and maybe mindblast. Many times you can't wait on the full combo to come around because of the pressure the opponent will attempt to put on you, which they have to if they want to win. Often times you have to play holy smite out as removal or even play out velen with Spirit lash to live. Part of the combo is consistent, which is raza + anduin and that is why the deck is good, really good even. Just not the OTK from the high 20s.
Everyone seems to just forget that part because they are clouded from their lack of understanding the Priest match up because Priest has been irrelevant for so long.
Cards that require you to Handicap yourself that hard like Kazakus and Krul the Unshackled are going to be a lot stronger than the average Legendary minion to compensate for that.
Learn the match up, Play the proper decks or mirror it. And you will find you are complaining for no reason.
The way Priest has access to so many card generators (including cards copied from the oponent's deck), makes the "no duplicates" rule just a joke.
Those are 3 cards out of a 30 card deck, dude.
Pulling just one of them shouldn't win a game by itself unless it was already a close match, and you only get one of each in these decks. Highlanders decks inherently sacrifice consistency. The "rule" isn't a joke; it's the reason that Razakus Priest is currently winning less than Big Priest, and breaking about even with most main Druid and Hunter decks while performing consistently worse than top Mage, Rogue, Shaman, and Warlock archetypes.
Razakus Priest is not winning more than other decks. That's not a thing; it's not reflected in any statistics. It's one of the worst of the top-performing decks actually.
It isn't anymore broken than other top competitive stuff. It's brokenness just happens at the end of a controllish deck with strong control tools.
I'm sorry you guys can't roflstomp yet another slow deck just because you have so many chances to highroll, but my sympathy is limited. I've played CW a ton and seen how completely rotten this game has become towards slow decks. You have to wade through oodles of bullshit rounds compared to a fast deck which can just kill people before they get a chance too. And it's boring and frustrating as hell.
I'm glad there is a slow deck now that puts you guys on the clock.
Not an aura, a permanent effect on the current hero power. Just like Shattered Sun Cleric can permanently buff a minion which is then destroyed, Raza can permanently discount a hero power which is then replaced. Permanency doesn't have to mean it lasts the whole game, only that it affects the target entity as long as that lasts.
Ok, but it doesn't make sense that Raza will just change the cost of the current hero power and not carry over to the next one.
Not an aura, a permanent effect on the current hero power. Just like Shattered Sun Cleric can permanently buff a minion which is then destroyed, Raza can permanently discount a hero power which is then replaced. Permanency doesn't have to mean it lasts the whole game, only that it affects the target entity as long as that lasts.
Ok, but it doesn't make sense that Raza will just change the cost of the current hero power and not carry over to the next one.
His argument is that Raza should discount your CURRENT hero power, but that when your hero power is "replaced" (the usual wording for those effects), then it should be treated like when a minion "permanently" buffs a minion that dies; the original hero power is gone, so the discount should be too.
I don't happen to agree with him though. That's one way you could word such an effect, sure, but you don't need to and getting a permanent discount that lasts throughout power changes is also interesting. The notion of changing it is based on the idea that Razakus Priest is too strong or uninteractive to play against, but:
Razakus Priest is NOT too strong; it is STRONG, but it's performing worse than other top decks just in terms of hard statistics.
Like, watch Trump or any other skilled player play with or against the deck and you can see clear decision-making and interaction from both sides.
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Suggestion for a simpler, lighter Raza nerf:
If your deck has no duplicates, your current Hero Power costs (0) this game.
This prevents the effect from carrying over if the hero power changes. If Anduin is played after Raza, Voidform still costs 2, but if Raza is played after Anduin, Voidform is free.
This does not disable machine gunning but it delays it even in the best case. Instead of being able to play Raza anytime in turns 4-7, the priest must wait until after the hero changeover. Even if it's ready to go, machine gunning can't start before using up half the mana in the turn after Anduin. More time to prepare, a guaranteed opportunity to rebuild after the 5+ attack minion clear.
Mill warlock is a joke, just because you play a rank 25 meme deck that beats only priest doesnt mean priest isnt overly effective. calling tempo rogue anything other than aggro is like trying to justify calling aggro hunter midrange. just because it runs 2 savannah highmanes and a deadly shot doesnt change its core. aggro is a bad word but lets stop beating around the bush: rogue, hunter, and shaman are all rush decks and aggro has always countered slower decks so stop using them to justify poor game design because priest is finally overpowered. its limiting deck design because right now if you dont beat priest you dont ladder up and the only thing that beats priest is aggro. same problem we faced with jade druid before the nerfs but at least we had a card that countered jade idol spam. playing gnomeferatu in standard and praying to god that either raza or anduin burns is not a counter, its divine intervention.
If its a battlecry, it's permanent. You are not suggesting for the Raza's effect to be just an aura don't you? Because it's not worth a Legendary effect.
I personally think Shadowreaper Anduin's hero power should just deal 1 damage every time, I personally think the hero power with Prophet Velen dealing 4 damage a pop is waaaay too much. Priest as a whole is a class built around not having efficient burst and even with the hero power dealing 2 damage a pop it feels like a priest can burst you down just like a classic freeze mage could, and that was an entire deck in a class that specializes in burst. The Razakus priest deck literally just runs Shadowreaper Anduin as their only burst card. I love the card and it's flavor, but just lowering the damage each ping by 1 should feel and be solid. It's still certainly possible to nuke your opponent for 10 over 2 turns with this. Also it should make the matchup more "fun" to play against as it doesn't feel as bad for a priest of all classes to be bursting you for so much.
I think another good change would be having Raza read "your current hero power" instead of your hero power for the rest of the game. I think this is a good enough nerf as well, especially considering that while Razakus Priest is a strong deck, but not nearly as obscene as pre-nerf Jade Druid
Not an aura, a permanent effect on the current hero power. Just like Shattered Sun Cleric can permanently buff a minion which is then destroyed, Raza can permanently discount a hero power which is then replaced. Permanency doesn't have to mean it lasts the whole game, only that it affects the target entity as long as that lasts.
Why nerf it?
It isn't anymore broken than other top competitive stuff. It's brokenness just happens at the end of a controllish deck with strong control tools.
I'm sorry you guys can't roflstomp yet another slow deck just because you have so many chances to highroll, but my sympathy is limited. I've played CW a ton and seen how completely rotten this game has become towards slow decks. You have to wade through oodles of bullshit rounds compared to a fast deck which can just kill people before they get a chance too. And it's boring and frustrating as hell.
I'm glad there is a slow deck now that puts you guys on the clock.
Or you can quit your whining, counter the meta and wait for the card to rotate...