I played 2 times spirit echo on a minions. And when he dies I just get one copy of it.
Is this normal? Should I've received 2 copies?
In a way it seems logical too to receive only just one copy because it say "return it to your hand" and not "add a copy to your hand" so if he is already on my hand he can't come back to my hand a second time.
But I want to be sure, how many copies should we receive when we play 2 times the spell on a minion?
I played 2 times spirit echo on a minions. And when he dies I just get one copy of it.
Is this normal? Should I've received 2 copies?
In a way it seems logical too to receive only just one copy because it say "return it to your hand" and not "add a copy to your hand" so if he is already on my hand he can't come back to my hand a second time.
But I want to be sure, how many copies should we receive when we play 2 times the spell on a minion?
Love the tribes.
Yes, since it says "return to your hand", and you obviously can't do that twice, it's normal that you get only one copy.
Yep, it's working as intended. Also, we already have a thread about this: http://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/card-discussion/197586-spirit-echo-does-not-stack. Locked.