Actually I think it's worse then shattered sun since you can just hero power down the body... Like. It's not terrible. But I don't think it's quite as good.
But yeah. Seems mediocre but not super saddening in arena and unplayable pack filler in constructed. Gotta fill out that design space.
Obviously pretty good, and will be top tier in Arena.
Not really. In a meta where mage and rouge make up like 75% of anything above 3 wins, you can't really play 1 health minions. It's not bad, but it's not too good either, in particular if you are going second.
Source: Your email. No seriously, check it.
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its a card, might of seen play pre naxx
maybe arena pickable? not likely though, every expansion needs filler
Sun Cleric Lite
Obviously pretty good, and will be top tier in Arena.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
Join me at Out of Cards!
Filler time!
good arena card
Fallen Sun Cleric
Shattered Sun Cleric
Custom cards :
CLASSES : Alchemist (CCC#5 | Phase V) | Chef (CCC#4)
EXPANSIONS : Year of the Scorpion (Year Comp)
Probably some pack filler
Better than a blank pack filler.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Seems pretty innocent, but if priest ever wanted to run a tempo or mid range list, this might make the cut.
Actually I think it's worse then shattered sun since you can just hero power down the body... Like. It's not terrible. But I don't think it's quite as good.
But yeah. Seems mediocre but not super saddening in arena and unplayable pack filler in constructed. Gotta fill out that design space.
Solid common minion. I'm sure this will find a home in aggro
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
This seems preeety good for zoo.
Having the same effect as Shattered Sun Cleric with a lower mana cost and smaller body makes it slightly better.
But slightly better than bad is still pretty bad.
This will see about as much play as Shattered Sun Cleric, aka not at all.
So, you lock the other guy's thread and you make a new one? lol k.
Why did my thread get locked?
I have no time for games.
The art is beautiful tho. Too bad it is attached on a mediocre card (in constructed).