Drawing any combination of bounce/cheap minion/early duplicate would allow you to get the quest off by turn 5 pretty easily.
Then, remaining bounce, duplicate and draw cards will give you insane value, tempo and combo potential - 5/5 1-cost stealth Worgen infiltrators that are bounced right after they attack - 5/5 1-cost charge that you bounce after attack, 2-cost for 2 5/5 murloc + taunt etc.
People always cry about Rogue being crap, but they always find a way to be viable in every meta.
Some card draw and Charge minions (and battlecry: summon another minions).
You forgot the most important card: Sir Finley Mrrgglton to snag a hero power that nets you a 5/5 each turn (shaman the best, paladin right after that)
Drawing any combination of bounce/cheap minion/early duplicate would allow you to get the quest off by turn 5 pretty easily.
Then, remaining bounce, duplicate and draw cards will give you insane value, tempo and combo potential - 5/5 1-cost stealth Worgen infiltrators that are bounced right after they attack - 5/5 1-cost charge that you bounce after attack, 2-cost for 2 5/5 murloc + taunt etc.
People always cry about Rogue being crap, but they always find a way to be viable in every meta.
This is a great idea to make the quest viable. Be it competitive or not it's a deck that sounds like fun to play. You would also want to include swashburglar and patches for extra value and card draw*
Well, this opens some interesting possibilities. Just have to figure out where to find four same minions lol. Can jade golems be considered minions with same name?
it says "play" not "summon" so i think jade is out
I don't know if you people are blind or what, i have clarified my question a couple of times. Yes, we already know that it says PLAY, not SUMMON. Jade Golems can be used as something that can provide board presence and survivability and something to bounce back.
Drawing any combination of bounce/cheap minion/early duplicate would allow you to get the quest off by turn 5 pretty easily.
Then, remaining bounce, duplicate and draw cards will give you insane value, tempo and combo potential - 5/5 1-cost stealth Worgen infiltrators that are bounced right after they attack - 5/5 1-cost charge that you bounce after attack, 2-cost for 2 5/5 murloc + taunt etc.
People always cry about Rogue being crap, but they always find a way to be viable in every meta.
This is a great idea to make the quest viable. Be it competitive or not it's a deck that sounds like fun to play. You would also want to include swashburglar and patches for extra value and card draw*
I think something like this could work too. Theres also the added synergy of all the bounce cards been able to be used on your 5/5 chargers, giving you some potentially insane burst
This is actually one the coolest/funniest applications of this quest. You get a legitimate win condition out of it because you benefit from the weasels more than your opponent.
This is actually one the coolest/funniest applications of this quest. You get a legitimate win condition out of it because you benefit from the weasels more than your opponent.
Until you foe doesnt draw any of the weasels or just decides to..you know...not play them.
Also while you are busy bouncing your paper minions back and forth your foe has whittled your health down to nothing...so yay I guess?
I still don't see how 5/5s....even if you get multiple out....are that great in the late game? By the time you finish your quest a vanilla minion will double trade with your 5/5. Great.
You can literally fulfill this quest in turn eight alone by going Brewmaster into Brewmaster into Brewmaster into Brewmaster. It's not the that the condition is difficult to fulfill, but the reward... sucks. Even if all your minions are 5/5s now, is that even good? Especially when your opponent likely started playing bigger things at that point? Handbuffing does essentially the same with less effort and wasn't very viable either.
It just doesn't seem like an effect that benefits Rogue in any way, unless Violet Teacher makes a comeback. That's the only situation I can think of that might make playing this quest worth it.
I still think it does not affect token spawns but even if it did Violet Teacher would still be hard to make work because you would need spell to proc its effect....which you can have because you need doubles of minions so you can copy them for the quest.
welll this makes the plant a 5/5 when it's completed and i guess it also makes things created from Imp Master and Violet Teacher into 5/5 tokens, the problem is that contrary to the warlock cards revelealed so far, the quest and the cards you want to run for completing the quest don't really sinergize with each other, Violet Apprentice is not exactly a card you want to be bouncing and replaying, i guess you coould use Coliseum Manager or Recruiter in wild but that'd be too slow and anti-sinergetic with rogue due to inspire.
Hmm probably you dont even need to play only low cost minions, you also could play on curve things that actually gives either low stats but great benefit (bad exampleBig Game Hunter Cards like this would also benefit rly sick from back to Hand mechanics after you done your Quest) or stuff that actually summons more stuff on a basic lvl that is still good on curve if you can´t get the quest done that quick.
I kill two dwarves in da morning, I kill two dwarves at night, I kill two dwarves in the afternoon, and than i feel alright. I kill two dwarves in the time of peace and two in time of war, I kill two dwarves before i kill two dwarves, and then i kill two more.
Thinking about this vs Jade decks....I mean by the time you finished the quest if you were playing a jade deck wouldnt most of your cards be summoning things more than 5/5?
I guess they're trying to justify making Gadgetzan Ferryman. I almost regret dusting my golden copy now. Not really though.
I think there is a viable deck that would involve:
Cheap charge and value 1-cost minions (Stonetusk Boar, Bilefin Tidehunters, Worgen Infiltrators)
Bounce cards (Brewmasters, Ferryman, Shadowstep)
Duplicate cards (Thistletea, Mimic Pod, Shadowcaster)
Cheap Draw cards (Oracle, Novice Engineer)
Drawing any combination of bounce/cheap minion/early duplicate would allow you to get the quest off by turn 5 pretty easily.
Then, remaining bounce, duplicate and draw cards will give you insane value, tempo and combo potential - 5/5 1-cost stealth Worgen infiltrators that are bounced right after they attack - 5/5 1-cost charge that you bounce after attack, 2-cost for 2 5/5 murloc + taunt etc.
People always cry about Rogue being crap, but they always find a way to be viable in every meta.
When life gives you lemons, trade'em for limes and get some Coronas!
This is actually one the coolest/funniest applications of this quest. You get a legitimate win condition out of it because you benefit from the weasels more than your opponent.
Rogue now has 22 archetypes
none viable
gg team 5
I still don't see how 5/5s....even if you get multiple out....are that great in the late game? By the time you finish your quest a vanilla minion will double trade with your 5/5. Great.
welll this makes the plant a 5/5 when it's completed and i guess it also makes things created from Imp Master and Violet Teacher into 5/5 tokens, the problem is that contrary to the warlock cards revelealed so far, the quest and the cards you want to run for completing the quest don't really sinergize with each other, Violet Apprentice is not exactly a card you want to be bouncing and replaying, i guess you coould use Coliseum Manager or Recruiter in wild but that'd be too slow and anti-sinergetic with rogue due to inspire.
Burgle into Call in the Finishers , Finish the quest and have 4 5/5 on the board, the dream
Whelp game dev says it does affect tokens
And pretty much everything else. Seems to be a constant pulse like "Raid leaders" attack buff.
Makes it a bit stronger though still not viable in my opinion.
Turn 10, you put 3 small minions on board - wow they all are 5/5 now! Druids turn: 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10...
Hmm probably you dont even need to play only low cost minions, you also could play on curve things that actually gives either low stats but great benefit (bad exampleBig Game Hunter Cards like this would also benefit rly sick from back to Hand mechanics after you done your Quest) or stuff that actually summons more stuff on a basic lvl that is still good on curve if you can´t get the quest done that quick.
I kill two dwarves in da morning, I kill two dwarves at night, I kill two dwarves in the afternoon, and than i feel alright. I kill two dwarves in the time of peace and two in time of war, I kill two dwarves before i kill two dwarves, and then i kill two more.
Thinking about this vs Jade decks....I mean by the time you finished the quest if you were playing a jade deck wouldnt most of your cards be summoning things more than 5/5?
Not even epic quality there is no more brann the game probably will end till finish this quest so again a dead expansion for rogue i guess
then we have Gadgetzan Ferryman, Shadowcaster and Kidnapper to add to this mechanics