Since the OP seems to not be displaying correctly, here's the card.
The obvious comparisons for this card are Sen'jin Shieldmasta and Sludge Belcher. I find this to be at a power level very similar to Sludge Belcher in that it's a 3/5 taunt that cannot be killed in one hit, BUT it is conditional. Against ping classes, the divine shield will be weaker than the 1/2 Sludge, but against some other classes like Warrior (hint, hint) it may well be stronger despite costing 1 mana less.
The fact that this relies on Elemental synergy means that despite its high power level, it will not be a meta staple across all deck lists, and will most likely be seen in Elemental Mage and Elemental Shaman. As a late-game topdeck, it provides a decent body for its cost even if you don't get the Battlecry (compare to Stone Sentinel which is a horrifically bad topdeck if you can't trigger the Battlecry).
Even for classes who might run just 2-3 elementals, it's still better than Sen'jin Shieldmasta that people are still using. And comparing its statlines with Sunwalker who is 6 mana minion, it's going to be sick in elemental based decks. Also can work in a handbuff deck with a little elemental synergy.
Jades won't be that big in the first 4 turns, so this card will be a big problem for them awell.
I mean which these 2 neutral card which work well togerther and you can put in ANY deck, I think aggro will be stopped this expansion. But Jade, I dont see any tools to counter it late game spam yet, and Jade deck can also use these two card, which is the problem because without aggro stop them, control deck ussually dead.
That is a fairly fearsome anti-aggro tool; the fact that it naturally follows Tar Creeper seems like you could almost auto-win the game against aggro decks if you pulled them in a row. My only concern is that unlike the Tar Creeper this card is good in every matchup (slightly less beneficial in some) and as people have already commented I don't want to replace Dragon curve-based decks with Elemental curve-based decks.
Insane card......Will be a auto include in all Elemental decks....It's a better Sunwalker...The problem with Sunwalker before was that turn 6 was usually to late but the fact you can get this out 2 turns earlier is a huge deal and for -2 mana you only lose -1 in stats which once again is better value than Sunwalker because 2 mana for +1 is overpriced. This is defiantly power creep.
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Cool anti aggro
Still second fiddle to Jade decks.
4-mana 3/5
"Battlecry: If you played an Elemental last turn, gain Divine Shield and Taunt."
I can dig it!!
Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!
Oh baby! Sen'jin on crack (if you plan ahead)!
That Flame Geyser is looking a little bit better now, hmm?
Non-pingers get rekt.
i love anti-aggro tools
Seems ok.
Since the OP seems to not be displaying correctly, here's the card.
The obvious comparisons for this card are Sen'jin Shieldmasta and Sludge Belcher. I find this to be at a power level very similar to Sludge Belcher in that it's a 3/5 taunt that cannot be killed in one hit, BUT it is conditional. Against ping classes, the divine shield will be weaker than the 1/2 Sludge, but against some other classes like Warrior (hint, hint) it may well be stronger despite costing 1 mana less.
The fact that this relies on Elemental synergy means that despite its high power level, it will not be a meta staple across all deck lists, and will most likely be seen in Elemental Mage and Elemental Shaman. As a late-game topdeck, it provides a decent body for its cost even if you don't get the Battlecry (compare to Stone Sentinel which is a horrifically bad topdeck if you can't trigger the Battlecry).
I like the fact that we are getting more Tol'vir. Since Un'Goro is neighboring Uldum, their homeland.
Turn 3 Tar Ranger turn 4 this guy = gg aggro.
oh wait what about Jade :D
Thank you for brighten-up my day with this card against aggro. *Kreygasm
this card is straight up incredible. Elemental decks are now pretty good.
Even for classes who might run just 2-3 elementals, it's still better than Sen'jin Shieldmasta that people are still using. And comparing its statlines with Sunwalker who is 6 mana minion, it's going to be sick in elemental based decks. Also can work in a handbuff deck with a little elemental synergy.
Love the artwork, also helps elemental shaman a bit against aggro. Hope to see at least 1 more anti-aggro card though
Elemental curvestone.
Nice detail he is not an elemental itself, enough broken mechanics like Draconik being a dragon.
That is a fairly fearsome anti-aggro tool; the fact that it naturally follows Tar Creeper seems like you could almost auto-win the game against aggro decks if you pulled them in a row. My only concern is that unlike the Tar Creeper this card is good in every matchup (slightly less beneficial in some) and as people have already commented I don't want to replace Dragon curve-based decks with Elemental curve-based decks.
Absolutely value card. fair to say this card largely enables elemental decks. But once I realize that shaman will use it...
"What is the most OP card in hearthstone?"
"Credit Card."
Blizzard: "I heard you wanted more Taunts"
How is jade suppose to break those taunts on turn 4? Maybe ramp but still not gonna happen since they're so slow
I exist, I think.
Insane card......Will be a auto include in all Elemental decks....It's a better Sunwalker...The problem with Sunwalker before was that turn 6 was usually to late but the fact you can get this out 2 turns earlier is a huge deal and for -2 mana you only lose -1 in stats which once again is better value than Sunwalker because 2 mana for +1 is overpriced. This is defiantly power creep.