Eh, not sure how confident I am in it. If you don't have card cost reduction (which, ever since Emperor Thaurissian was removed, may not be that common), you'll only be able to play 1 elemental with it for a 5/10 Taunt body, which is 7 mana worth of stats and not 9. Maybe in the future there will be something to help it out, but for now I'm doubtful.
Read the cards again. It's the turn before that synergies
By that late in the game you need cards that do more than just be big bodies. The only real exception I can think of is Jade decks and the only reason they get away with it is because they can repeatedly summon those big bodies for a pittance of mana. This is easy to prepare for, comes out too late in the game, etc.
Would require some serious elemental synergy to be played I think - that's okay, not every card has to be incredible and I do like the design...just don't think it's strong.
Not going to outright dismiss a potentially powerful effect, but this has got to be one of the slowest cards in the game. Requiring turn 8 setup and can't come out until turn 9.
Works great if you can bait out the removals from your opponent earlier. That may be possible as it looks like we're headed for a slower meta with bigger minions. Black Knight definitely looks like it's on the way to a comeback, though
Seems like a bad card now, but we'll have to see. Shaman Elemental deck probably has enough big threats that it might bait out removal.
Cards are not played in a vacuum. Just because hard removal exists, your opponent would have to save it until the end game and ignore every other large threat that came before Ozruk on the off chance you're playing him (it?). Players will be just as eager to Shadow Word: Death a Fire Elemental as they would be this guy, so it is possible that when these mighty stone pectorals arrive, they stick around for awhile.
I think it's too expensive and vulnerable against removal. I really do not see a spot for it. Should've been perhaps a 5-mana card with lower effect on the battlecry
Who knew Ozruk had a big ole jangly booty? Looking at some of the early elemental cards, it'll be easy to pump that butt up!
As for removal...why is this the first removal worthy card you've played by turn 9? Your deck is weird and I hate it.
By that late in the game you need cards that do more than just be big bodies. The only real exception I can think of is Jade decks and the only reason they get away with it is because they can repeatedly summon those big bodies for a pittance of mana. This is easy to prepare for, comes out too late in the game, etc.
Would require some serious elemental synergy to be played I think - that's okay, not every card has to be incredible and I do like the design...just don't think it's strong.
Not going to outright dismiss a potentially powerful effect, but this has got to be one of the slowest cards in the game. Requiring turn 8 setup and can't come out until turn 9.
will see some play but not most
Works great if you can bait out the removals from your opponent earlier. That may be possible as it looks like we're headed for a slower meta with bigger minions. Black Knight definitely looks like it's on the way to a comeback, though
Seems like a bad card now, but we'll have to see. Shaman Elemental deck probably has enough big threats that it might bait out removal.
If you've made it to turn 9 against an aggressive deck, you've probably won anyway.
I don't think this card is very good, too late for its cost, it can be really good, but very situacional, you'll only make it work like 1 in 10 times
Maybe... nah nah nah nah
MY BODY , from the guy that made you face jaraxxus song
I can't think of many situations where this card would be good.
Too slow card against Aggro
Not even impressive / powerful against Control
Might be better fit against Midrange/Combo... but that's it...
Cards are not played in a vacuum. Just because hard removal exists, your opponent would have to save it until the end game and ignore every other large threat that came before Ozruk on the off chance you're playing him (it?). Players will be just as eager to Shadow Word: Death a Fire Elemental as they would be this guy, so it is possible that when these mighty stone pectorals arrive, they stick around for awhile.
Too slow and requires too much, maybe if new elementals are added it could be good
This card is pretty awful at the moment.
we need some really op elementals to make it playable, and even then...
Slow against aggro, irrelevant against control, i vote bad.
I think it's too expensive and vulnerable against removal. I really do not see a spot for it. Should've been perhaps a 5-mana card with lower effect on the battlecry
This guy looks pretty sick if you can bait the hard removal beforehand.
Orzuk 0/1 taunt, I voted dust it.
My magic will tear you apart!
The black Knight is looking juicy for this expansion
Hearthstone is a game of "copy and pasting"
You forget the time when everyone kept giving their C'thuns taunt (and dropping him turn 10/11)