Let's see. We have Ironbeak Owl which costs 3 mana for a 2/1. We have Spellbreaker which costs 4 mana for a 4/3. And now we have this at 5 mana for a 5/5. I think I still prefer Spellbreaker but if I need something in the 5-mana slot then sure, It's okay. Certainly there will be even more targets you'll want to Silence in MSoG. Certainly draft-worthy in Arena.
I personally suspect after MSG hits, silence will be far more valuable than it currently is. Kabal Songstealer is undoubtedly incredible. I'm going to vote Very Good and depending on how prominent silence becomes, it may actually be Meta-Defining.
Also, it's worth noting that when it comes to silence minions, this guy has by far the best stat distribution of all of them. Another great minion for priests.
The one somewhat major drawback to this guy is that he's a 5 drop. For starters, this is the second 5 drop priests will be getting alongside the amazing Drakonid Operative and of course Raza the Chained. That's 3 different really good 5 drops in one expansion. Seems like overkill. Another major drawback is the fact that because he's 5 cost he's not nearly as flexible old pre-nerf Ironbeak Owl used to be. When you could silence (any minion) for 2 mana, the 2/1 body was just bonus. Kabal Songstealer isn't nearly as flexible. However, he's certainly powerful enough to see play and I suspect he will. In fact, I may even go as far as to say that any priest deck that isn't highlander might always run 2 of these. Not sure yet.
I used to run 2x keeper just for the silence, rarely using the 2 damage. Pretty good card. I don't know that it's an auto-include. But, some decks will want it. Maybe all if silence becomes more valuable.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Not bad, might see play. Costs a bit too high for a silence minion though.
Holy shit, priests are going to be HYUUUGE.
Purify value!!!
Quite a powerfull tool in the right meta.
Who can take your trash out?
Stomp it down for you?
Shake the plastic bag
and do the twisty thingy, too?
Good. Reno priest is going to play this.
I love silver bullet cards like this for the new Highlander Priest decks.
Let's see. We have Ironbeak Owl which costs 3 mana for a 2/1. We have Spellbreaker which costs 4 mana for a 4/3. And now we have this at 5 mana for a 5/5. I think I still prefer Spellbreaker but if I need something in the 5-mana slot then sure, It's okay. Certainly there will be even more targets you'll want to Silence in MSoG. Certainly draft-worthy in Arena.
Now imagine if this were a Dragon.
Dependable loan sharks since 1960. We sink our teeth into every deal we make.
Makes Piloted Shredder sad in the arena (and wild). Can fit in a highlander deck in standard.
It does make the silence deck like 2x better. Probably still not good enough though.
Extreme strong in Arena, good tool for Priest even in constructed. The statline is OK. Priest needed some love in Arena, this really helps.
Is this better than Spellbreaker? I'm not sure where this sees play outside of Purify Priest.
Another silence :)
Clearly Priest got over-compensated!
12 wins in ArenA with: Mage and Paladin, first time legend with Rogue
A silence minion with good stats? Great, especially when Entomb rotates to deal with the likes of Sylvanas and Tirion.
Priest is officially the no fun class lol. I love it!
5/5 for 5 with Silence. WTF. Ironbeak Owl 2/1 for 3 with Silence.
Ibn Fahd.
Not bad, not bad at all. Also, not fun, not fun at all...
I personally suspect after MSG hits, silence will be far more valuable than it currently is. Kabal Songstealer is undoubtedly incredible. I'm going to vote Very Good and depending on how prominent silence becomes, it may actually be Meta-Defining.
Also, it's worth noting that when it comes to silence minions, this guy has by far the best stat distribution of all of them. Another great minion for priests.
The one somewhat major drawback to this guy is that he's a 5 drop. For starters, this is the second 5 drop priests will be getting alongside the amazing Drakonid Operative and of course Raza the Chained. That's 3 different really good 5 drops in one expansion. Seems like overkill. Another major drawback is the fact that because he's 5 cost he's not nearly as flexible old pre-nerf Ironbeak Owl used to be. When you could silence (any minion) for 2 mana, the 2/1 body was just bonus. Kabal Songstealer isn't nearly as flexible. However, he's certainly powerful enough to see play and I suspect he will. In fact, I may even go as far as to say that any priest deck that isn't highlander might always run 2 of these. Not sure yet.
I used to run 2x keeper just for the silence, rarely using the 2 damage. Pretty good card. I don't know that it's an auto-include. But, some decks will want it. Maybe all if silence becomes more valuable.
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