Balanced card with nice stats, but I dont think people want a 6 mana silence that only hits deathrattle. There are too many awesome 6 drops for this card to see a lot of play.
Probably good enough as a counter to big deathrattle minions like Sylvanas, Cairne or Tirion. Would be much better as a 1 or 2 drop with vanilla stats.
You don't wanna use a 2 drop (or is owl now 3?) when someone drops a huge body with DR. Silence and tempo. Comes after Sylvanas, and stays alive after trade.
5/7 for 6 is Toshley, who saw very little play (and the play he saw was for his spare parts.) Attaching a conditional silence doesn't seem to make it much better.
It's not a terrible tech card, maybe? I think Control decks would rather play a cheaper silence effect along with something else than spend 6 mana on a generic statline with a silence.
Not that good. 6 mana just for conditional silence effect is too much, Owl was played cause it was 2 mana. At 3 mana it's almost as good as 4 mana silence with much bigger stats. Its flexibility that makes these cards good and 6 mana is too much just for a conditional silence.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
WOW! This is meta-defining! It is a huge minion that is anti-deathrattle!
Nice card against paladin legendary ;)
Hurp Durp Owl Nerf.
Seems playable.
Balanced card with nice stats, but I dont think people want a 6 mana silence that only hits deathrattle. There are too many awesome 6 drops for this card to see a lot of play.
Probably good enough as a counter to big deathrattle minions like Sylvanas, Cairne or Tirion. Would be much better as a 1 or 2 drop with vanilla stats.
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My mandibles which are capable of pressing down and tearing, my talons which are known to intercept and hold.
This can be a major pain against Sludge Belcher
Remember playing Control Shaman with Reincarnate shenanigans? No? It was fun, here's a refresher!
This is really better than the 4/3 for 4 manas? Will be a lot better if 5/5 for 5 manas...
You don't wanna use a 2 drop (or is owl now 3?) when someone drops a huge body with DR. Silence and tempo. Comes after Sylvanas, and stays alive after trade.
Good stats, good battlecry, i like it.
Solid stats, very useful battlecry in many situations. Will see play in control decks.
5/7 for 6 is Toshley, who saw very little play (and the play he saw was for his spare parts.) Attaching a conditional silence doesn't seem to make it much better.
It's not a terrible tech card, maybe? I think Control decks would rather play a cheaper silence effect along with something else than spend 6 mana on a generic statline with a silence.
This is the kind of card that makes reno decks work.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Not that good. 6 mana just for conditional silence effect is too much, Owl was played cause it was 2 mana. At 3 mana it's almost as good as 4 mana silence with much bigger stats. Its flexibility that makes these cards good and 6 mana is too much just for a conditional silence.
This card shits on Sylvanas and Cairne.
Worse than Ironbeak Owl or Spellbreaker.
Ask yourself, do I want to play Boulderfist Ogre? The answer is almost certainly no, not in constructed.
Very solid stats, not even conditional because of the amount of deathrattles in the meta. Will see play in quite a bit of decks, mine for sure