I think this might be strongest card in the set. Jeeves was playable, not good, but saw some play. This is far stronger than Jeeves. first it has a real body. a 5/4 is almost vanilla, and far stronger than a 1/4. also you can choose when it effect triggers. if you have 4 cards in hand and your opponents is empty, you could choose not to attack.Jeeves sometimes got crazy value for your opponent if you got some clunky card in your hand. Also, you can draw in the middle of your turn. Image a deck like zoo, you have a hand of 4 one drops, play them all, attack with Genzo, the Shark and draw three more card and play them as well. thats the dream, but it seems easily do able.
an argument against this card is that it get no value if it dies after you play it. but they still need to commit so much into it. if this was a 3/3 it still might be okay. but even if it just dies, it has a strong body to be fine. it is a vanilla body with an extremely powerful effect. I think it will see play in all fast and probably most midrange decks.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Might see play in aggro but i'm not 100% sure
Nice Lost Tallstrider.
Genzo = Genji + Hanzo
Way too slow for actual aggro decks, dies way too easily for the effect to matter.
Sadly it needs to attack to work.
Genzo the 400 dust
Remember playing Control Shaman with Reincarnate shenanigans? No? It was fun, here's a refresher!
I dont think thats good..
another very bad card
Would be workable if it had Charge. As is its just going to die before it draws anything.
Why am I sticky?
More card draw for Grimey Goons
Exactly what I saw - look at the art, three shurikens holding in hand
Make the Card: The biggest thread on the site!
My mandibles which are capable of pressing down and tearing, my talons which are known to intercept and hold.
Genji + Hanzo = 3 dragons = draw 3 cards.
Hmm maybe now they should redesign cards like Divine Favor, right?
I think this might be strongest card in the set. Jeeves was playable, not good, but saw some play. This is far stronger than Jeeves. first it has a real body. a 5/4 is almost vanilla, and far stronger than a 1/4. also you can choose when it effect triggers. if you have 4 cards in hand and your opponents is empty, you could choose not to attack.Jeeves sometimes got crazy value for your opponent if you got some clunky card in your hand. Also, you can draw in the middle of your turn. Image a deck like zoo, you have a hand of 4 one drops, play them all, attack with Genzo, the Shark and draw three more card and play them as well. thats the dream, but it seems easily do able.
an argument against this card is that it get no value if it dies after you play it. but they still need to commit so much into it. if this was a 3/3 it still might be okay. but even if it just dies, it has a strong body to be fine. it is a vanilla body with an extremely powerful effect. I think it will see play in all fast and probably most midrange decks.
Legendary jeeves, which will not work because opponent kills it before it can draw? Astounding!
Jeeves was a 1/4
this is a 5/4