If this hits rat pack.. wow. Downside is it worsens a Hunter's card disadvantage even further.. if they deal with the buffed beast easily you're in a lot of trouble.
Nice stats - low cost spell is what hunter need as sometimes you just have one mana left (like turn 7 Savannah Highmane). Low cost spell will always reminds me of Lock and Load but I think it still fit mid range hunter better.
In a deck with buffing, and a lot of deathrattle spawners it seems like starving buzzard just got a lot better. Combine with 4/2 card draw for trades, and suddenly you have a really strong draw engine for hunter.
We all know now that Enchanted Raven into Mark of Y'Shaarj was pretty strong, but unreliable. This now only requires 1 specific card and ANY 2 mana beast, which hunters pack a lot of. Sure, it doesn't draw an extra card, but this requires so much less luck. Later in the game, it'll probably feel like any other buff card, but at least there would be strong targets for it in Rat Pack and Dispatch Kodo.
Perfect for super aggressive lists that just want to empty the hand as fast as possible, and in midrange lists it's a good turn 1 play. The random part is always scary though, since it makes you very vulnerable to Hex, Power Word: Death, etc.
Seems good, because the other 1 spots for Hunter were just ok. Fiery Bat would instantly die to 1/3 of the classes which can produce pings, Tracking messed up your deck a bit. This is a great set up card. Kind of like putting out an Avenge turn 1 as Paladin.
I don't remember Hunter ever really lacking for early game drops, but this looks like it could really give Hunters the early push they didn't necessarily need.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Nice ;)
Not too shabby. It makes me want to mess around with Yogg hunter.
If this hits rat pack.. wow. Downside is it worsens a Hunter's card disadvantage even further.. if they deal with the buffed beast easily you're in a lot of trouble.
Seems good. Probably on par with Smuggler's Run.
Turn 2 5/4 King's Elekk
Remember playing Control Shaman with Reincarnate shenanigans? No? It was fun, here's a refresher!
Yup - pretty good. Beast buffs that can be played onto Rat Pack are what the new hunter is going to be about.
Seems really good!
Beast hunter meta inc.
Nice stats - low cost spell is what hunter need as sometimes you just have one mana left (like turn 7 Savannah Highmane). Low cost spell will always reminds me of Lock and Load but I think it still fit mid range hunter better.
In a deck with buffing, and a lot of deathrattle spawners it seems like starving buzzard just got a lot better. Combine with 4/2 card draw for trades, and suddenly you have a really strong draw engine for hunter.
Bad in top deck mode, but if you are ready to skip turn 1, then it's potentially quite strong.
We all know now that Enchanted Raven into Mark of Y'Shaarj was pretty strong, but unreliable. This now only requires 1 specific card and ANY 2 mana beast, which hunters pack a lot of. Sure, it doesn't draw an extra card, but this requires so much less luck. Later in the game, it'll probably feel like any other buff card, but at least there would be strong targets for it in Rat Pack and Dispatch Kodo.
Cards kinda like a innervate
Perfect for super aggressive lists that just want to empty the hand as fast as possible, and in midrange lists it's a good turn 1 play. The random part is always scary though, since it makes you very vulnerable to Hex, Power Word: Death, etc.
Good for one mana spell but why the fuck other spell is also a buff spell ?
What happens if you play this after playing [card]Lock and Load[/card] and get a beast. Can the new beast get the buff?
Seems good, because the other 1 spots for Hunter were just ok. Fiery Bat would instantly die to 1/3 of the classes which can produce pings, Tracking messed up your deck a bit. This is a great set up card. Kind of like putting out an Avenge turn 1 as Paladin.
Wow, I guess the balancing is that it's a random beast? Even then this is a very good card.
Hunter Avenge...only better.
I don't remember Hunter ever really lacking for early game drops, but this looks like it could really give Hunters the early push they didn't necessarily need.