3 mana 3/2 weapon, yeah, okay Blizzard. It's a decent value card but absolutely stupid compared to Fiery War Axe, Arathi Weaponsmith, etc. This card should either be 2 mana or the fork should be 1, equipped upon death, or 2, cost 1-mana. I get that that would break Rogues even more in arena but let's be honest, it's obvious Blizzard doesn't give a fuck.
This card looked broken OP until you discover that the Weapon Fork costs 3 Mana...So it's 6 mana for a 3/2 weapon and a 3/2 minion...It went from OP to kinda bad very quickly.
Hero power + deadly poison is equal to the fork which is probably how they determined to balance it. Considering that it is all of that rolled into a single deathrattle card.
I don't get it. Blizz was afraid of giving rogues good weapons because of blade flurry. They nerfed blade flurry into the ground. Where's the good rogue weapon? This card is 1 mana too expensive both times you play it.
The token is a Sharp Fork - 3-mana, vanilla 3/2.
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Rogue Arena still op.
Meh. If it was "equip a 3/2 weapon" would be good. This way, bad.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Corvus oculum corvi non eruit.
Fork is 3 mana btw
3 mana 3/2 weapon, yeah, okay Blizzard. It's a decent value card but absolutely stupid compared to Fiery War Axe, Arathi Weaponsmith, etc. This card should either be 2 mana or the fork should be 1, equipped upon death, or 2, cost 1-mana. I get that that would break Rogues even more in arena but let's be honest, it's obvious Blizzard doesn't give a fuck.
This card looked broken OP until you discover that the Weapon Fork costs 3 Mana...So it's 6 mana for a 3/2 weapon and a 3/2 minion...It went from OP to kinda bad very quickly.
This weapon is 3 mana while Fiery Win Axe is 2 :D
I can't imagine this card seeing any play outside arena.
The card is ok, works with cards like Drake and Mountain giant but its not OP enough for standard but playable.
Arena card basically.
So they nerfed bladeflurry to "make better rogue cards"
can't see the better rogue cards.
Buff blade furry stupid blizzard where are the new poison and oil?
Hero power + deadly poison is equal to the fork which is probably how they determined to balance it. Considering that it is all of that rolled into a single deathrattle card.
Way too slow, but good in Arena. If Rogue got better heals (like, any heal...) then it might actually be useful.
I don't get it. Blizz was afraid of giving rogues good weapons because of blade flurry. They nerfed blade flurry into the ground. Where's the good rogue weapon? This card is 1 mana too expensive both times you play it.
3 mana 3/2 weapon sucks balls. Bad card
Garbarge and ugly design
Rogue has a problem with three drops: There are just way too many good ones for that class.
Fan of Knives, Edwin VanCleef, Unearthed Raptor, SI:7 Agent, (Burgle, if the new steal meta becomes a thing), Shadow Strike, (Earthen Ring Farseer)...
maybe N'Zoth Rogue would use it