soo if this card is allowed to exist (which btw is amazing AF ,love this card) , Why did you nerf Molten giant blizzard?
Probably becauseMolten Giant was too easy to combo too rapidly. By its nature if your opponent tried to kill you quickly it came out even faster. This is more in line with Frost Giant (although definitely better) which will necessarily take a greater number of turns to bring down to combo-able levels.
Instantly placing this in my Token Druid, like no contest, this will see a lot of play in all Yogg decks, and not only, Miracle Rogue too, maybe some odd Combo decks. Looks amazing.
Everyone seems to like this? I guess I must be wrong, but I need to cast 4 spells before it's an 8/8 for 8 mana? 12 spells before it is free? That's a big hurdle to jump.
Everyone seems to like this? I guess I must be wrong, but I need to cast 4 spells before it's an 8/8 for 8 mana? 12 spells before it is free? That's a big hurdle to jump.
Cheap or 0 mana spells and coins make this a no-brainer really, this will be a huge tempo play in mid-late turns.
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Yogg Hunter. *_*
Tempo Mage. *_*
Echo Mage. *_*
VERY interesting for yogg-based decks. Token druid's dream.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Corvus oculum corvi non eruit.
yogg-saron giant
Yogg Saron approves of this card.
What the!?!?
Broken, broken, broken!
Yup I can see this in Yogg decks
Crazy powerful card. Mages and Druids rejoice.
For Yogg decks, it's insane!!!
soo if this card is allowed to exist (which btw is amazing AF ,love this card) , Why did you nerf Molten giant blizzard?
good synergy in miracle Rogue as well, with all their cheap spells.
Really good card for mage rogue or druid.. or even yogg and load hunter(but the problem is that you lower your chance to draw yogg/emperor)
There's still hope for Priest players! 2x Purify makes your Arcane Giant cost 2 less. Wow.
Instantly placing this in my Token Druid, like no contest, this will see a lot of play in all Yogg decks, and not only, Miracle Rogue too, maybe some odd Combo decks. Looks amazing.
Wow!!! This is awesome. Talk about s boost to spell based decks
Golden Heroes: Rogue, Paladin, Mage, Warlock. A two time Legend player.Favorite card: Reno Jackson
Everyone seems to like this? I guess I must be wrong, but I need to cast 4 spells before it's an 8/8 for 8 mana? 12 spells before it is free? That's a big hurdle to jump.
secret paladin would love this card! imagine all the 1 mana secrets and buffs