I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
Someone at Blizzard must have thought that at least one deck out there needed a 3/2 taunt on turn 1(coin) or turn 2. Look at the worst performing classes right now and see if this would help in some way. I don;t have any specific thoughts on the matter but feel like it might be a decent enough card for the right decks.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Nah. Vanilla. Won't see play.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Corvus oculum corvi non eruit.
Poor Frostwolf Grunt, crying in the corner...
Such a dull card.. Unworthy.
Reverse the stats and it's almost a must play. 3/2 and 2/2 are pretty much the same.
Solid arena card bad in constructed
I guess it trades with Tunnel Trogg? Unless the shaman has a spell or a rockbiter.
Ironbark Grizzly powercreep?
Blizzard card design geniuses 10/10
If you got the coin, the Mercenaries get going. Vote for The Mercenary for CCC #3.

power creep
More Two-Drops for Arena I guess? I mean it's not terrible, but 1 drops being able to trade up with it definitely makes it worse.
Wow. Just... wow.
Frostwolf Grunt's Evil Heckler.
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Probably best used with cards that interact with taunt. Taunt warrior coming with Karazhan confirmed?!
Wait, in only 3 years even blizzard will understand that a 2/3 taunt for 2 better is than a 3/2 for 2... *sigh*
This card hyping me so much.
RIP Annoy-o-Tron
... Why a 3/2? It would be so much better as a 2/3.
I'm loving the art though.
Why Rogue is my favourite class:

My submission for this week's card design competition.
Someone at Blizzard must have thought that at least one deck out there needed a 3/2 taunt on turn 1(coin) or turn 2. Look at the worst performing classes right now and see if this would help in some way. I don;t have any specific thoughts on the matter but feel like it might be a decent enough card for the right decks.
Basic card for recent players
Such a nice art and name wasted on a shitty card.