They can complete the quest every single game by turn 5-7, play Tamsin the turn they complete so you can't disrupt it. The new card from Dr Boom mini set basically is infinite damage, and even if you Geist their spells away that just fatigues you faster.
I know if I switch to a hard counter I won't queue into them anymore.....that alone is worth it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
#2May 22, 2024(Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions Mini Set)
You can beat them, if you can push damage at their face quickly enough and/or if they play too recklessly. But if you're playing a control deck, your win% is very low.
I don't want to be That Guy but this is one of those "How did they not see this coming?" moments.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
#3May 22, 2024(Dr. Boom's Incredible Inventions Mini Set)
They can complete the quest every single game by turn 5-7, play Tamsin the turn they complete so you can't disrupt it. The new card from Dr Boom mini set basically is infinite damage, and even if you Geist their spells away that just fatigues you faster.
I know if I switch to a hard counter I won't queue into them anymore.....that alone is worth it.
any OTK deck that can mill through their deck in max 5 turns destroys quest warlock.
any aggro deck that is able to fill the board round after round is crushing quest warlock.
any disruption deck can defeat quest warlock.
any bad draw quest warlock gets destroyed.
any new quest warlock player gets destroyed.
le: and of course, any quest warlock can defeat a quest warlock :)
A good quest warlock doesn't leave those alive vs shamans :)
and transforming their giants/horrors into murlocs/devolving them means you are already desperate and their quest is almost finished, if not already finished.
I'd replied to this issue with Quest Warlock in the past (years ago at this point, when Darkglare was the key issue, not that he's much better today), and I did believe then and now that Crystallizer was a big issue with the deck. The "Deal 5 damage to your hero. Gain 5 armor." should be changed to "Convert 5 health to 5 armor.".
While the card is annoying itself, the bigger issue is that damage to ARMOR counts as self-damage for the quest, so padding yourself up with that armor doesn't have the drawback of you having to chisel through that back to your health to continue the quest. If that change wasn't made, I'd like to see the (less likely) change to The Demon Seed to be "Questline: Lose 10 health on your turns. Reward: Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero."
Everybody is complaining about a deck that can be defeated EXTREMELY EASY because they never tech cards against that deck, while secret mage is countering every minion you play from round 1 until round 5 and getting discounts on 6/6s for doing it... and togwaggle druid makes his end game combo in T4...
Nooooo, everybody is complaining about a deck that needs to do self damage and gets absolutely crushed by just 3 or 4 tech cards or any freakin' aggro deck... BIG BRAIN MOMENTS!!!
There is a hilarously obnoxius Mechathun Warrior that gains tons of armor, draws cards and kills with a cheap combo that summons a minion from hand for 5 mana. That deck is only vulnerable to extremely fast decks like Shadow Priest.
They can complete the quest every single game by turn 5-7, play Tamsin the turn they complete so you can't disrupt it. The new card from Dr Boom mini set basically is infinite damage, and even if you Geist their spells away that just fatigues you faster.
I know if I switch to a hard counter I won't queue into them anymore.....that alone is worth it.
Obvious answer: Quest Warlock
You can beat them, if you can push damage at their face quickly enough and/or if they play too recklessly. But if you're playing a control deck, your win% is very low.
I don't want to be That Guy but this is one of those "How did they not see this coming?" moments.
mmmmm hmmmm
Unless they started running secret removal, any combo mage deck I play with 2 Ice Blocks can usually do the trick
Dane's Toggwaggle druid
any OTK deck that can mill through their deck in max 5 turns destroys quest warlock.
any aggro deck that is able to fill the board round after round is crushing quest warlock.
any disruption deck can defeat quest warlock.
any bad draw quest warlock gets destroyed.
any new quest warlock player gets destroyed.
le: and of course, any quest warlock can defeat a quest warlock :)
there are several options to be honest.
I recommend you try the website HSReplay for that sort of data. They can tell you what that deck is weak to most.
I think Pirate Rogue is too fast for Warlock to keep up, if you don't mind playing that sort of deck.
I would suggest including cards like Razorscale, Nerub'ar Weblord
or builld shaman deck with
Revolve, Devolve, Plague of Murlocs, Primordial Wave - main target for transformtion is their Crystallizer.
I haven't tested it, but it should slow down them
A good quest warlock doesn't leave those alive vs shamans :)
and transforming their giants/horrors into murlocs/devolving them means you are already desperate and their quest is almost finished, if not already finished.
my goal is to not allow them to resurrect crystalizer, so I want to transform their crystallizer at turn 2-3.
I'd replied to this issue with Quest Warlock in the past (years ago at this point, when Darkglare was the key issue, not that he's much better today), and I did believe then and now that Crystallizer was a big issue with the deck. The "Deal 5 damage to your hero. Gain 5 armor." should be changed to "Convert 5 health to 5 armor.".
While the card is annoying itself, the bigger issue is that damage to ARMOR counts as self-damage for the quest, so padding yourself up with that armor doesn't have the drawback of you having to chisel through that back to your health to continue the quest. If that change wasn't made, I'd like to see the (less likely) change to The Demon Seed to be "Questline: Lose 10 health on your turns. Reward: Lifesteal. Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero."
Everybody is complaining about a deck that can be defeated EXTREMELY EASY because they never tech cards against that deck, while secret mage is countering every minion you play from round 1 until round 5 and getting discounts on 6/6s for doing it... and togwaggle druid makes his end game combo in T4...
Nooooo, everybody is complaining about a deck that needs to do self damage and gets absolutely crushed by just 3 or 4 tech cards or any freakin' aggro deck... BIG BRAIN MOMENTS!!!
Consistently? No - it mostly just loses to its self. Pirate Rogue has a fighting chance cause it's has the most burst from hand options in this meta.
There is a hilarously obnoxius Mechathun Warrior that gains tons of armor, draws cards and kills with a cheap combo that summons a minion from hand for 5 mana. That deck is only vulnerable to extremely fast decks like Shadow Priest.
I So anyway, I have a story.
One time, there was this thread. And 8 Hearthstone normies posted about this deck
You have made a strong assertion and discredited yourself.
So .. um .. dogfacedude or whatever your name is ... I sentence you to 3 years of shame and during that period you will remain silent.
Try harder, troll.