Before I get trolled for 'meta-bashing' it's worth pointing out how horribly unbalanced wild has become. The prevalance of solitaire style decks and OP agro has made the format inhospitable.
I'm desperately waiting to see what the wild shake up that is coming in August will do, but am not holding up hopes.
In the meantime, here are my nerf recommendations:
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I'm okay with nerfs to cards that are only popular because of WR.
I like to see more cards get exposure, even if it steals another's spotlight (this ofc does not condone printing of stronger versions)
Yes and that is exactly the point. You could go on. If you want to balance wild you would have to rework so many cards. Thats because it is impossible to balance wild. Meanwhile there are 4300+ Cards in Wild format. Even if they just focus on wild with double the team size they have now, they could not balance it. Wild is a unbalanced fun area where you can pull of crazy combos and try stupid stuff. But its far from being a competitive place.
Another point why there is no reason for blizzard to make huge wild changes is because it would mean tons of "free" dust for standard player that dont use wild cards at all.
the idea that wild is impossible to balance is very untrue. There are pockets of healthy metas when the very seldom nerfs occur. The problem is just the infrequency of the nerfs.
yes there are a lot of cards and no they are not all impactful. Therefore balancing the significant outliers who warp the meta DOES help.
but I also agree, fundamental design issues need to be adjusted to make play styles more fun.
The shaman Murloc cheating mana decks with suck. They can go through over half their deck by turn 7 and either have a full board or have what they need to play the minion that replies all battlescries and it’s just over.
mage having infinite turns does suck as I do play the deck myself and know it’s BS to do so.
Like OP stated these hyper aggro decks are no longer about strat it’s just how quick you can get to your win condition and GG.
All the quest are a major issue, as they were never meant to be completed by turn 5 like 90% of them are. These quest were meant to be finished by turn 9-10 at best. But you have warlocks, mages, druids and shamans having them done sometimes as early as turn 4 if they are really luck. But normally turn 5-6 they complete it and then just steam roll you without issue.
Its pretty bad. There is just NO more midrange or control style decks anymore. Aggro is so well tuned that they just laugh at board clears or board clears come way too late and you are long dead. Then, these goofy decks like Dew process Druid & secret mage simply cock-block anything that isnt fast enough or looks to go longer in the game.
I barely have any good games anymore. Its either I destroy my opponent or they wreck me right away. This isnt much fun though.... not at all. :(
Well I do play control in wild as a paladin main and though it is rough sometimes I am good going. Made it even to legend some months with my own builded control decks. So yeah we got issues but it is far from being unplayable or unfun.
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Eines Tages fällt jede Mauer, jede Festung, jede Armee, jeder Wille! Die Frage ist doch, ob man fähig ist, wieder aufzustehen...
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
I think it’s probably getting to the stage where the game needs a total reset (or a sequel) to get all of the trashy cards out. It’s past fixing with nerfs or changes to card design strategy.
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
I think it’s probably getting to the stage where the game needs a total reset (or a sequel) to get all of the trashy cards out. It’s past fixing with nerfs or changes to card design strategy.
Wild was first introduced as a way to play rotated cards. I know it might upset some people, but the main mode has always been Standard. Wild was never meant to be balanced at all. Blizzard started nerfing/buffing/banning wild cards just a while ago and only due to the fact, that those cards were literally breaking the game (Warlock Questline for example). Playing wild as your main mode equals not playing the game as the developers inteded, which in turn equals having go accept, that the way you play the game is not their priority when it comes to balance patches. Wild as the name suggests is meant to be "wild" (meaning unbalanced).
Valid points, but not really justification for the way wild is, at least from Blizzard’s perspective.
There is no reason why they should not optimise wild mode with balance changes if it induces gameplay. They want anyone to play ANY mode- not just standard. All modes are ‘improved’ with the new expansions and encourage the economy of the game.
It’s about having options of play that suit a larger audience, not just the people who enjoy the newest, limited collection available. Bufffing/nerfing wild can result in more people staying in the game, crafting new cards and buying packs. Everyone is wants the new fun stuff but not all people want to garbage can their old fun stuff.
The “wild is exactly that, wild” yarn is also referenced very often and often taken out of perspective saying that wild is synonymous with unbalanced - not true. The very fact that Blizzard is now addressing wild problems, as you mentioned, is sentiment towards their idea that it needs attention.
Holding out for whatever these mythical wild changes are that are supposed to be occurring soon.
Unless Wild ever becomes dead like the previous Classic mode, they should still cater to Wild as it still attracts a good decent amount of players almost as well as Arena and Duels (if not more)
For those who anti Aggro decks in Wild, Reno Control Lock is pretty viable and should have 50-60% WR against Pirate Rogue, Even Shaman, Secret Mage, etc. and ofc you have to deal with Combo Decks like HP Druid and Shudderwock Shaman, but it's the fundamental Rock-Paper-Scissor in Hearthstone
actually (at least for Europe) Wild seems oddly at balance in high-ish legend 300-1000 (maybe even -1500).
I know exactly what you mean because ladder is unplayable, Diamond 5-1 is just ???, but in legend you see an odd balance between Aggro and Control. (maybe Warlock Quest could even be considered Midrange?)
I saw quite a bit of those new quest deadlock the game ten iceblock yogg me another ice block mages, those seem to be able to withstand aggro without problems and they can be tech-ed to beat Warlock & Priest so aorn I don't see the need for any nerfs. I'm very confused that your list doesn't include any pirates tbf
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Hyper agro is an understatement.
Before I get trolled for 'meta-bashing' it's worth pointing out how horribly unbalanced wild has become. The prevalance of solitaire style decks and OP agro has made the format inhospitable.
I'm desperately waiting to see what the wild shake up that is coming in August will do, but am not holding up hopes.
In the meantime, here are my nerf recommendations:
Radiant Elemental (Spells cost (1) less, but not less than (1))
Gorloc Ravager (Battlecry: Add 3 random Murlocs to your hand)
Clownfish (Deathrattle: your next 2 Murlocs played costs (2) less)
Mechwarper (Battlecry: Your mechs cost (1) less this turn)
Illuminate Dredge. If it's a Holy spell, reduce it's cost by (3).
Palm Reading Discover a spell. Reduce the cost of a random spell in your hand by (1).
Swordfish Battlecry: Dredge. If it's a pirate, give that pirate and this weapons +1 attack (2 durability only).
Kabal Lackey Cost (2)
Chatty Bartender 4/2 stats.
Kabal Crystal Runner Cost (8)
Galvanizer Battlecry: Reduce the cost of a mech in your hand by (1).
I could go on...
Mana Cheating is way out of control
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
I'm okay with nerfs to cards that are only popular because of WR.
I like to see more cards get exposure, even if it steals another's spotlight
(this ofc does not condone printing of stronger versions)
Yes and that is exactly the point. You could go on. If you want to balance wild you would have to rework so many cards. Thats because it is impossible to balance wild. Meanwhile there are 4300+ Cards in Wild format. Even if they just focus on wild with double the team size they have now, they could not balance it. Wild is a unbalanced fun area where you can pull of crazy combos and try stupid stuff. But its far from being a competitive place.
Another point why there is no reason for blizzard to make huge wild changes is because it would mean tons of "free" dust for standard player that dont use wild cards at all.
the idea that wild is impossible to balance is very untrue. There are pockets of healthy metas when the very seldom nerfs occur. The problem is just the infrequency of the nerfs.
yes there are a lot of cards and no they are not all impactful. Therefore balancing the significant outliers who warp the meta DOES help.
but I also agree, fundamental design issues need to be adjusted to make play styles more fun.
The shaman Murloc cheating mana decks with suck. They can go through over half their deck by turn 7 and either have a full board or have what they need to play the minion that replies all battlescries and it’s just over.
mage having infinite turns does suck as I do play the deck myself and know it’s BS to do so.
Like OP stated these hyper aggro decks are no longer about strat it’s just how quick you can get to your win condition and GG.
All the quest are a major issue, as they were never meant to be completed by turn 5 like 90% of them are. These quest were meant to be finished by turn 9-10 at best. But you have warlocks, mages, druids and shamans having them done sometimes as early as turn 4 if they are really luck. But normally turn 5-6 they complete it and then just steam roll you without issue.
Its pretty bad. There is just NO more midrange or control style decks anymore. Aggro is so well tuned that they just laugh at board clears or board clears come way too late and you are long dead. Then, these goofy decks like Dew process Druid & secret mage simply cock-block anything that isnt fast enough or looks to go longer in the game.
I barely have any good games anymore. Its either I destroy my opponent or they wreck me right away. This isnt much fun though.... not at all. :(
Wild streamer Dane has been playing Standard for a week.
Did Wild ever has any kind of balanced meta? LUL
Well I do play control in wild as a paladin main and though it is rough sometimes I am good going. Made it even to legend some months with my own builded control decks. So yeah we got issues but it is far from being unplayable or unfun.
Eines Tages fällt jede Mauer, jede Festung, jede Armee, jeder Wille! Die Frage ist doch, ob man fähig ist, wieder aufzustehen...
I think it’s probably getting to the stage where the game needs a total reset (or a sequel) to get all of the trashy cards out. It’s past fixing with nerfs or changes to card design strategy.
Agree. It's more realistic this way at least.
They know exactly what decks and cards are stronger, they have all the stats they can possibly want.
If they don't do anything it's cause it isn't worth it economically.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
Exodia Druid is toxic
Neither mana cheat nor disruption are toxic
Wild was first introduced as a way to play rotated cards. I know it might upset some people, but the main mode has always been Standard. Wild was never meant to be balanced at all. Blizzard started nerfing/buffing/banning wild cards just a while ago and only due to the fact, that those cards were literally breaking the game (Warlock Questline for example). Playing wild as your main mode equals not playing the game as the developers inteded, which in turn equals having go accept, that the way you play the game is not their priority when it comes to balance patches. Wild as the name suggests is meant to be "wild" (meaning unbalanced).
Valid points, but not really justification for the way wild is, at least from Blizzard’s perspective.
There is no reason why they should not optimise wild mode with balance changes if it induces gameplay. They want anyone to play ANY mode- not just standard. All modes are ‘improved’ with the new expansions and encourage the economy of the game.
It’s about having options of play that suit a larger audience, not just the people who enjoy the newest, limited collection available. Bufffing/nerfing wild can result in more people staying in the game, crafting new cards and buying packs. Everyone is wants the new fun stuff but not all people want to garbage can their old fun stuff.
The “wild is exactly that, wild” yarn is also referenced very often and often taken out of perspective saying that wild is synonymous with unbalanced - not true. The very fact that Blizzard is now addressing wild problems, as you mentioned, is sentiment towards their idea that it needs attention.
Holding out for whatever these mythical wild changes are that are supposed to be occurring soon.
Unless Wild ever becomes dead like the previous Classic mode, they should still cater to Wild as it still attracts a good decent amount of players almost as well as Arena and Duels (if not more)
For those who anti Aggro decks in Wild, Reno Control Lock is pretty viable and should have 50-60% WR against Pirate Rogue, Even Shaman, Secret Mage, etc. and ofc you have to deal with Combo Decks like HP Druid and Shudderwock Shaman, but it's the fundamental Rock-Paper-Scissor in Hearthstone
actually (at least for Europe) Wild seems oddly at balance in high-ish legend 300-1000 (maybe even -1500).
I know exactly what you mean because ladder is unplayable, Diamond 5-1 is just ???, but in legend you see an odd balance between Aggro and Control. (maybe Warlock Quest could even be considered Midrange?)
I saw quite a bit of those new quest deadlock the game ten iceblock yogg me another ice block mages, those seem to be able to withstand aggro without problems and they can be tech-ed to beat Warlock & Priest so aorn I don't see the need for any nerfs. I'm very confused that your list doesn't include any pirates tbf