I like to play most of my games in casual mode, climbing ladder just doesn't interest me. I know there are lots of ways skilled players can climb with non-meta decks but whenever I play ladder I usually just end up playing the decks I'm already accustomed to. That can get boring sometimes.
I love casual mode so that I can just craft goofy decks and mess around. Lately I've been having fun with Zin-Azshari Warrior, and a deck that is just Roll the Bones and a bunch of deathrattles. My problem is that I find casual mode is just stuffed with Secret Mage, Rez Priest and extremely streamlined and competitive decks. Maybe it's just me but I think it's kinda bad manners to go into casual with decks that aren't...casual?
The most enjoyable games are when I find somebody else just trying something weird and we have a unique match. It's fun playing the odd game where the stars align and the meme works and gifts you some crazy outcome but if I'm constantly running against competitive decks then I never really get that chance, which kinda sucks.
I'm not saying Blizzard should do anything about this, banning anything from Casual mode would be dumb. I just think that it should just be good etiquette to reserve your strongest decks for ladder and to approach Casual mode more casually.
It's a small nitpick really, maybe I'm in the minority on this one. Would love to hear what other people think!
No, no, I completely agree with your opinion. I try to ‘friend’ people who end up wandering in casual with S tier net decks and ask the, “You know this is casual, right?” I wish the casual description would hint that a F1 racer might not want to show up at a village drift race. Of course, people can do whatever they want, it’s just poor etiquette or most likely, lack of awareness. We can’t really police what they do. They *can* ramp Druid in casual, it’s just sort of silly to do.
There’s this ugly side to the game of being obsessed with winning which translates in some pretty unsightly behaviour, like Mike Tyson beating up a toddler, “Look, I won!”, yeah, great job. I had this suspicion confirmed when recently reading “winning in standard is about being more obnoxious than your opponent” or “I managed to abuse Shickspitter as much as possible before it got nerfed!”. I’m not saying it’s the prevailing mindset, might just be a couple of slightly unhinged individuals, but there’s definitely a crowd who has no concern whatsoever for other people. I feel like the best way to counter this is to auto-concede against those decks until they kind of get the message they should head to standard with that shit. It’s great in casual to see decks which try something new and it doesn’t feel bad to lose against them because they tried something.
I’m sorry I don’t agree and I will give an example. Last month I was stuck in diamond 2 and wanted to make some adjustments without the fear of loosing ranks so I boot into casual to fine tune. Now according to you I have bad manners because why? I’m not playing the way you want me to play. I personally feel casual is a place to test without the fear of loosing ranks and also the place to play death knight and have fun. Many people play casual to learn how to play higher tear deck because casual is a testing ground I shouldn’t feel bad for testing a deck you don’t like. It also doesn’t make me someone with bad manners. In the end hearthstone is a competitive game it breeds competition to try and convince me any 2 player vs card game isn’t is silly.The game is built solely on this foundation. But hey the nice thing is you can play the way you want and I can like I want boom we can both be happy
How do you define that though? The game doesn't provide enough information to know what the other player wants.
For one player the concern is that they only want to play against fun or goofy decks, the other wants to complete a daily and the next one is looking to test something specific. Where is your concern for their ideas?
And so on and so on. The point is, that there is no way of knowing what the person queueing on the other side intents. Projecting our own expectations into it, is going to leave us frustrated more often than not.
100% agree with the original poster ... casual should be for fun meme-style stuff that you know will fail 99% of the time but just want to see if you can pull it off once without having to run into T1 face decks or combo decks all the time.
As far as making minor adjustments to top tier decks and play testing them in Casual ... just do it on ladder where you'll actually learn something useful ... what use is it knowing your deck with tiny tweeks can destroy a Roll the Bones Thief deck or meme deck? If you're not good enough to switch out two or three cards in a T1 deck and continue winning you are probably struggling on ladder anyway.
Then you have players like me ... who don't play Casual (anymore) and do everything silly in Ranked ... that quest to play x amount of Manathirst/Infuse cards? Build a deck with every single manathirst/infuse card for a randomly chosen class and hit up Ranked ... you'll be surprised how often you win ... and you can usually get the quest done in one or two games. (I should note, I don't play every day, maybe once or twice a week, so I don't have lots of time to just play one or two manathirst cards in a deck and eventually compelte the daily/weekly quest --- hence I have to concentrate the cards in one deck.) I'm currently running through all the Achievements for this and past expansions ... Pick a class and just throw cards into the deck that will get me the achievement ... B Positive - done ... Blood Bank - done ... A Graveyard Smash - done ... DIY Deathrattle - done ... No Swapsies Backsies - almost done. etc. etc. ... and the funny thing is I usually end up at the rank I started because I play cards noone is expecting which catches then off guard so I manage to win about half the time.
I just follow the advice Deck Doctor Firebat used to give out ... if you want to try out new stuff just do it on ladder, who cares if you lose rank, at least you're trying it out against the decks that matter at the moment ... if you lose 5 ranks then just metadeck and play what you are comforatble with to get those ranks back (or get the ranked rewards you want).
The game seems to have changed now so that most people seem to play hyper competitive decks in casual mode much more now than previous years. it's a real shame. I guess it's one of those things where as it happens more other people play them more too as to not lose every game.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's fine to play competitive decks if you want to practice. But in my opinion most people aren't doing it for this reason they just chase easy wins.
I use casual in different ways. Sometimes it's learning how to pilot a deck I'm totally unfamiliar or uncomfortable with, sometimes it's completing a daily quest with a deck I consider too bad for ranked (the most common is Nozdormu daily quest, the card I hate as a boomer APM player and wouldn't ever touch if I was not forced by Blizzard), sometimes it's testing if my homebrew is playable. Since I use it differently, sometimes my deck is "too good", sometimes it's the other way around. Who cares? It's casual. There should not be an etiquette about which deck to pick. Who should decide if deck is too strong for casual? What if someone will proclaim that casual should be played with basic cards only and you shouldn't roll over them with your OP (relative to theirs) deathrattle deck, would you listen to them?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
English is not my native language, so, with a high probability, mistakes were made.
1. Ranked games can be unnecessary pressure for someone willing to blow off steam in the evening (a lot of people are in education, employment or training)
2. Refining decks or testing new S tier decks that you are not yet confident about playing ranked with.
3. Daily quests (it's really frustrating to have to play dead classes for the dailies)
4. Just want less hardcore opponents, and that's fine.
These have been said before, but all these topics boil down to the same thing:
Don't tell people what to play.
You don't have that right. You are free to play any card you want, any deck you want, and any way you want it. So does your opponent. So if you really want to play unique, homebrew decks, find a community that does that, make friends, and stop getting annoyed at strangers farming you and moving on with their lives.
It's amazing how many threads can be created that all have the same basic point: I want other people to play like I want them to.
It's truly mind boggling. All the anti-aggro threads, anti-combo threads, nerf threads, etc. are all saying that same thing. One would think people would pick up on it, but self awareness is very a difficult thing.
I'd say that fine tuning your deck in casual mode would be much less effective than playing ladder. there will be much more non-competitive decks there and therefore you wont be able to see your "fine tuned deck" 's performance against other meta decks as much. you wont get useful information against meme-deck players when you are trying to play S-tier deck there.
so yes I am on the side with the OP here. I think people should not play with top tier meta decks there. that Mike Tyson example was brilliant too :D but yeah you cant (and should not) force people to play what they are going to. one can only wish, nothing else.
It's not about telling others what deck they should play. It's about believing different game modes should inherently have different rules presiding them. Just like poker pros generally aren't allowed in amateur circuits (or at least are very badly viewed), decks proven to be extremely competitive shouldn't enter the casual fray. But then again, I guess it always comes down to each player's "moral compass".
It's not about telling others what deck they should play. It's about believing different game modes should inherently have different rules presiding them. Just like poker pros generally aren't allowed in amateur circuits (or at least are very badly viewed), decks proven to be extremely competitive shouldn't enter the casual fray. But then again, I guess it always comes down to each player's "moral compass".
That's literally telling people to play how you want them to. And then judging them. "Moral Compass" lolololol
Nothing says “I don’t have a leg to stand on” more than typing LOL at the end of a rebuttal, not to mention coming across as pretty obnoxious.
As was said by other people, fine tuning for standard in casual is not the most efficient way of doing things, it won’t prepare you for the current prevailing meta. I think it’s understandable to expect less competitive decks in casual considering it’s called “casual”. Nothing silly about that OP.
1. You don't learn how to play chess against 5-year-old kids ... no ... you learn how to play chess against people who can actually play chess.
i.e. learning how to pilot decks in Casual is a waste of time ... you're still going to be bad at it when you hit Ranked and face off against an endless stream of fine-tuned decks people have scrounged from around the internet. You know you can actually learn from losing and making mistakes right?
2. Blowing off steam by playing a Tier 1 deck in Casual?!? Also ... what is fun/relaxing about going into a casual gameplay mode and facing off against the best decks in the current meta?
As for no hardcore palyers in Casual ... I used to get emoted silly when I played wacky decks in Casual ... with every "unusual" card I played I'd get a "wow" or something stupid like that ... people would send friend requests and call me all sorts of names/abuse in Russian (mainly) or broken English ... it got so bad I stopped accepting them (and sending friend requests) and even reported some players who said really offensive stuff in the past. I genuinley had a worse play-experience in Casual than I've had on ladder since.
Haven't played Casual in 3 years now (I think, maybe more) ... when Firebat started the Deck Doctor stuff for Omnistone. Casual is an asinine environment ... just look at the replies above ... I coudn't care less what the other player plays cuz I like midrange zooy or greedy midrange decks so usually have a chance against most decks. I usually include a favorite legendary card that is not commonly played (in the past they've included Dollmaster Dorian, Da Undertakah, and others - at the moment don't really have one, Naralex?)
There is literally no way this request changes anything in real life. People will use Casual the way they want to, always and forever. A discussion on a fansite makes zero difference to the multitudes of players playing the way that works best for them.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Nothing says “I don’t have a leg to stand on” more than typing LOL at the end of a rebuttal, not to mention coming across as pretty obnoxious.
As was said by other people, fine tuning for standard in casual is not the most efficient way of doing things, it won’t prepare you for the current prevailing meta. I think it’s understandable to expect less competitive decks in casual considering it’s called “casual”. Nothing silly about that OP.
People who cry about opponents not playing what they want just because they want an easy time should play vs the ai in practice mode. Do not expect other people to play what you want or expect, grow up. Everyone has the right to play whatever they want.
People who cry about opponents not playing what they want just because they want an easy time should play vs the ai in practice mode. Do not expect other people to play what you want or expect, grow up. Everyone has the right to play whatever they want.
and everyone has the right to shit/complain about what they play
People who cry about opponents not playing what they want just because they want an easy time should play vs the ai in practice mode. Do not expect other people to play what you want or expect, grow up. Everyone has the right to play whatever they want.
and everyone has the right to shit/complain about what they play
Which is childish, inmature, infertile and silly to complain that people in casual mode do not use the deck you want to win against. Just create a campaing "only meme decks" so people with ladder anxiety and casual anxiety can enjoy the game.
I know it may sound harsh for some people what I am saying, I mean no offense. But the thing is that Hearthstone is just a game, it does not matter at all if you win, lose. If you reach top 50 legend your life won't change, if you lose stars in rankend your life won't cahnge at all. Unless you are pursuing a career in eSports, spending mental, emotional energy, getting salty or anxious over a game is not worth it. It is not like those people that uses tier 1 meta decks in casual are a chad irl. Or people that fail with meme decks are going to lose their family, job or whatever for losing in HS.
In casual mode if you see a tryhard and do not feel like playing against it, just concede and move on, you do not lose or gain anything from it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier
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I like to play most of my games in casual mode, climbing ladder just doesn't interest me. I know there are lots of ways skilled players can climb with non-meta decks but whenever I play ladder I usually just end up playing the decks I'm already accustomed to. That can get boring sometimes.
I love casual mode so that I can just craft goofy decks and mess around. Lately I've been having fun with Zin-Azshari Warrior, and a deck that is just Roll the Bones and a bunch of deathrattles. My problem is that I find casual mode is just stuffed with Secret Mage, Rez Priest and extremely streamlined and competitive decks. Maybe it's just me but I think it's kinda bad manners to go into casual with decks that aren't...casual?
The most enjoyable games are when I find somebody else just trying something weird and we have a unique match. It's fun playing the odd game where the stars align and the meme works and gifts you some crazy outcome but if I'm constantly running against competitive decks then I never really get that chance, which kinda sucks.
I'm not saying Blizzard should do anything about this, banning anything from Casual mode would be dumb. I just think that it should just be good etiquette to reserve your strongest decks for ladder and to approach Casual mode more casually.
It's a small nitpick really, maybe I'm in the minority on this one. Would love to hear what other people think!
No, no, I completely agree with your opinion. I try to ‘friend’ people who end up wandering in casual with S tier net decks and ask the, “You know this is casual, right?” I wish the casual description would hint that a F1 racer might not want to show up at a village drift race. Of course, people can do whatever they want, it’s just poor etiquette or most likely, lack of awareness. We can’t really police what they do. They *can* ramp Druid in casual, it’s just sort of silly to do.
There’s this ugly side to the game of being obsessed with winning which translates in some pretty unsightly behaviour, like Mike Tyson beating up a toddler, “Look, I won!”, yeah, great job. I had this suspicion confirmed when recently reading “winning in standard is about being more obnoxious than your opponent” or “I managed to abuse Shickspitter as much as possible before it got nerfed!”. I’m not saying it’s the prevailing mindset, might just be a couple of slightly unhinged individuals, but there’s definitely a crowd who has no concern whatsoever for other people. I feel like the best way to counter this is to auto-concede against those decks until they kind of get the message they should head to standard with that shit. It’s great in casual to see decks which try something new and it doesn’t feel bad to lose against them because they tried something.
I’m sorry I don’t agree and I will give an example. Last month I was stuck in diamond 2 and wanted to make some adjustments without the fear of loosing ranks so I boot into casual to fine tune. Now according to you I have bad manners because why? I’m not playing the way you want me to play. I personally feel casual is a place to test without the fear of loosing ranks and also the place to play death knight and have fun. Many people play casual to learn how to play higher tear deck because casual is a testing ground I shouldn’t feel bad for testing a deck you don’t like. It also doesn’t make me someone with bad manners. In the end hearthstone is a competitive game it breeds competition to try and convince me any 2 player vs card game isn’t is silly.The game is built solely on this foundation. But hey the nice thing is you can play the way you want and I can like I want boom we can both be happy
How do you define that though? The game doesn't provide enough information to know what the other player wants.
For one player the concern is that they only want to play against fun or goofy decks, the other wants to complete a daily and the next one is looking to test something specific. Where is your concern for their ideas?
And so on and so on. The point is, that there is no way of knowing what the person queueing on the other side intents. Projecting our own expectations into it, is going to leave us frustrated more often than not.
100% agree with the original poster ... casual should be for fun meme-style stuff that you know will fail 99% of the time but just want to see if you can pull it off once without having to run into T1 face decks or combo decks all the time.
As far as making minor adjustments to top tier decks and play testing them in Casual ... just do it on ladder where you'll actually learn something useful ... what use is it knowing your deck with tiny tweeks can destroy a Roll the Bones Thief deck or meme deck?
If you're not good enough to switch out two or three cards in a T1 deck and continue winning you are probably struggling on ladder anyway.
Then you have players like me ... who don't play Casual (anymore) and do everything silly in Ranked ... that quest to play x amount of Manathirst/Infuse cards? Build a deck with every single manathirst/infuse card for a randomly chosen class and hit up Ranked ... you'll be surprised how often you win ... and you can usually get the quest done in one or two games. (I should note, I don't play every day, maybe once or twice a week, so I don't have lots of time to just play one or two manathirst cards in a deck and eventually compelte the daily/weekly quest --- hence I have to concentrate the cards in one deck.)
I'm currently running through all the Achievements for this and past expansions ... Pick a class and just throw cards into the deck that will get me the achievement ... B Positive - done ... Blood Bank - done ... A Graveyard Smash - done ... DIY Deathrattle - done ... No Swapsies Backsies - almost done. etc. etc. ... and the funny thing is I usually end up at the rank I started because I play cards noone is expecting which catches then off guard so I manage to win about half the time.
I just follow the advice Deck Doctor Firebat used to give out ... if you want to try out new stuff just do it on ladder, who cares if you lose rank, at least you're trying it out against the decks that matter at the moment ... if you lose 5 ranks then just metadeck and play what you are comforatble with to get those ranks back (or get the ranked rewards you want).
The game seems to have changed now so that most people seem to play hyper competitive decks in casual mode much more now than previous years. it's a real shame. I guess it's one of those things where as it happens more other people play them more too as to not lose every game.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's fine to play competitive decks if you want to practice. But in my opinion most people aren't doing it for this reason they just chase easy wins.
I use casual in different ways. Sometimes it's learning how to pilot a deck I'm totally unfamiliar or uncomfortable with, sometimes it's completing a daily quest with a deck I consider too bad for ranked (the most common is Nozdormu daily quest, the card I hate as a boomer APM player and wouldn't ever touch if I was not forced by Blizzard), sometimes it's testing if my homebrew is playable. Since I use it differently, sometimes my deck is "too good", sometimes it's the other way around. Who cares? It's casual.
There should not be an etiquette about which deck to pick. Who should decide if deck is too strong for casual? What if someone will proclaim that casual should be played with basic cards only and you shouldn't roll over them with your OP (relative to theirs) deathrattle deck, would you listen to them?
English is not my native language, so, with a high probability, mistakes were made.
Disagree because:
1. Ranked games can be unnecessary pressure for someone willing to blow off steam in the evening (a lot of people are in education, employment or training)
2. Refining decks or testing new S tier decks that you are not yet confident about playing ranked with.
3. Daily quests (it's really frustrating to have to play dead classes for the dailies)
4. Just want less hardcore opponents, and that's fine.
These have been said before, but all these topics boil down to the same thing:
Don't tell people what to play.
You don't have that right. You are free to play any card you want, any deck you want, and any way you want it. So does your opponent. So if you really want to play unique, homebrew decks, find a community that does that, make friends, and stop getting annoyed at strangers farming you and moving on with their lives.
It's amazing how many threads can be created that all have the same basic point: I want other people to play like I want them to.
It's truly mind boggling. All the anti-aggro threads, anti-combo threads, nerf threads, etc. are all saying that same thing. One would think people would pick up on it, but self awareness is very a difficult thing.
You know what would be kind of fun in Casual? An option to give a small post-match XP bonus as a reward to a player you enjoyed playing against.
I'd say that fine tuning your deck in casual mode would be much less effective than playing ladder. there will be much more non-competitive decks there and therefore you wont be able to see your "fine tuned deck" 's performance against other meta decks as much. you wont get useful information against meme-deck players when you are trying to play S-tier deck there.
so yes I am on the side with the OP here. I think people should not play with top tier meta decks there. that Mike Tyson example was brilliant too :D
but yeah you cant (and should not) force people to play what they are going to. one can only wish, nothing else.
It's not about telling others what deck they should play. It's about believing different game modes should inherently have different rules presiding them. Just like poker pros generally aren't allowed in amateur circuits (or at least are very badly viewed), decks proven to be extremely competitive shouldn't enter the casual fray. But then again, I guess it always comes down to each player's "moral compass".
That's literally telling people to play how you want them to. And then judging them. "Moral Compass" lolololol
Nothing says “I don’t have a leg to stand on” more than typing LOL at the end of a rebuttal, not to mention coming across as pretty obnoxious.
As was said by other people, fine tuning for standard in casual is not the most efficient way of doing things, it won’t prepare you for the current prevailing meta. I think it’s understandable to expect less competitive decks in casual considering it’s called “casual”. Nothing silly about that OP.
1. You don't learn how to play chess against 5-year-old kids ... no ... you learn how to play chess against people who can actually play chess.
i.e. learning how to pilot decks in Casual is a waste of time ... you're still going to be bad at it when you hit Ranked and face off against an endless stream of fine-tuned decks people have scrounged from around the internet. You know you can actually learn from losing and making mistakes right?
2. Blowing off steam by playing a Tier 1 deck in Casual?!? Also ... what is fun/relaxing about going into a casual gameplay mode and facing off against the best decks in the current meta?
As for no hardcore palyers in Casual ... I used to get emoted silly when I played wacky decks in Casual ... with every "unusual" card I played I'd get a "wow" or something stupid like that ... people would send friend requests and call me all sorts of names/abuse in Russian (mainly) or broken English ... it got so bad I stopped accepting them (and sending friend requests) and even reported some players who said really offensive stuff in the past. I genuinley had a worse play-experience in Casual than I've had on ladder since.
Haven't played Casual in 3 years now (I think, maybe more) ... when Firebat started the Deck Doctor stuff for Omnistone. Casual is an asinine environment ... just look at the replies above ... I coudn't care less what the other player plays cuz I like midrange zooy or greedy midrange decks so usually have a chance against most decks. I usually include a favorite legendary card that is not commonly played (in the past they've included Dollmaster Dorian, Da Undertakah, and others - at the moment don't really have one, Naralex?)
There is literally no way this request changes anything in real life. People will use Casual the way they want to, always and forever. A discussion on a fansite makes zero difference to the multitudes of players playing the way that works best for them.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
People who cry about opponents not playing what they want just because they want an easy time should play vs the ai in practice mode. Do not expect other people to play what you want or expect, grow up. Everyone has the right to play whatever they want.
defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier
and everyone has the right to shit/complain about what they play
People who cry about opponents not playing what they want just because they want an easy time should play vs the ai in practice mode. Do not expect other people to play what you want or expect, grow up. Everyone has the right to play whatever they want.
and everyone has the right to shit/complain about what they play
Which is childish, inmature, infertile and silly to complain that people in casual mode do not use the deck you want to win against. Just create a campaing "only meme decks" so people with ladder anxiety and casual anxiety can enjoy the game.
I know it may sound harsh for some people what I am saying, I mean no offense. But the thing is that Hearthstone is just a game, it does not matter at all if you win, lose. If you reach top 50 legend your life won't change, if you lose stars in rankend your life won't cahnge at all. Unless you are pursuing a career in eSports, spending mental, emotional energy, getting salty or anxious over a game is not worth it. It is not like those people that uses tier 1 meta decks in casual are a chad irl. Or people that fail with meme decks are going to lose their family, job or whatever for losing in HS.
In casual mode if you see a tryhard and do not feel like playing against it, just concede and move on, you do not lose or gain anything from it.
defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier