I have been trying to climb with pirate rogue and secret mage, but it seems impossible to me to reach D5 or better this last month. Druids are crushing me :(
A really good pirate rouge deck helps. Seems to be a lot of slow control decks running that bullshit 40 health/40 card legendary. Check out Zeddys pirate rouge deck, deals with those degenerate decks by turn 7
Started from D4 and hit Legend 11-4 with Even Shaman. Usually smacks every degenerate Quest Mage and Big Priest (Hysteria is their only defense)
Reached D3 with Renolock (100% winrate vs Shudderwock and Mecha'thun), but sometimes I couldn't snipe both parrots vs Quest Mage so I switched to Even Shaman. Maybe it's time to pull out the good ol Void Contract.
If you're queuing into too many Reno Druids, play Even Warlock. Their one Poison Seeds is their only line of early defense, along with Zephrys. Think I'm 4-0 against them.
it sure doesn't seem powerful, but i've finished many games in T7 and had opponents conceede in T5 as well. My 3 losses in my climb to Legend were against a big priest with the best draw he can get, a stealth rogue that used T6 Loatheb+shadowstep into a T7 Loatheb, and a shadow priest that took my cataclysm with theotar and i could not get it back (and i lost because i had 10hp left when i drew my last card - Valdris...)
Played even shaman and between tried some pillager rogue for the 500 wins. last month I was suseccssful with oddpala, but this month this deck worked pretty bad for me.
I have to say, that I‘m not playing high ranked as I don‘t have much time and don‘t see any need for it (just doing dailies and weeklies most of time)
Usually I‘m reaching platin or sometimes dia10 which is totally enough for me.
I have reached Legend 2 times in Wild, last time was last month (August). Right now I am diamond 5 and I have been down to diamond 2 but now I feel like just trying to have fun and try new unique decks like Hunter and Rogue.
I've binged played my custom quest mage to legend in the past 16 hours. It's sick, cheap & cancerous - definitely worth playing. Very tedious though...
Secret mage. If you play double counter spell and Okani, you can often delay their shadow essence long enough to build a big enough board to win with. Without Okani my winrate was not that good against big priest.
Hi there,
I have been trying to climb with pirate rogue and secret mage, but it seems impossible to me to reach D5 or better this last month. Druids are crushing me :(
What are you guys using this month?
I made a deck and find it easy to get to D10 with and last month got to D2.
A really good pirate rouge deck helps. Seems to be a lot of slow control decks running that bullshit 40 health/40 card legendary. Check out Zeddys pirate rouge deck, deals with those degenerate decks by turn 7
mecha'thun warlock works great for me. easy b10 - d5.
Used Quest Mage for legend last 2 months, this Month also Rank D4 with it.
I used mecha'Thun Warlock from D5 to Legend
Started from D4 and hit Legend 11-4 with Even Shaman. Usually smacks every degenerate Quest Mage and Big Priest (Hysteria is their only defense)
Reached D3 with Renolock (100% winrate vs Shudderwock and Mecha'thun), but sometimes I couldn't snipe both parrots vs Quest Mage so I switched to Even Shaman. Maybe it's time to pull out the good ol Void Contract.
If you're queuing into too many Reno Druids, play Even Warlock. Their one Poison Seeds is their only line of early defense, along with Zephrys. Think I'm 4-0 against them.
I easily sailed to D5 with Pirate Rogue. No pun intended. After that I switched it up to Even Shaman with...mixed results.
Ive seen this version few times but i think its not most powerfull. ive won every game against it with roffles build.
it sure doesn't seem powerful, but i've finished many games in T7 and had opponents conceede in T5 as well. My 3 losses in my climb to Legend were against a big priest with the best draw he can get, a stealth rogue that used T6 Loatheb+shadowstep into a T7 Loatheb, and a shadow priest that took my cataclysm with theotar and i could not get it back (and i lost because i had 10hp left when i drew my last card - Valdris...)
Mutanus the Devourer was the only card I was really affraid of
as for all the climb, i used Whizbang the Wonderful until D10 and Renolock from D10 to D5
Got Legend with Secret Mage and a score of 38-18.
Half the losses were against Big Priest, seems like T3 Neptulon is kinda good, paired with a T4 Res and duplicate. :P
Honestly this deck and Quest Mage just need to go, such degenerate nonsense and so awful to "play" against.
Been hovering around betweens 1000 and 500 in Legend ladder and gotta say my Tax Paladin farms most of the present decks.
Deck score is 31-15, win rate vs. Warlock is abysmal and the mix of Shadow Aggro / Big / Shadow Priest can cause problems.
If you want to get Legend asap just play Even Totem Shaman, this deck can produce insane boards by turn 4.
Hey. =)
I hit Legend consecutively for the last 3 months with my Shaman Murloc deck.
Feel free to check it out. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer.
Played even shaman and between tried some pillager rogue for the 500 wins. last month I was suseccssful with oddpala, but this month this deck worked pretty bad for me.
I have to say, that I‘m not playing high ranked as I don‘t have much time and don‘t see any need for it (just doing dailies and weeklies most of time)
Usually I‘m reaching platin or sometimes dia10 which is totally enough for me.
My updated frog otk shaman. If I hit legend again with it ot not will only depend on the amount of big priests Blizz sends at me.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
I have reached Legend 2 times in Wild, last time was last month (August). Right now I am diamond 5 and I have been down to diamond 2 but now I feel like just trying to have fun and try new unique decks like Hunter and Rogue.
I've binged played my custom quest mage to legend in the past 16 hours. It's sick, cheap & cancerous - definitely worth playing. Very tedious though...
Secret mage. If you play double counter spell and Okani, you can often delay their shadow essence long enough to build a big enough board to win with. Without Okani my winrate was not that good against big priest.
This month I am using Mill Druid XL, currently rank 2, I play a game or two daily so climb is fairly slow.
just got legend for the first time with secret mage from platinum 10 to legend 749
been playing since hearthstone came out never actually did the effort to go legend but with secret mage i did it in less than 24 hours
[deck]Deck ID or Code[/deck]AAEBAf0EBL6kA5XhA+jhA6PkBA33Dde2Auu6Aoe9Ar+kA92pA5HhA+efBMagBP7sBLztBP+SBduhBQA=