Wild is the best mode of the game, but not because its better, but because its less bad.
Battlegrounds is just RNG, you have good RNG you win, simple as that.
Standard is the same decks over and over, zero diversity.
Mercenaries .. ? Should I say anything about that garbage, really?
So what's left? Wild. Even with bullshit toxic cancer like pirates, every single Druid and Shudderwock, but you can just surrender against this crap and have fun in other matches.
True, Duels isn't better than those just a bad version of Dungeon Runs but instead of bots there is tryhard people and no bob..
I love so much wild, There is broken things but that's okay, i'm not playing competitive just trying to get at least plat/diam, (Pirate Rogue is the way, 22-0 right now from bronze 10 to gold 5 but it's actually boring to do those games, Aggro is boring.)
I have always despised uninteractive stuff in HS. I have been playing only since Rasthakan and the best meta was right before Sunken City was released. I could play all my decks in Wild, and have been successful and got to D5 (even D2 few times) with them. Mage was nerfed and there was really mix of any deck in queue. It was the best time for me. Fun, different decks almost every game. Not a single meta was like this (although there were good times before too). Seriously I was happy that Team5 nerfed decks and must admit this was the most fun time I had.
Now? It becomes degenerate again, opponents are really just Shamans, Druids and Mages again. Shamans lock you with Shudderwock, Druids ignore mana boundaries and either steal your deck or Malygos you (or both). Mages as always shit on your deck with their Ice Block and then OTK you. I run Dirty Rat and Mutanus in every deck now, but if the decks are so fast it's not enough and most of the time the disruption doesn't work (that is always feels bad moment).
For this I made Renathal Warlock with disruption cards, removal and big demons. Even now it is not 100% that you win but the chances are very high. It is always delighting to see them press the concede button. The problem I have is that when you hit their wincon, you win, when they assemble their wincon, they win. So in both possibilities one player doesn't get to play their cards and interact between cards. There is no instant disruption so the games are polarized.
Aggro decks are bit different, unless they are super aggro, it is still better game than against mentioned decks. I also put few other decks to check them: Big Priests with Illuminate can coin Shadow Essence on turn 2. That is impossible to beat, also they play Neptulon sometimes and that is GG. Quest Hunter is also bit annoying but don't see it often now and honestly it is beatable and relatively interactive for the matchup. Also Mechwarper should be 3 mana.
I feel like , wild changed over last few expansion , bef it was alot of kazakusan druid,quest hunter/ pirate warrior / quest rouge . Since altaric valey came out , i am seeing Mech Paladin, Mech Mage , Pirate Rouge more and more in high diamond or legend , yes Shaman didn't change but so many other decks did,and who knows maybe with the new expension we will see something new again. As long as the same decks don't stay on top for to long i would say its a health format.
Yesterday I got my 500th Warlock win against a Shuddercuck deck. I played Dirty rat, pulled Shudderwock and killed it before he could Grumble it back. Instant concede, got my golden portrait.
Paladins vomit mechs, have a 7 wide board of serious stats on 3 mana.
Mage has some minion that constantly gives 2 extra mana.
First they screwed up Standard several times, then ruined battlegrounds with a weird buddy thing that eliminated minion scarcity and triples from mattering.
Wild was spared the stupidity of standard by having actual counterplay tech cards ...until now. How do you stop Paladin's 2 mana draw 5? You don't.
I'll give it a week to see if the idiots fix Hearthstone with several common sense nerfs, but reality is they have screwed up the game so fast so often since Stormwind none of this is unexpected -- and hoping it might get fixed at this point is foolish of me.
It is just very disappointing seeing this game get ruined. It used to be expansions were a time of excitement and wonder.
I really am in disbelief that they could wreck the game this badly.
Wild is by definition way more polarized than standard. Everything is more powerful, faster, and way more unfair.
That is not the place you want to be to play a balanced game, although there is still kind of a rock/paper/scissor, nothing beats a perfect draw in wild. NOTHING.
Once you figure out what people is playing at your rank, choose a deck for it. If they play Renathal, play some OTK. If they play aggro, play any anti-aggro deck you're good at.
If your own decks aren't strong enough yet, just use other people's lists. Not necessarily scumbag lists, there are many nice lists around. I haven't fully figured out how to fully invent a legend list yet, but I can change someone else's list so that I can get legend with it for the way I play.
Maybe start with that. Or try standard. Or go biking, or running, if you can. Both are much better than Hearthstone.
Wild is the best mode of the game, but not because its better, but because its less bad.
Battlegrounds is just RNG, you have good RNG you win, simple as that.
Standard is the same decks over and over, zero diversity.
Mercenaries .. ? Should I say anything about that garbage, really?
So what's left? Wild. Even with bullshit toxic cancer like pirates, every single Druid and Shudderwock, but you can just surrender against this crap and have fun in other matches.
Just wanted to chime in and say that mercenaries gets a bad rap (and truly terrible monetization that is super hurting the mode, that much is true for sure, but they have expressed plans to enhance that soon), but it actually has a lot to offer if you give it a chance. I got a similar reaction at first after playing the tutorial the first time, but then i reluctantly came back to it for the fire festival quests and followed up with doing the yogg-saron event tasks and i actually enjoy it a lot and it's now the mode i spend about 60%+ of my time on. I highly recommend giving it a longer second chance, if you've had a bad first impression from tutorial or whatever, you might be surprised
There are many good games out there. Stop giving blizz your money.
If the solution to Wild being problematic is to stop playing the game, then there really is something wrong with Wild. And arena is not a simple replacement for it; you need 150 gold per run which is, you know, a bit more than what a regular match costs.
Wild is so fucked up, it's unbelieveable. I am playing since beta and I have been legend and diamond 5 is the least i am achieving each month. But the state of the game is so awfully imbalanecd, it takes out the fun of the game. It should not be possible to play such powerful cards like quest rewards more than once! Mages playing time warp over and over again is too much. Most time i get them down to 2-4 HP (and they have lots of tools to survive and take no or less damage for rounds) before they start their time warps and i can sit there and watch time plaing as much rounds as needed to beat me down from 30 to 0 HP. And they need some rounds, because their whole deck depends on that one card to be played over and over again. Same with these big priests, cheating out insane powerful minions like Neptulon or Blood of G'huun so early, you cannot get rid of them. And even if you can - they have tons of gimmicks to revive them, so you have to fight the same minions over and over again. I am glad they nerfed that Guff-shit now!
I just think they do mot much play-testing anymore. Whenever a new expansion pops out, they seem surprised how things develop.
Wild is so fucked up, it's unbelieveable. I am playing since beta and I have been legend and diamond 5 is the least i am achieving
I still reach legend against these decks with even simple ones. Sadly the starfish was nerfed to 4 mana, but still a good tech against these threats. There tons of decks to counters these decks, and sometimes u are paired with decks that counter yours (classic matchmaking of HS) So, yeah, u're right but not totally. They playtest stuff enough to release and make players spend shit in game. Then, like their forever model of business, they nerf, and launch more broken shit. Profit
Mages playing time warp over and over again is too much. Most time i get them down to 2-4 HP (and they have lots of tools to survive and take no or less damage for rounds) before they start their time warps and i can sit there and watch time plaing as much rounds as needed to beat me down from 30 to 0 HP. And they need some rounds, because their whole deck depends on that one card to be played over and over again. Same with these big priests, cheating out insane powerful minions like Neptulon or Blood of G'huun so early, you cannot get rid of them. And even if you can - they have tons of gimmicks to revive them, so you have to fight the same minions over and over again.
Got tired of fighting that shit so I pulled out my Even Shaman and went 11-4 to Legend. Aggro works quite well in Wild because of how slow most of your matchups are.
They really do need to change the priest ghuu neptulon deck. It's crazy how this deck can consistently pull out this garbage and resurrect it by turn 3-5 every single game. I've beaten it once in about 30 attempts and that was only with oh my yogg on their shadow essence
This just shows you know nothing about wild,i play wild since they made it a separate thing,there are loads of deck played by loads of clases,the thing is yes they seem OP and they are fast,but in wild all clases have 1-2 crazy strong decks that can get you legend,so you dont have to wait for meta to adjust,you dont have to play against meta too much just play what you want and enjoy and youll get high ranked easy with anyclass.
It is just very disappointing seeing this game get ruined. It used to be expansions were a time of excitement and wonder.
I really am in disbelief that they could wreck the game this badly.
I play from Beta. When was that time of excitement and wonder? Always before the expansion rolls, or at least the first couple of days. Then a couple of oppressive decks start to appear. Why? Because many people have a goal to actually accumulate wins and reach legend. It has always been like that.
From my memory of ancient times, I remember that the only expansion that we enjoyed for more than a couple of days without having denegerate decks was the Darkmoon Faire and before that Whispers of the Old Gods and I think Scolomance, maybe even TGT.
people keep complaining that specific cards are OP and they cannot defeat their respective decks, but they keep trying to do it with the same deck...
I don't find that paladin card too OP. control decks destroy the deck
Even though I hate big priest gameplay and there are games where I simply cannot respond, if i would switch to a full aggro deck I would roll over every big priest encountered.
Infinite turns on mage? there are plenty of cards that would kill their play.
There will always be a card that destroys your gamestyle. If there are too many cards like this from too many classes then your deck is bad.
True, Duels isn't better than those just a bad version of Dungeon Runs but instead of bots there is tryhard people and no bob..
I love so much wild, There is broken things but that's okay, i'm not playing competitive just trying to get at least plat/diam,
(Pirate Rogue is the way, 22-0 right now from bronze 10 to gold 5 but it's actually boring to do those games, Aggro is boring.)
I have always despised uninteractive stuff in HS. I have been playing only since Rasthakan and the best meta was right before Sunken City was released. I could play all my decks in Wild, and have been successful and got to D5 (even D2 few times) with them. Mage was nerfed and there was really mix of any deck in queue. It was the best time for me. Fun, different decks almost every game. Not a single meta was like this (although there were good times before too). Seriously I was happy that Team5 nerfed decks and must admit this was the most fun time I had.
Now? It becomes degenerate again, opponents are really just Shamans, Druids and Mages again. Shamans lock you with Shudderwock, Druids ignore mana boundaries and either steal your deck or Malygos you (or both). Mages as always shit on your deck with their Ice Block and then OTK you. I run Dirty Rat and Mutanus in every deck now, but if the decks are so fast it's not enough and most of the time the disruption doesn't work (that is always feels bad moment).
For this I made Renathal Warlock with disruption cards, removal and big demons. Even now it is not 100% that you win but the chances are very high. It is always delighting to see them press the concede button. The problem I have is that when you hit their wincon, you win, when they assemble their wincon, they win. So in both possibilities one player doesn't get to play their cards and interact between cards. There is no instant disruption so the games are polarized.
Aggro decks are bit different, unless they are super aggro, it is still better game than against mentioned decks. I also put few other decks to check them: Big Priests with Illuminate can coin Shadow Essence on turn 2. That is impossible to beat, also they play Neptulon sometimes and that is GG. Quest Hunter is also bit annoying but don't see it often now and honestly it is beatable and relatively interactive for the matchup. Also Mechwarper should be 3 mana.
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
I feel like , wild changed over last few expansion , bef it was alot of kazakusan druid,quest hunter/ pirate warrior / quest rouge . Since altaric valey came out , i am seeing Mech Paladin, Mech Mage , Pirate Rouge more and more in high diamond or legend , yes Shaman didn't change but so many other decks did,and who knows maybe with the new expension we will see something new again. As long as the same decks don't stay on top for to long i would say its a health format.
Of all the things to cry about in Wild..Mech Paladin? Really? Not even an S-tier deck..
The only thing wild needs is an illuminate ban, a time warp nerf and an alignment nerf.
Honestly, I can't complain, also Shudder shouldn't leave sight of nerf rifle also. Even if still watched...
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
Yesterday I got my 500th Warlock win against a Shuddercuck deck. I played Dirty rat, pulled Shudderwock and killed it before he could Grumble it back. Instant concede, got my golden portrait.
yes, this is THE solution!
Wild is by definition way more polarized than standard. Everything is more powerful, faster, and way more unfair.
That is not the place you want to be to play a balanced game, although there is still kind of a rock/paper/scissor, nothing beats a perfect draw in wild. NOTHING.
Once you figure out what people is playing at your rank, choose a deck for it. If they play Renathal, play some OTK. If they play aggro, play any anti-aggro deck you're good at.
If your own decks aren't strong enough yet, just use other people's lists. Not necessarily scumbag lists, there are many nice lists around. I haven't fully figured out how to fully invent a legend list yet, but I can change someone else's list so that I can get legend with it for the way I play.
Maybe start with that. Or try standard. Or go biking, or running, if you can. Both are much better than Hearthstone.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
Just wanted to chime in and say that mercenaries gets a bad rap (and truly terrible monetization that is super hurting the mode, that much is true for sure, but they have expressed plans to enhance that soon), but it actually has a lot to offer if you give it a chance.
I got a similar reaction at first after playing the tutorial the first time, but then i reluctantly came back to it for the fire festival quests and followed up with doing the yogg-saron event tasks and i actually enjoy it a lot and it's now the mode i spend about 60%+ of my time on.
I highly recommend giving it a longer second chance, if you've had a bad first impression from tutorial or whatever, you might be surprised
Wild is so fucked up, it's unbelieveable. I am playing since beta and I have been legend and diamond 5 is the least i am achieving each month. But the state of the game is so awfully imbalanecd, it takes out the fun of the game.
It should not be possible to play such powerful cards like quest rewards more than once! Mages playing time warp over and over again is too much. Most time i get them down to 2-4 HP (and they have lots of tools to survive and take no or less damage for rounds) before they start their time warps and i can sit there and watch time plaing as much rounds as needed to beat me down from 30 to 0 HP. And they need some rounds, because their whole deck depends on that one card to be played over and over again.
Same with these big priests, cheating out insane powerful minions like Neptulon or Blood of G'huun so early, you cannot get rid of them. And even if you can - they have tons of gimmicks to revive them, so you have to fight the same minions over and over again.
I am glad they nerfed that Guff-shit now!
I just think they do mot much play-testing anymore. Whenever a new expansion pops out, they seem surprised how things develop.
I still reach legend against these decks with even simple ones. Sadly the starfish was nerfed to 4 mana, but still a good tech against these threats.
There tons of decks to counters these decks, and sometimes u are paired with decks that counter yours (classic matchmaking of HS)
So, yeah, u're right but not totally. They playtest stuff enough to release and make players spend shit in game. Then, like their forever model of business, they nerf, and launch more broken shit. Profit
Got tired of fighting that shit so I pulled out my Even Shaman and went 11-4 to Legend. Aggro works quite well in Wild because of how slow most of your matchups are.
They really do need to change the priest ghuu neptulon deck. It's crazy how this deck can consistently pull out this garbage and resurrect it by turn 3-5 every single game. I've beaten it once in about 30 attempts and that was only with oh my yogg on their shadow essence
This just shows you know nothing about wild,i play wild since they made it a separate thing,there are loads of deck played by loads of clases,the thing is yes they seem OP and they are fast,but in wild all clases have 1-2 crazy strong decks that can get you legend,so you dont have to wait for meta to adjust,you dont have to play against meta too much just play what you want and enjoy and youll get high ranked easy with anyclass.
I play from Beta. When was that time of excitement and wonder? Always before the expansion rolls, or at least the first couple of days. Then a couple of oppressive decks start to appear. Why? Because many people have a goal to actually accumulate wins and reach legend. It has always been like that.
From my memory of ancient times, I remember that the only expansion that we enjoyed for more than a couple of days without having denegerate decks was the Darkmoon Faire and before that Whispers of the Old Gods and I think Scolomance, maybe even TGT.
people keep complaining that specific cards are OP and they cannot defeat their respective decks, but they keep trying to do it with the same deck...
I don't find that paladin card too OP. control decks destroy the deck
Even though I hate big priest gameplay and there are games where I simply cannot respond, if i would switch to a full aggro deck I would roll over every big priest encountered.
Infinite turns on mage? there are plenty of cards that would kill their play.
There will always be a card that destroys your gamestyle. If there are too many cards like this from too many classes then your deck is bad.