i never played wild befor so i had 2 star bonus in bronze thats why it take so many wins to get to legend lol... i had like 98% win rate up to rank 7 diamind then i started to meet quest warlock and loseing lots of games
i allso did the deck to do the 3 warrior achevement for exp... and i just keep winning 20 wins befor my first lose then 40 win for 2nd lose so i just say fuck it and lets get legend...
so i dont really get why all the cry about warlock in wild i had more then 50% win rate vs them sure it was 1 of the hardst matchup... but i had like 95%+ win rate vs eachthing else...
yeah pirate warrior is the go to deck if u want fast games.. the non quest version
Quest version isn't bad, certainly, from what I've seen. Probably stronger in a slower meta, as the Q reward is a load of reach and turning more midrangeish - as control, I struggle more with those builds.
Full on aggro PW is the way to go if all you're seeing is QLock and similar, though.
yeah pirate warrior is the go to deck if u want fast games.. the non quest version
quest warrior in wild games take 3-5 min avg... unless there rope each turn ofc
How useful was the extra reach of the Q compared to just being faster, with a lower chance of Patches being dead draw as you're not dropping a pirate T1? Feels like with QLock so heavily played the speed increase might help more.
yeah pirate warrior is the go to deck if u want fast games.. the non quest version
quest warrior in wild games take 3-5 min avg... unless there rope each turn ofc
How useful was the extra reach of the Q compared to just being faster, with a lower chance of Patches being dead draw as you're not dropping a pirate T1? Feels like with QLock so heavily played the speed increase might help more.
the weapon drew on the quest is insane + the 2x2 dmg is allso insane sure part 3 and the 5 mana is not the best but many time you win befor you play the last part of the quest... in the 122 games i thing i drew patches like 15 times... and if i go secend many time i will coin out 1 mana pirate to get patches and a extra 2/2 for free its a big tempo play... the only time i not do it is if i have the 2/3 that do 2 dmg per pirate played then i will wait for turn 2 and use coin for 1 mana pirate and get atlast 4 bonus dmg or 6 if i drew the 2/2 that get played if you play a pirate...
and allso if you lacking dmg the quest reward part 3 can help you win the later match up... as you can see i had no problem winning... i won like 70-5 up to dimind 7 then i won like 32-15 the last 7 quest... the players at diamind is alot better then lower rank since i was bronze 2 bonus star i had very low elo so i probly meet low skilled/new players all the way up to diamind ranks...
This is impressive and congrats, but people should take your win rate/success with a grain of salt before they attempt to craft this deck. As you noted, having never played wild your mmr in the format was as low as it could possibly be, which essentially means that you qued into the most inexperienced or easy to win against players on the ladder for much of your run. That's not to take away from how well you did, but I think players with mmr that is higher relative to yours (which is pretty much everyone since you had the lowest conceivable mmr) should take this into consideration before they potentially spend dust in an attempt to replicate your results.
This is impressive and congrats, but people should take your win rate/success with a grain of salt before they attempt to craft this deck. As you noted, having never played wild your mmr in the format was as low as it could possibly be, which essentially means that you qued into the most inexperienced or easy to win against players on the ladder for much of your run. That's not to take away from how well you did, but I think players with mmr that is higher relative to yours (which is pretty much everyone since you had the lowest conceivable mmr) should take this into consideration before they potentially spend dust in an attempt to replicate your results.
i agree i meet very easy players up to diamind 7 then i started to meet alot better players that know how to play... i get to legend each season in standard so i know how to play the game 100% but i just never wanted to play wild becouse the deck there is very overpowered... but compared to standard this season the power level is not that far off now lol but thats a bad thing
This is impressive and congrats, but people should take your win rate/success with a grain of salt before they attempt to craft this deck. As you noted, having never played wild your mmr in the format was as low as it could possibly be, which essentially means that you qued into the most inexperienced or easy to win against players on the ladder for much of your run. That's not to take away from how well you did, but I think players with mmr that is higher relative to yours (which is pretty much everyone since you had the lowest conceivable mmr) should take this into consideration before they potentially spend dust in an attempt to replicate your results.
i agree i meet very easy players up to diamind 7 then i started to meet alot better players that know how to play... i get to legend each season in standard so i know how to play the game 100% but i just never wanted to play wild becouse the deck there is very overpowered... but compared to standard this season the power level is not that far off now lol but thats a bad thing
Very interesting that you say diamond 7 was the cutoff, it's always been diamond 5-4 for me. As for power levels, I think quest lock in wild is still a good deal stronger than d6 in standard, but it definitely does feel like the game is much faster and more uninteractive now in both standard and wild so they do kind of blend together. It will be interesting to see which, if any, control archetypes become viable/popular over the course of this expansion.
Having played quite a bit of Quest Pirate Warrior in wild I have to say the quest is indeed insane. Drawing Ancharrr is so big and the 2x2 damage more than makes up for the loss in tempo from playing the quest. Even in the mirror match the quest is good, but if you are going first it might be better sometimes to play a pirate on t1 and drop the quest on t2, just for the tempo.
As for the quest reward, it's been relevant way more often than I expected. For example in the past against a deck like Secret Mage you either killed them by t5-t6 or they cleared your board with an Arcane Flakmage and you lose. Now even if they survive your early aggression and clear your board, they still lose to the inevitability of the Juggernaut. Same applies to some other 'controlish' decks like Reno Hunter. Finally, I was surprised to see the final quest reward being super relevant in the mirror match. Unless one of the two players gets a much nuttier draw and the game is over by t4-t5, in the mirror match there is usually a very intense fight for board control, with both sides trading a lot, which means that no-one is close to dying when the quests are completed and it often comes down to who drops the Juggernaut first. I've had multiple mirrors that were decided by it
Oh and somehow, despite being a very fast and very aggressive deck, it still isn't favored vs Questlock...
i never played wild befor so i had 2 star bonus in bronze thats why it take so many wins to get to legend lol... i had like 98% win rate up to rank 7 diamind then i started to meet quest warlock and loseing lots of games
i allso did the deck to do the 3 warrior achevement for exp... and i just keep winning 20 wins befor my first lose then 40 win for 2nd lose so i just say fuck it and lets get legend...
so i dont really get why all the cry about warlock in wild i had more then 50% win rate vs them sure it was 1 of the hardst matchup... but i had like 95%+ win rate vs eachthing else...
its quest warrior pirate
deck code AAEBAaPLAwTlB5G8At6tA5j2Aw3UBfsPgrACiLAC3K0D3a0D6bADtd4D/ucDlfYDz/sDpooEr6AEAA==
Way to go. Might need to try the deck out since they nerfed the Odd Paladin that I had been playing.
decklist please :D
yeah pirate warrior is the go to deck if u want fast games.. the non quest version
"There is no spoon"
Quest version isn't bad, certainly, from what I've seen. Probably stronger in a slower meta, as the Q reward is a load of reach and turning more midrangeish - as control, I struggle more with those builds.
Full on aggro PW is the way to go if all you're seeing is QLock and similar, though.
We will give him an hour.
its quest warrior pirate
deck code AAEBAaPLAwTlB5G8At6tA5j2Aw3UBfsPgrACiLAC3K0D3a0D6bADtd4D/ucDlfYDz/sDpooEr6AEAA==
quest warrior in wild games take 3-5 min avg... unless there rope each turn ofc
How useful was the extra reach of the Q compared to just being faster, with a lower chance of Patches being dead draw as you're not dropping a pirate T1? Feels like with QLock so heavily played the speed increase might help more.
the weapon drew on the quest is insane + the 2x2 dmg is allso insane sure part 3 and the 5 mana is not the best but many time you win befor you play the last part of the quest... in the 122 games i thing i drew patches like 15 times... and if i go secend many time i will coin out 1 mana pirate to get patches and a extra 2/2 for free its a big tempo play... the only time i not do it is if i have the 2/3 that do 2 dmg per pirate played then i will wait for turn 2 and use coin for 1 mana pirate and get atlast 4 bonus dmg or 6 if i drew the 2/2 that get played if you play a pirate...
and allso if you lacking dmg the quest reward part 3 can help you win the later match up... as you can see i had no problem winning... i won like 70-5 up to dimind 7 then i won like 32-15 the last 7 quest... the players at diamind is alot better then lower rank since i was bronze 2 bonus star i had very low elo so i probly meet low skilled/new players all the way up to diamind ranks...
sorry for my bad english...
here is how long games take and what i win/lose vs
9.2 hours for 122 games wow it feel like it take longer but meby it was becouse i did not que right away each time lol
This is impressive and congrats, but people should take your win rate/success with a grain of salt before they attempt to craft this deck. As you noted, having never played wild your mmr in the format was as low as it could possibly be, which essentially means that you qued into the most inexperienced or easy to win against players on the ladder for much of your run. That's not to take away from how well you did, but I think players with mmr that is higher relative to yours (which is pretty much everyone since you had the lowest conceivable mmr) should take this into consideration before they potentially spend dust in an attempt to replicate your results.
only diamind ranks games since this is the 1 that matter the most
i agree i meet very easy players up to diamind 7 then i started to meet alot better players that know how to play... i get to legend each season in standard so i know how to play the game 100% but i just never wanted to play wild becouse the deck there is very overpowered... but compared to standard this season the power level is not that far off now lol but thats a bad thing
Very interesting that you say diamond 7 was the cutoff, it's always been diamond 5-4 for me. As for power levels, I think quest lock in wild is still a good deal stronger than d6 in standard, but it definitely does feel like the game is much faster and more uninteractive now in both standard and wild so they do kind of blend together. It will be interesting to see which, if any, control archetypes become viable/popular over the course of this expansion.
Having played quite a bit of Quest Pirate Warrior in wild I have to say the quest is indeed insane. Drawing Ancharrr is so big and the 2x2 damage more than makes up for the loss in tempo from playing the quest. Even in the mirror match the quest is good, but if you are going first it might be better sometimes to play a pirate on t1 and drop the quest on t2, just for the tempo.
As for the quest reward, it's been relevant way more often than I expected. For example in the past against a deck like Secret Mage you either killed them by t5-t6 or they cleared your board with an Arcane Flakmage and you lose. Now even if they survive your early aggression and clear your board, they still lose to the inevitability of the Juggernaut. Same applies to some other 'controlish' decks like Reno Hunter. Finally, I was surprised to see the final quest reward being super relevant in the mirror match. Unless one of the two players gets a much nuttier draw and the game is over by t4-t5, in the mirror match there is usually a very intense fight for board control, with both sides trading a lot, which means that no-one is close to dying when the quests are completed and it often comes down to who drops the Juggernaut first. I've had multiple mirrors that were decided by it
Oh and somehow, despite being a very fast and very aggressive deck, it still isn't favored vs Questlock...
wow my deck now have the highst win rate on all rank in wild now :)