I can resume all my days in wild in my last 5 matches ..
1. Pirate Warrior
2. Secret Mage
3. Mech Paladin
4. Mech Paladin
5. Pirate Warrior
Please Blizzard, make a ban list, a filter, a .. I DON'T KNOW! DO SOMETHING!
Even if all matches that I will ignore with the ban list I get a instant loss, I don't care! Just let me have fun! Please!
I have been playing Mech Paladin non-stop in Wild, just to hit rank 5 easily before the end of the month (which I did). Easy games, no much thinking and a lot of fun!!! Maybe you should join us instead of complaining... ;)
Wild is wild, only Standard should remain perfectly balanced and without crazy aggro decks (something that never happened to be honest, but my point still stands... ;) ).
OP practically lives and bathes in the Salt Thread. It goes there to spit venom whenever it loses a game.
I don't even see the reason for a Salt Thread in the first place. People who are sore losers shouldn't be playing games in the first place.
But given the fact that there is one, why not move this thread, as well as all threads of the form "Card/Deck needs a nerf" to it? There is absolutely nothing constructive that ever comes out of these threads.
Or is HearthPwn only a dumping ground for born losers to shit on the game?
eh, it is what it is i enjoyed the game while it lasted back in old gods era where control warrior aka wallet warrior dominated. i dont think whatever they change in wild will fix it because you need to find a universal definition to the word "fix". in your case you hate facing up against aggressive fast decks that deny you from having fun with i assume your not so aggressive deck. while i may agree with you that aggro decks are annoying to play against, the people who play such decks actually manage to find joy in bashing your hero's face in as early as turn 4.
while you and i probably think the game is better off without these petty decks blizzard will most likely do nothing about it, even if they did you would find these sad people coming back on these forums instead of you barking for the same thing, which willl never happen.
they have the advantage, there decks are more consistent they win games they find joy and i pity them for how easily they accept a "victory".
All I want is to have fun, it's all I ask for.
I can resume all my days in wild in my last 5 matches ..
1. Pirate Warrior
2. Secret Mage
3. Mech Paladin
4. Mech Paladin
5. Pirate Warrior
Please Blizzard, make a ban list, a filter, a .. I DON'T KNOW! DO SOMETHING!
Even if all matches that I will ignore with the ban list I get a instant loss, I don't care! Just let me have fun! Please!
I'm sorry for my bad english :D
I wish blizzard could do something about all these whiny threads
Hey look! Another thread about how Wild is broken. And it would be perfect, if only "X" happens.
I have faced almost 50% warlocks lately, no mech paladins nor pirate Warriors.
Are we playing the same game?
Also, mods, move to Wild discussion?
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Moved to Wild forum
Hmm this aggro problem is mostly in the higher tiers 6-1... lower tiers look fine, Legend too...
I have been playing Mech Paladin non-stop in Wild, just to hit rank 5 easily before the end of the month (which I did). Easy games, no much thinking and a lot of fun!!! Maybe you should join us instead of complaining... ;)
Wild is wild, only Standard should remain perfectly balanced and without crazy aggro decks (something that never happened to be honest, but my point still stands... ;) ).
Is that enough?
OP practically lives and bathes in the Salt Thread. It goes there to spit venom whenever it loses a game.
I don't even see the reason for a Salt Thread in the first place. People who are sore losers shouldn't be playing games in the first place.
But given the fact that there is one, why not move this thread, as well as all threads of the form "Card/Deck needs a nerf" to it? There is absolutely nothing constructive that ever comes out of these threads.
Or is HearthPwn only a dumping ground for born losers to shit on the game?
Neither I, such a thread is a disgrace for any forum, a pathetic joke in my opinion... :(
they cant even make tavern brawl work, you are asking too much for a casual format
maybe for once instead od moving to wild move it to the thread there is for this SALTY THREAD!!
eh, it is what it is i enjoyed the game while it lasted back in old gods era where control warrior aka wallet warrior dominated. i dont think whatever they change in wild will fix it because you need to find a universal definition to the word "fix". in your case you hate facing up against aggressive fast decks that deny you from having fun with i assume your not so aggressive deck. while i may agree with you that aggro decks are annoying to play against, the people who play such decks actually manage to find joy in bashing your hero's face in as early as turn 4.
while you and i probably think the game is better off without these petty decks blizzard will most likely do nothing about it, even if they did you would find these sad people coming back on these forums instead of you barking for the same thing, which willl never happen.
they have the advantage, there decks are more consistent they win games they find joy and i pity them for how easily they accept a "victory".
Wild is supposed to be Wild.
Mods please do something about this kind of post
This is cry post 5 i have seend in less the 24 hours